Premises & Recreation – 3rd July 2017
The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 3rd July when, among other items, they discussed use of Poors Field, health & safety matters, fireworks, food vans at Orpen Hall, Orpen Players, repairs & maintenance.
Premises & Recreation Minutes
Sub-committee Meeting held on 3rd July 2017 in JL Hall
Sub-committee members present: |
Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Murray Harlow, Bob Tyrrell |
Also in attendance: |
Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator) |
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Apologies – Harry Stone |
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Minutes of the last meeting on 5th June 2017 were agreed. |
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Matters from Last Meeting |
3.1 | Health and Safety – Fire extinguisher training – VBC has enquired with regular users & Orpen Players/Bluebells which dates were convenient for everyone. Training on 12th or 13th preferred, however, when she rang the trainer he is currently away until the 11th. Will leave message stating wish to undertake training at 3.30pm on Thursday 13th July. | VBC |
3.2 | Health & Safety Policy (as relates to Hall Administrator) – Checked by VBC. All adhered to. LW to check with EALC Trainer regarding H & S training – what it is & do we need it? | LW |
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Clerks & Administrator’s Report |
4.1 | Lighting – Quote received for replacing 4 lights. VBC to accept quote & to instruct electrician, to complete work during the summer holidays. | VBC |
4.2 | Hall Flooring – start date still 31st July. Does anyone else need to be informed – No. VBC to continue liaising with Orpen Players. VBC to produce notice for door, stating that hall will be “closed due to improvements”. VBC to arrange a joint meeting with the floor contractors, painters and BB/BT before work begins. Have received quote for the stage floor for £750, VBC to send quote to Debra of the Orpen Players, MH to seek further quotations for such. Although the stage could be completed at a separate time its edge will be sanded at present to refresh it and painted. | VBC/MH |
4.3 | Hall border tidying – On hold till summer holidays | LW |
4.4 | Projector – Have received quote to replace cracked projector. The spec will be forwarded to the chair of the Parish Council to ensure he is content with it. | VBC |
4.5 | Internal Painting – Have received quote to paint vaulted ceiling, committee agreed to put it before the Finance Committee for approval. | BB |
4.6 | Roofing – BB has enquired as to whether there is a cheaper tile available. However, there is a 4 to 5-month lead time on them so if roof is to be done it would now be in the next financial year. Proposal to Finance Committee to find a professional who will do a survey of the roof and seek tenders for us going forward with the project. There is time before next Premises meeting to come up with a list of possible candidates. | All |
4.7 | Hall User Group – The new Terms & Conditions form will detail the contacts needed for this group. HS, BB & MH will attend this group once formed, BB will contact all once the list is complete. | VBC/BB |
4.8 | Handyman Schedule – VBC has started a schedule – a register of work to be done. Add floor threshold join between old and new floors so that it doesn’t get overlooked. | VBC |
4.9 | Orpen Players – The Orpen Players had requested additional use of the hall on a Sunday evening when the Indoor Bowls currently use the hall. Committee had agreed previously usage would not change. VBC has emailed them advising them of such. | VBC |
4.10 | Website – VBC currently in the process of putting the “bits” together for the online hall information & booking. | VBC |
4.11 | Bluebell’s Blackboards – to spare the Hall’s walls from lots of chalk drawings which take ages to disappear Bluebells requested blackboards instead. Ivor has produced a quote for 3 blackboards positioned along the Hall Administrator’s office wall using marine ply and black external paint for longevity. BT also suggested a gap between the wall and the boards when mounted to aid air circulation. More expensive than thought, VBC will contact Bluebells to seek a contribution from them. | VBC |
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Premises Licence |
LW currently liaising with CBC to have the designated premises supervisor disapplied from the Premises Licence to fall in line with other village hall committees. Have altered parts for the hiring agreement and created form WBPC LA2003 for users who will be selling alcohol. VBC to send finished Hire Agreement to LW, who will then finalise form to CBC, get it signed and send off with cheque. | VBC/LW | |
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Conditions of Licence and Hiring |
Updated forms for Regular Users and Casual Users. Have tweaked it slightly regarding the number of chairs allowed, use of the tables between halls and no blu tac/sellotape allowed on walls. Hooks to be used for balloons and banners instead. LW to investigate suitable hooks.
Regular Users – there will be a covering letter that will go out to them once a year to keep the information updated. BB to sign them. Casual Users – will sign one document at time of booking and one on the hire night to re-affirm their knowledge of the conditions. |
VBC/LW | |
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Communication Officers Report |
Village Bulletin – changes to Bulletin situation. MH has been given the job of distributing to the deliverers. There are currently vacancies for deliverers. Committed to the delivery of the September & December Bulletins, 48 advertisers have paid so therefore committed for the year. September Bulletin will clearly ask “Do you still want the current format Bulletin?” It is of also available electronically on | MH | |
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Usage of fields |
8.1 | WBFC Lease: Awaiting advice from RCCE. Have received brief response from WBFC. All fixture dates now in the diary. Have just paid 2017/18 invoice although Mick Bell queried timing as invoice from Apr 17 to Mar 18, whilst agreement goes to 1st June. VBC to send another invoice for Apr & May 18 to bring them up to June 18. | VBC |
8.2 | BHYFC – MH & BB awaiting to hear from Kelly & Gareth regarding a meeting. LW to chase. | LW |
8.3 | Fireworks – PS & BB have a meeting with the representatives of the PTA Firework Committee on 13th July at 7.00pm. BB has been in touch with the fire brigade in the meantime to check the Poor’s Field gate access. | PS/BB |
8.4 | Agreements to use fields – There is a need to formalize the agreements with the use of the fields with the BHYFC, PTA and the Firework Committee, which will begin to be done once the meetings above have taken place. | BB |
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Any Other Business |
9.1 | Green’s Fish Bar – LW is passing over the invoicing of this van to VBC | LW/VBC |
9.2 | Redwood Stone Baked Pizza Van – wishes to park up at the hall from 5-8.30pm on a Wednesday evening. Will remove all waste and use hall power to avoid noise from generator. Will pay for power. LW will draw up an agreement like the one for Green’s for BB & VBC to check over. Agreed to proceed on a month by month basis. | LW/BB/VBC |
9.3 | Survey of Drains – Have received quote from one drainage company, been trying to get other quotes but to no avail. MH will check his contacts and come back to BB within a week, otherwise will take only quote to Finance. | BB/MH |
Meeting closed at 9pm |
Date of next meeting – 4th September 2017 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall |