Premises & Recreation – 3rd April 2018

Premises & Recreation – 3rd April 2018

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 3rd April when, among other items, they discussed MUGA, Roofing, Handymen, Curtains, Servery, CCTV, Rubbish, Storage, Bluebells, Orpen Players, Hall bookings, Dogs & the Lorkin Daniell Field.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee Meeting held on 3rd April 2018 in JL Hall

Sub-committee members present:

Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Janet Crichton, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell

Also in attendance:

Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)






Minutes of the last meeting on 5th March 2018 were agreed.


Clerks and Administration’s Report

3.1 MUGA  – After a discussion it felt that MUGA should appear on the Premises Agenda where regular updates including income and damage etc can be discussed.  CS to approve this. CS
3.2 Roofing – BB came up with the following companies to approach Potter Paper Partnership, Daniel Connal Partnership, Ingleton Wood to approach them for quotes for Project Managing the re-roofing being done in Summer 2019.   BB to draft letter which LW will then send out. BB/LW
3.3 Internal Hall – BT obtained quote and framing is underway and ready to pick up 10th April.  It was agreed that VBC contact JGR to arrange handyman to meet BT on Friday 13th to fix the frames, hooks, etc onto the wall. BT/VBC/
3.4 Handyman Schedule – To make good or replace the existing carpet to the staircase to the righthand corner stage (kitchen side) as cause a tripping hazard. ALL
3.5 Curtains – It was agreed that the curtains will be ordered in the colour Thistle.  VBC to go ahead and order. VBC
3.6 Servery – VBC obtained an email from STC stating that it would be more expensive to go for tiles so have ruled that out, thus sticking with the original quote.  VBC will contact the various suppliers to arrange fitting of the new servery for May half-term. VBC
3.7 CCTV – VBC presented a quote from a second company, unfortunately, it was not a like for like basis even though the information was provided and thus it was agreed to put forward the original quote. VBC/
3.8 Rubbish Bin Area – MH received a quote from STC and will forward it to all members for comment and proposed that when JGR concretes around shed that the rubbish bin area be done at the same time, this was agreed not practical at present. MH/All
3.9 Bluebells and Orpen Players Annual Meeting – BB and VBC meet with JL (Bluebells) and feels happy with how things are going especially the new garage, they are full and taking no one else on.  JL expressed concern that some PC members and handymen are just turning up during hours without prior notice – please can this not happen.  JGR will speak to JL about concreting the area where their fencing is stored.  BB then gave a brief outline of what the plans for the year were.  BB, HS and VBC meet with DH and MP – OP still had concern about the water entering the shed.  This is on the Environment Committee to sort out by putting a water bar in.  Stage Flooring – going to hear back from them once they have sorted out costings as the PC proposed to pay for the materials and the OP the labour.  It was noted that “chairs” were going to come up at the User Meeting in July.  It was agreed to reduce their storage cost from £430 to £400 for 2017/2018.  BB and LW are looking into Minutes about the 5% deduction on hire and where we stand for 2018/2019. BB/LW
3.10 Website – LW to go back to DK and chase quote for online booking system.  It would mean hirers can provisionally go on line and book but still come to the hall in the usual way to pay.  The booking would only be held until they come on the first Thursday after they have booked it. There was also discussed about paying on line – to be considered in the future. LW/DK
3.11 Hall border tidying – waiting to hear from Tesco for funding. LW
3.12 Dog Signage – Spare dog signs to be put up. VBC


Premises License

The following have applied for sale of alcohol:

88/17-18 – 14 April 2018 – 12.15 – 3pm.

01/18-19 – 28th April 2018 – 6pm – 11.30pm.


Next month’s noteworthy hirings

Railway Open Day

Friends of St Mary’s Italian lunch.



Communication Officers Report

  Nothing to report.


Draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniell Field

  This item will be carried forward to the next meeting although a discussion was had as to what audience this was to target, how to enforce it, etc HS


Items to be discussed at next meeting.

MUGA and rationalization of external hall signage.
Meeting closed at 7.00 pm
Date of next meeting – 8th May 2018 – 6 pm Orpen Hall





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