Day 64 of (un?) Lockdown – the Spare Plants edition

Allotments Surplus

Allotments SurplusDay 64 of (un?) Lockdown

Day 64 seems to be full of controversy but not much news.  Here is what little we have, news relating to the allotments first and then a couple of health-related items from ECC.  As ever, some light relief at the end.

Spare Plants & Produce

Whilst COVID-19 has prevented the Allotments’ Charity Stall opening it is still possible to obtain surplus produce & plants.  A neighbour of the allotments on New Church Road is happy for their driveway to be used for plot holders to deposit their surplus and for villagers to take what they need. Continue reading “Day 64 of (un?) Lockdown – the Spare Plants edition”

Flowers Contained by Helen Bird

‘It started with a twig’ by Helen Bird & Linda O’Neill

Flowers Contained by Helen Bird

The Colne Valley Flower Club met in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Wednesday 15th April.  Demonstrator, Helen Bird, from Marks Tey was welcomed by the chairman, Jayne Lawson.

Together with a colleague, Helen was a Silver Gilt medal winner at the RHS Spring Show in 2014 with the ‘It started with a twig’ arrangement shown on the right here.  Helen delighted her audience using a variety of containers with large and small arrangements of vibrant flowers and unusual foliage.

On 20th May there is the annual plant sale and members are encouraged to bring along goods to sell.  Jenni Baker from Harleston will base her arrangements around the title ‘Half an Acre and the Rest’.  The meeting begins at 7.30pm.

Gardeners February Newsletter

RHS AffiliatedWest Bergholt Gardeners Association – February Newsletter

Some fifty members attended the first meeting in 2014 and enjoyed an informative talk by Eddie Harris upon his search for plants in South Africa.

Eddie appeared to have visited the area around Cape Town several times and was in no doubt of its attractiveness although Cape Town itself is prone to rain.  He covered both the geography of the area as well as illustrating the plants that flourished in the climate, and undercover in one of the largest conservatories in Cape Town itself.

The local population considered the plant collector as mad as they viewed many of the plants as weeds. Exploring further inland and the mountainous regions to the west was always difficult as only dirt tracks existed off the main roads.  Palms and Aloes grow to considerable size while more minute pebble flowers are to be found on the ground.  (Such pebbles plants can be purchased in the UK).  When visiting Worcester he discovered a Reptile Farm and “enjoyed” seeing snakes of all sizes, from a respectable distance.   All in all a wide ranging talk on his subject.

Club News:

Summer Coach Trip to Waddesdon Manor, Aylesbury, Bucks.

19th June . Depart Orpen Hall, West Bergholt 8.30am.  Visiting the House, Gardens (Including the Aviary garden, and the water garden) and the wine cellars.  Over 300,000 visitors come to Waddesdon every year to see the house, shops, restaurant café, wine cellars and plant centre.

TICKETS £25  (National Trust Members £12.50) deposit £12.50. phone 01206 241256

Next Months Speaker

Geoff Hodge who will talk to the Club on the subject of  LUSCIOUS LAWNS – LAWN CARE FOR PERFECT LAWNS.

In view of the affect of the last two months wet weather the Association is sure that Geoff’s talk will be well received by members who suffer from moss and mud on their lawns at this time of the year.

17th March 7.00 for 7.30

All are welcome to the Association’s meetings – small charge for non-members.

All Gardeners’ Alert! Plant Sale 21st May

Come along at 7.30pm on 21st May to the Orpen Memorial Hall to bag the bargains from selections of bedding; fruit and vegetables; perennials and shrubs.  And not forgetting the bric-à-brac stall offering a host of second-hand goodies for your garden.   Entry is free and everyone’s welcome.

If you enjoy a day out visiting gardens of special renown; why not join us on our coach trip to Hatfield House, Park and Gardens on Wednesday 23 May.

We have seats still available for this visit, departing the Orpen Hall at 9.30am and leaving the venue at 4.30pm. Inclusive cost – £27 if you’re a non-member. Contact Terry 01206 242124 or Valerie 01206 855450 to book.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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