21st AGM of the Friends of Hillhouse Wood
It’s now twenty one years since the Friends was formed and, since then, they have worked closely with this piece of ancient woodland and the Woodland Trust. The 21st AGM of the Friends of Hillhouse Wood will be held on Wednesday 9th December in the Orpen Hall, Lexden Road, starting at 7:30pm.
We are happy for anyone to attend our AGM so, even if you are not a member, just turn up. The only thing you won’t be able to do is vote! As well as an illustrated talk you’ll hear about what’s been going on in the wood over the last year. This includes the various public events as well as the achievements of the working parties.
Following the formal business there will be an illustrated talk by Darren Tansley, Water for Wildlife Officer for Essex Wildlife Trust, on the subject of “The Mammals of Essex”.
Any enquiries for more information to M.R. Pluck, Honorary Secretary, on 01206 514173.