Premises & Recreation – 3rd April 2017

Premises & Recreation – 3rd April 2017

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 3rd April when, among other items, they discussed Football Clubs, Health & Safety, maintenance & repairs and users’ issues & requests.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee Meeting held on 3rd April 2017 in JL Hall

Sub-committee members present:

Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell

Apologies accepted from:


Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Minutes of the last meeting on 21st March 2017 were agreed with the exception that BB advised he had given the 1st draft License to the West Bergholt Football Club on 17th February.


Matters from Last Meeting

3.1 Health and Safety:–Fire extinguisher course – VBC/LW earmarking course in the spring and will advise relevant hirers in due course. BB/LW/VBC were invited to attend a course on Health & Safety but unfortunately, none were able to attend.  LW found out that this general H&S course is only carried out annually, but will also check if this can be done on-line. VBC/LW


Clerks & Administrator’s Report

4.1 Lighting – VBC to chase electrician to give a deadline for the work to be completed on the garage lighting and the JL Hall strip lighting. VBC
4.2 Hall Flooring – Received three quotes, but impossible do a like for like comparison, therefore BB will prepare a specification and VBC will send out to the three contractors.  LW sent details of the contractors that did the Coggeshall Village Hall floor and VBC will get in touch with them for a view for them quoting too.  BB said the focus will be on only the Orpen Hall flooring including the front entrance and mat area and the mat near the double fire exit doors.  To be included as a separate quotation will the stage flooring (see item 5) BB/VBC
4.3 Hall border tidying – LW has a meeting this week with the Young Offenders to see if they are able to carrying out the job with the PC providing the materials.   JC mentioned the buildup of cigarette ends outside the Social Club – LW to write to Social Club.  VBC advised the number of cigarette ends outside the hall entrance and asked if a cigarette bin can be purchased and put up at the front of the hall as hirers seem to stand out the front, this was agreed. LW/VBC
4.4 Projector –  VBC will let MH know of make and model (LW to see if invoice has model as no paperwork in office) BB/MH/VBC/


4.5 BB advised that quotes were being obtained to paint the hall.  This to be carried out in the Summer Holidays.  One quote has already been received and VBC will contact a couple of other decorators using the RCCE directory.  BB will prepare a specification so we can get like for like quotes. BB/VBC
4.6 Roofing – BB has had Roses come and look at the Hall roof.  They have given a short-term price and for the whole roof and asked to give an idea whether we have sufficient funds within the next couple of years to carry out the works.  One side of the roof seems to be sound so there is the possibility of just doing three sides. BB


Bluebells and Orpen Players Meeting follow up: (Minutes of the meetings have been sent to all Councillors)

5.1 Bluebells would like the hand dryers lowered in the JL toilets.  The Committee agreed that this should not be done and that a stepper could be used to rectify this.
5.2 Bluebells would like the portholes on the JL hall ramp side doors to be covered in obscure plastic covering as people from outside can look down the corridor and see the children using the toilets.  The Committee agreed for H&S reasons (fire door escape) that this will not be allowed.
5.3 Orpen Players – With no commitment to fund the Committee agreed to seek quotations for re-doing the stage flooring.
5.4 Orpen Players brought up the matter of the conditions of the stage curtains – thin, torn and with no weights – BB said he could not promise anything but will put the matter on the Premises Agenda for future consideration. VBC
5.5 Orpen Players – BB spoke about the discussion he had with the OP concerning the fee increase and the 5% discount.  BB agreed to take this to the Finance Committee to consider whether the 5% discount can stay indefinitely. BB/Finance Committee/


5.6 VBC to put the three different price bands with last year’s prices on the website.  Website to be updated with photos, measurements etc,  together with a view of having an on-line booking diary, by VBC VBC
5.7 Orpen Players – BB said that out of this meeting came an idea to have a hall users group and will bring this up at the Annual Parish Council Meeting to gauge interest. PARISH COUNCIL
5.8 Orpen Players – BB discussed the conversation about storage – the OP’s obviously expressed disappointment.  BB suggested putting the container idea back on the Agenda and for the PC to reconsider. PARISH COUNCIL/AS


West Bergholt Football Club

6.1 A meeting has been set up to meet with the Football Club in April.  VBC confirmed that the WBFC have been in communication with her on all games – weekdays/weekends and the juniors. BB
7 Any Other Business
7.1 Practice Goal – the amount of rubbish being left on the ground rather than using the bin provided was noted.  HS will speak to Jamie to see who the users are and whether they can be approached about putting rubbish in the bin. HS
7.2 By way of these Minutes the Committee would ask if a MUGA group meeting could be arranged for June. VBC
7.3 Orpen Hall WC tiles – VBC raised the matter of how to clean the tiles – BB suggested using a tile and stone stain remover, testing a small area first. VBC/Zoe

Meeting closed at 8.32pm

Date of next meeting – 8th May 2017 – 5.00 pm John Lampon Hall

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