Buses, Hospitals, Working Life and an AGM

Buses, Hospitals, Working Life and an AGM

This has been, and is, the schedule of the Local History Group.  Buses in January, Military Hospital in February and now AGM and Working Life on March 13th.  First, a brief heads up on the first two, very good, talks:

Colchester bus circa 1960Transport of Delight

This was the first meeting of the New Year with Alan Skinner talking about Colchester Buses – a century of service. Alan stated that he was no expert on the subject of local transport, but he certainly was very knowledgeable about the history of the buses in Colchester and the surrounding villages; he gave a well-illustrated presentation and welcomed additional information from audience members. This was Alan’s second visit to the history group his first subject was the history of “Greyfriars”.

Military Hospital

In February Paul Byrne spoke about the history and origins of the Military Hospital in Colchester.  He explained how it developed to play a major role in helping soldiers from the Boer War and later WW1 men with mental illness now recognised as PTSD. The hospital was also used for civilian patients’ in later years when the Essex County Hospital was no longer large enough to cater for the growing population. An interesting insight into the part that Colchester played over the years helping all military personnel.

Working life in various forms, agricultural, industrial and clerical.AGM

The Local History Group’s AGM starts at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 13th March in the Orpen Hall.

Peter Jones will introduce some archive films about Working Life after the AGM.

Members are asked to get in contact if they are willing to stand for the committee or help with refreshments.  Subscriptions for 2019/20 are now due – great value at just £10.

For further information please contact Gill Poole on 01206 240512 or email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

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