Day 64 of (un?) Lockdown – the Spare Plants edition

Allotments SurplusDay 64 of (un?) Lockdown

Day 64 seems to be full of controversy but not much news.  Here is what little we have, news relating to the allotments first and then a couple of health-related items from ECC.  As ever, some light relief at the end.

Spare Plants & Produce

Whilst COVID-19 has prevented the Allotments’ Charity Stall opening it is still possible to obtain surplus produce & plants.  A neighbour of the allotments on New Church Road is happy for their driveway to be used for plot holders to deposit their surplus and for villagers to take what they need.

If you know where the charity stall is then you will find the driveway opposite.  No money is being taken although you are encouraged to make a donation once the charity stall reopens.

Essex Health updates

Ways for adults to stay active and healthy

We’ve gathered resources to help you stay healthy and active while staying at home. Our staying well page includes information and advice on:

  • looking after your mental health when you are social distancing,
  • online counselling and mental health services,
  • national and local organisations providing support,
  • things you can do to stay active at home,
  • how to work safely and comfortably from home.

Keep Essex Active YouTubeBoost your mood with exercise

Would you like to improve your:

  • energy?
  • mental alertness?
  • self-esteem?
  • mood?
  • stress levels?

Then start changing the way you think about exercise! Don’t view it as something you have to do in order to lose weight, but instead as something that will bring countless benefits to your mental health and wellbeing. And it’s not all sweat, blood and tears either. Active Essex offers a range of low-impact exercise classes to do at home so you can boost your mood without pushing your limits.

Durham Town


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