Day 57 of (is it?) Lockdown – The Heinz edition

Day 57 of (is it?) Lockdown

Slim pickings in terms of news on day 57, just 2 items and one of those is incomplete.  A little bit of trivia to start with. Heinz has always been known for its 57 varieties but even when it was first introduced in 19th Century Pittsburgh they had more than 60; Henry J Heinz simply thought 57 was a lucky number.  Of course, Heinz now has over 5,700 varieties, read more here.  The news:

A message from local Hospital Trust about PPE

Thank you so much to everyone in our communities who has donated PPE and other donations to our hospitals during the pandemic.  We have been overwhelmed by people’s generosity and community spirit.

Our teams are working hard to keep all our patients and staff safe and we have been able to keep a steady supply of PPE into our Trust. It is important that we ensure that every piece of PPE used by our staff meets strict safety guidelines and, for that reason, we need to work with suppliers who can guarantee NHS standards of safety.

We are not currently asking for any PPE or scrubs donations.

We also don’t need fundraising donations for PPE. If people would like to fundraise to support us during the pandemic, we ask that donations are made to our COVID-19 Staff Wellbeing Appeal which is supporting our staff’s mental and physical wellbeing. More details about the appeal can be found here.

Rest Assured

Please rest assured that we continue to follow all national Public Health England (PHE) guidance on how and when PPE should be worn. Our teams monitor PPE levels daily to make sure we are aware of any potential shortages and can address them using the NHS supply chain.  Staff with queries or concerns about PPE should talk to their line manager, the PPE champion working in their area or the Trust’s ‘Freedom to Speak Up’ guardian.

Thank you to everyone for efforts to keep our communities safe.

How was it for you?  Share your stories

The Research and Citizen Insight team at Essex County Council are reaching out to residents of Essex to hear their experiences and share stories of what it has been like for you during this extremely challenging time.  There is much more to say about this I’m sure but the link provided was not working – possibly more on this tomorrow, in the meantime start thinking about what you could share.

Light Relief

Toilet Paper Workout

Don’t get confused

Jolene Lockdown Parody




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