Erle Havard Play Area Consultation

Erle Havard Play Area Consultation

Erle Havard Play Area ConsultationErle Havard Play Area Consultation

Colchester Borough Homes is planning to upgrade the Erle Havard Play Area this year and are consulting on  5 options.  You can see some simple illustrations of the five options on their website at and, on that same page, click on your preferred option.

The deadline for responses is 24th January so is looming; there is no constraint on who can vote so an opportunity to get the kids involved!

See the result here.


Jumble Sale at Scouts HQ

Scouts Jumble Sale 11th JanuaryJumble Sale Tomorrow

The ever-popular 1st West Bergholt Scouts‘ Jumble Sale is tomorrow, 11th January. They are open today to receive donations (jumble, bric-a-brac, books etc – NO furniture please).

Doors to the Scout HQ in Lexden Road will open at 2 pm tomorrow, entrance is 50p and it is then £1 to fill one of their bags or £5 to fill a black bag.

For more details contact 852780.  Charity number is 285352.

Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Over 150 people from the village gathered on the evening of 11th November to play their part in a nationwide “Battle’s Over” commemoration.  This nationwide event was marking the ending of the 1st World War 100 years ago.

The commemoration saw a common theme being played out in urban and rural areas, towns, villages and cities.  Collectively a 1000 buglers were sounding the Last Post, over 1000 beacons of light being ignited;  a similar number of Cathedral and Church bells also rung out. Continue reading “Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions”

St Mary’s Update – 16th April 2018

St Mary’s Update – 16th April 2018

St Mary’s Church update for 16th April provides listings of services and other events and news.  This update includes special Pentecost and St George’s Day services, Thy Kingdom Come wave of prayer, Home Groups, Christian Aid Week and news from the Annual Church Meeting.

News from the Annual Church Meeting on Sun 15 April

Sue Day has been re-appointed as Church Warden but Pete Jeffery has had to Continue reading “St Mary’s Update – 16th April 2018”

St Mary’s Update – 20th April

Ignite image

St Mary’s Update – 20th April 2017

St Mary’s Church update for 4th April provides listings of services, bible readings and other events and news such as IGNITE! Youth Ceelebration Service, St George’s Day Parade, Alpha Course and Senior Citizen’s Lunch.

Don’t forget, the church is now open on weekdays if you would like a quiet space to reflect or say a prayer for someone.

Ignite imageIGNITE! Youth Celebration Service – Friday 21 April 7.45pm, St Mary’s, West Bergholt

The first IGNITE service in January was such a success that the young people have asked for another one! Continue reading “St Mary’s Update – 20th April”

Premises & Recreation – 7th March 2016

Premises & Recreation – 7th March 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 7th March when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, bollards, licences, lighting, Poors Land, Orpen Hall toilets and Football Clubs.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Monday 7 March 2016 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Harry Stone and Bob Tyrrell.
Also in attendance Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk)




Brian Butcher, Jenny Church and Rosemary James


Matters from Last Meeting



Orpen Hall Signage

This item is on hold at the moment and will be removed as an agenda item. Will re-visit later in the year.



Health and Safety Questionnaire – Asbestos Report/Fire Extinguish Training

The Clerk has found documents relating to asbestos in switch room, Health & Safety Fire Risk Assessments, Site Specific Risk Assessments and also a Building Survey from 1999. The Clerk has now provided these documents to BB. Await to hear from BB if sufficient.

The Hall Administrator has spoken to Bluebells and they felt a fire extinguisher handling session would benefit them. Dependant on costs there is the possibility of extending that training to the Parish Council and the heads of the various groups. VB-C to find out about costs.

The need for a clear Assembly Point was noted and a reminder needed to the various users to clarify that & general housekeeping rules prior to each event. BB & VBC to liaise to discuss.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report



Scouts – Asbestos Survey

Clerk has contacted Scouts regarding a warning notice on the area of asbestos in the Scout Hut. The Scouts have a committee meeting the week beginning 7th March. Will await reply and report back to Premises sub-committee.





Clerk still waiting to obtain copies of two left-hand bollard keys from WBFC, will hopefully pick up on Sat 12th March. Handyman has moved bicycle rack to make it more difficult to drive over the ramp onto field. Committee need to discuss MUGA bollards.

Committee agreed that the small space accessed past the MUGA bollards is not an imminent problem.




Draft T&C for one-off hirers

VBC to draft additional Terms and Conditions to one-off hirers to be signed on day of hire – to note their responsibility on the day. Item in progress.




Bar Licence & Music Licence

Clerk spoke to PRS for Music, licences are no longer issued, the only proof is the invoice & statement of payment.

Bar Licence –  Clerk has been approached by the Orpen Players concerned that the Social Club will no longer be keeping the Premises Licence for the entire building. LW to check with Social Club.




Lighting inside and out at Hall

Outside – flood lights fixed, waiting for starter motors on others.

Inside – Hall Administrator to check through internal lighting to ensure all bulbs working and all grills re-applied.




Car Parking

An email had been received from Andy Tomkins of the Pentecostal Church regarding parking on Sundays at the Hall. The Church has had difficulties finding free parking spaces of late, due to the number of Sunday matches played by WBFC. They requested that an area of the car park be cordoned off to allow five spaces to be reserved for them and ensure their children’s safety.

VB-C obtained a fixture list from WBFC, there are 11 matches a year played on Sundays from Sept – May, 3 matches left this season. It was noted that no part of the car park is cordoned off on Saturdays, when the Football Club also play and often coincides with parties occurring at 2 pm.

It was agreed by the committee that the Orpen Hall Car Park is a public car park and that the Hall does not have the staff available to approve this request. VB-C to reply to Andy Tomkins.





The Hall Administrator has found lately that both Halls are frequently booked at the same time and has suggested that each Hall should have their own set of tables. The committee were happy for her to obtain some quotes regarding this matter and then report back to them.



Poor’s Land – Countrywide

This item was already agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 24th Feb and therefore did not need to be discussed.


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

The committee agreed the wording on the draft T&C to BHYFC regarding the use of the Orpen Hall disabled toilet. However, following the response from BHYFC it is clear that the day needs to change to Sunday and the times from 9.30am-4.00pm. VB-C to make changes and go ahead with proposed T&C, which will be presented at the next Parish Council meeting. VB-C

Agenda Item

The committee discussed the viability of a lockable toilet being built on the Poors Land and the possibility of the PTA funding this. HS to liaise with the Headteacher, Mr Hallam when he next meets with him. HS


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

Esposito McLean have been appointed as designers for the Orpen Hall toilet refurbishment. BT & VB-C await to hear from him regarding timescale and access to the building for measuring up.


Storage Units

The Environment sub-committee will be discussing this item on Thursday 10th March, it will then be brought back to this committee next month.



No other items were raised. Meeting closed at 8.15pm


Date of next meeting – 4th April 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall



Mary and Joseph’s local journey

Posada - Mary & Joseph touring West Bergholt & Great HorkesleyWill you meet Mary and Joseph on their journey this year?

The churches in West Bergholt and Great Horkesley, as part of their Christmas preparations, are supporting Mary and Joseph on their journey around the villages.

They will be visiting the various West Bergholt Guide, Brownies, Cubs, Beavers and Rainbow packs in the lead up to the Gift and Parade service with the Uniformed organisations at 11am on Sunday 1st December.  This will take place in the West Bergholt Methodist Church, Chapel Road and all are welcome to come to this celebration service.

Mary and Joseph will also be visiting other groups/organisations that are happy to offer them hospitality. Their itinerary is still being finalised but it is already known that among others they will be visiting:-

  • Bluebell pre-school
  • Christmas tree festival at Great Horkesley
  • St. Marys for young people’s activities


This custom of the figures of Mary and Joseph going on a journey in the local community stems from Mexico where it is known as ‘Posada’.  As we welcome the figures of Mary and Joseph we are encouraged to remember those who are homeless and outcast today and to reflect on how we might offer hospitality to others this Christmas. These figures of Mary and Joseph are travelling around West Bergholt and Great Horkesley to remind us of that first Christmas journey to Bethlehem. When they arrived no room could be found for them, except in a stable, but hopefully this year they will receive a warm welcome in the groups that they visit and there will be places for them to stay.  They are keeping a diary of their travels which will be available at West Bergholt Methodist Church from their Candlelight Carol service at 6.30pm on 22nd December onwards.

If your group is interested in having a visit from Mary and Joseph and would like to welcome them please contact Andrew Wilks to arrange this (01206 242511; [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]).

On behalf of West Bergholt Methodist Church, St Mary’s Church West Bergholt and All Saints and St John’s Churches Great Horkesley.

All Jumbled Up

The Scout & Guide group’s recent jumble sale was adjudged a great success. Despite poor weather they managed to raise £800 in 90-minutes and were still able to donate remaining books to NSPCC, toys and games to the Children’s Hospice. Harwich Reclaim bought bags of clothes for re-distribution.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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