The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th September 2015 when they discussed a range of issues including handymen, traffic safety, playgrounds, grass & hedge cutting, litter, ponds & budget.
Environment & Highways Report
Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 10th September 2015 in Orpen Hall
Councillors present | John Gili Ross, Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James |
Apologies |
In attendance:- Laura Walkingshaw, Parish Clerk; David Hewitt, Village handyman.
1. |
Welcome |
John welcomed all to the meeting and introduced David to those who haven’t yet met him. | ||
2. |
Matters arising from last meeting |
a) Traffic Safety Plan – New Church road will need resurfacing prior to yellow lines being reinstated. Poor parking has been less of a problem recently but it will be important for members to monitor this. 20mph signs will be needed in New Church Road and School Road. Harry and Chris Stevenson will meet with school head teacher to discuss parking problems for parents. | HS | |
b) Plaque for beacon – needs measuring and ordering. Plinth for beacon to be built by Ivor. Expense approved. | JGR | |
c) St Mary’s Church – it is agreed that David will sort out the French drain. The cost of labour will be a donation to the church from the PC. The church will supply the materials. David will carry out the work next week. | DH | |
d) Cleaning “no dog signs” at Orpen Hall to be carried out by David. | DH | |
3. |
Handyman work schedule |
John has discussed the work schedule with David and Ivor. | JGR | |
4. |
Grass cutting and Hedge cutting |
a) Cutting of the Lorkin Daniell field will be discussed at next Finance meeting. Phil and Football club to be represented. | PW | |
b) LD hedge project will be carried out by handyman. | JGR | |
c) Hedges on Heath and Poors Land will need cutting during half-term. Laura will find out who we used last year and liaise with Murray regarding sweeper. | LW & MH | |
5. |
Litter by Practice goal area. |
This continues to be a problem. After much discussion it was agreed to purchase a rubbish bin to be placed nearby to encourage litter clearing. Jenny to investigate ordering a bin. | JC | |
6. |
Pond Clearing |
Need to arrange with Colchester Volunteers to carry out clearing of all three ponds in the Autumn. Jenny to arrange | JC | |
7. |
Playground equipment |
Repairs have been made by Ivor to bring the Safety measure up to scratch following the last Health and Safety assessment. Next inspection due currently. The “baby” swings have a space for a third swing to be installed in the middle proposed to order one and arrange for Ivor to install | JGR | |
8. |
Budget for next year |
Needs consideration. Laura will send out budget statements for information | LW | |
Date of next meeting – Thursday 8th October 2015 at 4.45pm in JL Hall. |