Planning & Development Committee – 4th April 2024

An AI generated image to represent a Planning Committee in the Modern Style

Holding an Extraordinary Meeting on 4th April 2024, the Planning & Development Committee agreed previous minutes before considering a single planning application concerning Barns at Hall Road.

Read the official minutes below:

Planning and Development Committee Extraordinary Meeting

Meeting held on Monday 4th April 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain

Also in attendance:

Julie Gillott (Asst. Clerk).

Agenda items:

1.   Welcome & Apologies for absence:

Apologies received from Cllr Chamberlain

2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Minutes & actions from previous meeting

Previous minutes were agreed.

4.   Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.


5. Planning applications:

240331 Barns at, Hall Road, West Bergholt

Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3,5,7, 13,14,15 (213344).

Comment: West Bergholt Planning Committee defers to the expertise of Colchester City Council Planning department on all conditions of this application but would note that the Construction Management Plan has taken no account of plant vehicles manoeuvring in an area known for its notable off-road parking by people visiting Hillhouse Woods, or St Mary’s Old Church, and it neither mentions nor proposes the use of a banksman. Also, it makes no reference to the increased risk to other road users by construction vehicles using what is in the main a single-track road with no passing places, it does not propose any construction vehicle control measures.

Decision: N/A

6. Planning Decisions:


 7. Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 15th April in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at: 7.47pm

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