Something’s Burning – A Comedy from the Orpen Players

Something's Burning Poster

Something’s Burning

Written by Eric Chappell (best known for his work on TV successes such as Rising Damp & Only When I Laugh), he says this about this upcoming play from the Orpen Players:

This play was first produced at the Theatre Royal, Windsor and starred Joanna van Gyseghem and Christopher Blake.
The play is a wry comedy centred on Nell, an attractive if acerbic woman who has been deserted by her husband and now feels at the crossroads of her life.
Her affair with George Rush, a local teacher and poet, is going nowhere until the arrival of an older man. He provides the spark that causes the dying affair to erupt suddenly into flame.

The production runs from 11th – 13th May at 8pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall.  Tickets are £6 (Thursday) and £7 (Friday & Saturday) and available either by calling 01206 241048 or, from 29th April, Ash’s Store.

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Orpen Players‘ pantomime this year is Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs.

The shows are:

  • Friday 27th January 7.30pm,
  • Saturday 28th January 2pm & 7.30pm,
  • Friday 3rd February 7.30pm,
  • Saturday 4th February 2pm & 7.30pm.

Reserve your tickets by calling 01206 241048, alternatively, the box office opens at Ash’s Store from Saturday 14th January.

Track Record

The Players’ pantomime last year, Jack and the Beanstalk, won Continue reading “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs”

Premises & Recreation – 6th June 2016

Premises & Recreation – 6th June 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 6th June when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, licences, Social Club, MUGA, Orpen Hall toilets, storage and BHYFC.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 6th June 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Bob Tyrrell.
Apologies Harry Stone (BB accepted)

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)

Before Agenda items commenced the Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman were agreed as follows:-

Chairman – Brian Butcher – Proposed Murray Harlow – Seconded by Jenny Church

Vice – Chairman – Murray Harlow – Proposed Brian Butcher – Seconded by Bob Tyrrell

Terms of Reference – this has not been resolved and as Chairman BB will resolve the outstanding issues primarily between the Environment and Premises.  BB will speak with JGR and for this to be updated for the next meeting.


Matters from Last Meeting


Health and Safety Questionnaire

VBC is waiting to hear back from two companies that offer hands on training with fire extinguishers.  This is at a price but JC suggested that VBC contact the fire station to see if they will come out and do the training.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report


Bar Licence

BB was advised from the Orpen Players that they had no concerns about cover for their recent production but this would need to be addressed in the Autumn.



Table and Chairs

VBC expressed concern following updating the asset register that the Hall was down by five long tables.  VBC has contacted those organisations who have borrowed and any further borrowing will be need to be signed for and all tables will be numbered and put on said form.  Notification of the loss of these tables to be placed on the West Bergholt website in the hope of their return under amnesty.  BB advised of new seating layout – twelve rows of ten chairs (120 compared to 108 before).  The chairs would need to be clipped in 5’s.  BB will give this to LW to submit to CBC to be approved and Licence amended as necessary.  Eight of the Orpen Hall chairs have buckled with people standing on them and also the weight as they only withstand up to 18 stone.  These will not be replaced.



Draft T&C for one-off Hirers

VBC to add weight limit –see 3.2




VBC to get in touch with JGR to obtain set of keys for office.




Scouts – Asbestos Survey

LW will update for next meeting.



Social Club- cigarette ends

The PC has agreed for new bark chippings and plants but before this can be done – litter picking especially around the Social Club needs to be done first.  JC confirmed that on 11th June the Village “Litter Warrior” will be happening and that the Volunteers are content whilst clearing the cigarette ends at the same time to clear the weeds.  To emphasise this more LW to write to Social Club that it is the responsibility of their customers to put the cigarette ends in the correct place and disappointed that this continues to be a problem.  LW to consider providing a bucket and sand in the interim until the Social Club can provide a suitable replacement.



Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

  No objection for 5 – 6 years olds to play football on Saturday mornings 9.30 -10.30 on the Lorkin Daniels Field.  At the current time Mick and Terry from the WBFC are away and awaiting their return for the Agreement to be signed.  The T&C that were raised for the BHYFC re the use of the disabled toilet to be amended to include Saturday mornings – VBC will update and reissue.  VBC mentioned the annual invoice for using the Poors Field – it was agreed to increase it from £250 to £275.  It was agreed for the hire of the Lorkin Daniels field  by BHYFC on a Saturday not to be invoiced until the end of the year. VBC


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

  Tenders to be opened at the Finance meeting and then discussed at the Parish Council meeting.  


Storage Units

  The ongoing issue about the future of storage has now moved to the Environment Committee to resolve the best way forward.  Roger (Orpen Players) and Harry (BYG) will meet mid-July to get the garage organised and make the best of the space.  Once the Flower Club cupboard has been removed demarcation of the areas will be marked on the floor and MH will report back at the next meeting on cost of shelving part of the garage.  BB said that when the toilet refurbishment is underway BB will ask the contractors to block up the wall between the two garages as the Flower Club cupboard would leave an opening.  BB will inform the Finance Committee of this future expenditure. MH/BB





  BB will attend the September meeting and report back. BB



  a)   It was noted that the football goal area requires attention and for the Environment Committee to take this up. EC
  b)   It appears that more owners are taking their dogs onto the Lorkin Daniels Field – a discussion ensued about signage that additional signs are required and what is the best way forward – this is to be brought to the Parish Council meeting to discuss further so that ALL signs will be regimental. PC
  c)    Children seem to be kicking footballs against the JL Hall – as the above – more signage is required and once a design has been ascertained for signage to be erected, BT to consider signage. BT
  d)   Bluebells requested if some hardstanding could be placed where they keep their outside metal fencing – this has been given to the Environment Committee to consider and report back to Bluebells. EC
  e)   It was brought to VBC’s attention that a few jobs require attention in the Hall- (a) rubber around a window in the JL Hall requires fixing – VBC to get Handyman to fix (b) the lights in the JL Hall require diffusers – VBC to contact electrician to quote on moving existing and replacing the lights. VBC
  Meeting closed at 8.50pm  


Date of next meeting

  4 July 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall  
  Murray Harlow to Chair in Brian’s absence

(Brian has offered his aplogies)



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