Centurion Newspaper – November Edition

centurion newspaper graphic on Climate Emergency responseCenturion Newspaper

The November edition of Colchester BC’s Centurion Newspaper is an interesting read covering many topics including:

  • Why CBC has £10m less than last year,
  • “We Are Colchester” grant application for £25m from the government’s Town Deal scheme,
  • Mini-parks in the High Street,
  • New council home developments,
  • Progress on new Sports Park,
  • CAReless campaign to reduce pollution,
  • Climate Emergency Response (see right),
  • Electric Cargo Bikes,
  • Rough sleeper outreach, and
  • Lots of information about local services.

You can read the newspaper below or Continue reading “Centurion Newspaper – November Edition”

Colchester BC COVID-19 Updates

Colchester BCColchester BC COVID-19 Updates

A number of updates in this, quick links in the list:

Closure of Buildings

Following the Government’s advice on helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 CBC has taken the decision to close buildings to the public from close of play today (Thursday 18 March).

However, while the buildings are closed to the public, all other services, including the Continue reading “Colchester BC COVID-19 Updates”

The Final Hurdle

Six years later a decision was made

Six years later a decision was madeThe Final Hurdle

In March 2013 the Parish Council launched the Neighbourhood Plan project; we cleared the final hurdle on Wednesday night.  Wednesday saw Colchester Borough Council approve the plan to make it official policy.  We reached the “home straight” on 19th September when 862 electors gave a resounding thumbs up to the final plan; 59 voted against it and 1 voted to Stop Brexit!  The record Continue reading “The Final Hurdle”

West Bergholt goes to the polls early!

Poll card & flyer for Neighbourhood Plan Refrendum

Poll card & flyer for Neighbourhood Plan RefrendumWest Bergholt goes to the polls early!

The residents of West Bergholt will go to the polls on Thursday 19th September to decide to adopt their local Neighbourhood Plan.

So far the presence of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan has been used by the Planning Inspectorate in four planning appeals, preventing some 250 additional houses.  Chairman of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Steering Group, Chris Stevenson, stated: Continue reading “West Bergholt goes to the polls early!”

Colchester Heritage Open Days – Dozens Open for free

Heritage Open Properties Map

Heritage Open DaysColchester Heritage Open Days

The popular Open Days Weekend returns to Colchester for 2019. Dozens of properties will be open to the public over two weekends spanning of the 13th to 22nd of September, giving you the opportunity to explore the town’s heritage for free.  Note not all are open every day so check the download for details.

Many of the properties are not normally open to the public, and several are hosting special events, tours and talks that will give you a special insight into the town’s unique history.

Follow on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for the latest news and updates on what’s happening in Colchester.

Heritage Open Properties Map


Decision Time for Neighbourhood Plan

Final Referendum NP Cover

Final Referendum NP CoverDecision Time for Neighbourhood Plan

After nearly 7 years of planning and consultation, it is now decision time for the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan.  The Statutory ‘Regulation 16’ Consultation has taken place and some changes recommended.  Consequently, a final version of the plan will soon be available on the website.

The decision will be made by referendum of registered electors which will take place on Thursday 19th September 2019.  The referendum will ask the following simple question: Continue reading “Decision Time for Neighbourhood Plan”

Buses, Hospitals, Working Life and an AGM

Buses, Hospitals, Working Life and an AGM

This has been, and is, the schedule of the Local History Group.  Buses in January, Military Hospital in February and now AGM and Working Life on March 13th.  First, a brief heads up on the first two, very good, talks:

Colchester bus circa 1960Transport of Delight

This was the first meeting of the New Year with Alan Skinner talking about Colchester Buses – a century of service. Alan stated that he was no expert on the subject of local transport, but he certainly was very knowledgeable about the history of the buses in Colchester and the surrounding villages; he gave a well-illustrated presentation and welcomed additional information from audience members. This was Alan’s second visit to the history group his first subject was the history of “Greyfriars”.

Military Hospital

In February Paul Byrne spoke about the history and origins of the Military Hospital in Colchester.  He explained how it developed to play a major role in helping soldiers from the Boer War and later WW1 men with mental illness now recognised as PTSD. The hospital was also used for civilian patients’ in later years when the Essex County Hospital was no longer large enough to cater for the growing population. An interesting insight into the part that Colchester played over the years helping all military personnel.

Working life in various forms, agricultural, industrial and clerical.AGM

The Local History Group’s AGM starts at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 13th March in the Orpen Hall.

Peter Jones will introduce some archive films about Working Life after the AGM.

Members are asked to get in contact if they are willing to stand for the committee or help with refreshments.  Subscriptions for 2019/20 are now due – great value at just £10.

For further information please contact Gill Poole on 01206 240512 or email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Ratification

Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Ratification

West Bergholt submitted its final draft Neighbourhood Plan to Colchester Borough Council for ratification in late December last year.  This followed endorsement of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’s proposals by the Parish Council at its November meeting.

The latest version incorporates feedback received during our consultation with the community in June.   As Planning Authority the Borough Council is now Continue reading “Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Ratification”

Trees for Years 2019

Red Stem Dogwood, available in Trees for Years 2016

Trees for Years 2019

Colchester Borough Council is giving residents and groups who’d like to green-up their gardens a helping hand, with its annual ‘Trees for Years’ giveaway on Saturday, 2 February.  Turn up at Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road between 10 am – 1 pm and you can take home up to 3 plants per resident (or 15 per school/community group or parish council).  Arrive Continue reading “Trees for Years 2019”

Colchester & the Armistice

Colchester celebrating the WW1 Armistice

Colchester celebrating the WW1 ArmisticeColchester & the Armistice

Andrew Phillips, a local historian and author, will talk about Colchester & the Armistice in delivering the Annual Bernard Colbron Lecture.  Organised by the West Bergholt Local History Group, the talk takes place at 7:30 pm on 14th November in the Orpen Hall.  Entry from 7 pm and only £2 for members, £4 for visitors.

With the centenary of the end of the Great War occurring on November 11th 2018, this talk is very appropriate as it follows Continue reading “Colchester & the Armistice”

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