Premises & Recreation – 4th July 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 4th July when, among other items, they discussed Health & Safety, Scouts, Social Club, Youth Football, Flower Club, Orpen Players & Orpen Hall toilets.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 4thJuly 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Bob Tyrrell, Harry Stone.
Apologies Brian Butcher (MH accepted)

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)

Observing the meeting: Janet Crichton and Mark Leggett


Matters from Last Meeting

2.1 Health and Safety Questionnaire
Waiting to hear from the Headquarters of Essex Fire Service whether they are able to assist us.  VBC said the company she was waiting to hear back from was only interested in clients carrying out a course.  It was suggested that VBC attend a course and then arrange for an internal training session with Bluebells, regular hirers and Parish Councillors etc.


Clerks & Administrator’s Report

3.1 Table and Chairs – further to the notification going on the website for tables to be returned – no tables have been returned.
3.2 Draft T&C for one-off hirers – this is with BB for comment. BB/VBC
3.3 Scouts – Asbestos Survey – LW will update at next meeting. LW
3.4 Social Club – cigarette ends – LW will update at next meeting. LW


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

It has been agreed that reception and year one will be able to train on Saturday mornings with the proviso that they will be off the football pitch by 10.30.  This will start from September 2016 and Gareth Minter (school teacher from Heathlands) will be running the Club.  A Memo of Understanding is currently awaiting signature.  Terry Smith from the West Bergholt Football Club will be white lining demarcation.  The cost will be £200/pa but not to be invoiced until Christmas.  The club will be charging each child to attend. LW/
West Bergholt Football Club are also going to be running an under 11’s training session on a Thursday afternoon and they will be moving around the football pitch each time so not to ruin the pitch for the league usage.
VBC updated that she is now liaising with Peter Sanderson re the use of the disabled toilet on a Saturday and Sunday morning.


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

Contract has been agreed – slight change in having ceramic flooring now.  An Asbestos Survey of the Hall will be required – VBC was letting them in on Thursday 7th July for this to be carried out.  The contractor will start 18th July 2016 and complete by 1st September 2016.


Storage Units

The Flower Club cupboard has now been moved from the garage and whilst the contractor is on site for the toilet refurbishment they will fill the hole between the two garages.  Orpen Players had a clear out/tidy up and have advised that they do not require any shelving.  What still needs to be done is a demarcation yellow paint strip between Orpen Players and BYG. JG-R



1)    VBC advised that the projector has a crack – she sent pictures off and it is the projector rather than the lamp.  A new projector would cost £650 plus £75 fitting.  VBC to go back and ask for a quote to take it down and send off and for the faulty bit to be replaced. VBC
2)    BT came to the meeting with ideas for signage around the Hall so that all signs are uniform.  It was agreed that this should go to the Parish Council Meeting for further discussion. BT/
3)    The John Lampon ramp which now has painted lines along the edge still feel that this is inadequate and whether soil can be placed on either side.


Meeting closed at 8.15pm


(Handy man)


9. Date of next meeting – 5 September 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


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