A brief summary of key elements of the PC Meeting on 27th September 2023. At this meeting they:
- Co-opted a new Parish Councillor,
- Agreed to apply for an Asset of Community Recognition in respect of the Mumford Close greensward,
- Signed up to the Civility & Respect pledge,
- Granted £300 to the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church, as well as
- Heard from Committees & others.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Wed 27th September 2023 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, CO6 3BW
Chair: | Cllr Brian Butcher |
Parish Councillors: | Cllrs Andrew Savage, David Short, Sara Cullis, Katie Pulford, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross & Manya Barrow (Cllr James Owers attended via Zoom, but had no voting rights) |
Also in attendance: | Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) |
City & County Cllrs: | City Cllr Dennis Willetts |
Members of the public: | 3 members of the public (one of which a Cllr candidate) |
23/146 Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.
Apologies were received from Cllr Tyrrell.
23/147 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
23/148 Previous Minutes & Actions
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Wed 26th July and Tues 29th August 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P4 Jul 23 & PC Minutes P5 Aug 23)
23/149 Co-option
Following the recent non-contested election of 10 out of the 11 required Councillors for West Bergholt Parish Council, one vacancy remained. Four candidates were originally interested in the position when it was first advertised, with one dropping out quite quickly, however having been asked to attend several of the Parish Council’s meetings two other candidates decided to withdraw due to the time constraints. Paul Chamberlain, the remaining candidate, had attended many of the last couple of months’ meetings and proceeded to read his personal statement to the Council. Cllr Butcher asked Paul to confirm that he was eligible to be co-opted onto the Parish Council, which he did.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher then proposed to co-opt Paul Chamberlain onto West Bergholt Parish Council. Seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.
ACTION – Cllr Chamberlain then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the rest of the Council at the table, and the Clerk will send him the online Councillor Handbook.
23/150 Questions from registered electors
Two residents wished to asked questions on the following topics:
Armoury Road Maintenance
The first item concerned the question from Cllr Willetts previously that the residents of the unadopted Armoury Road possibly form a management company, which would be responsible for maintaining the road surface. The resident stated that just 8 years ago Colchester City Council (CCC) paid out £50K in liabilities to a member of the public who injured themselves on Armoury Road, which his solicitor thought set a very good precedent that CCC are responsible for the road. Homeowners along the road have Searches from when they purchased their properties which say that CCC maintain the road and so the residents are considering whether to take CCC to court to accept responsibility. Another idea the residents had was to block the road off, if it is a private road, however Cllr Gili-Ross did remind the elector present that Essex County Council actually own the first part of the road to Lodge Court and they would therefore not be allowed to block it off at the entrance.
Cllr Butcher noted that this item was also due to be discussed under item 23/153b of the agenda.
Uncle Kams Fish & Chip Shop (PA 210787)
The residents were concerned that CCC is not doing enough to resolve the issues with this planning application, specifically the problems associated with odour control and parking. Environmental Health are currently only obtaining evidence from residents on one side of the shop when they should be asking for diary sheets from both sides. The residents are concerned that CCC are just waiting for winter and less complaints.
The parking situation around the shop has also become extremely dangerous on what is the busy B1508 (Colchester Road) with many drivers using Armoury Road as a turning point, cars slamming on their brakes at short notice and lorries parking fully across the pavement.
Cllr Butcher thanked the residents and stated that although the Parish Council (PC) was extremely sympathetic to their issues, the PC objected to the planning application at the time, stating that these would be the likely issues and have done as much as it possibly can in contacting CCC and pushing for action.
23/151 Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors
City Councillor Sara Naylor offered her apologies in advance of the meeting.
Cllr Willetts responded to the above items of concern and reported on other matters:
Uncle Kams Fish & Chip Shop (PA 210787)
He stated that it was a common assumption that CCC can intervene on planning breaches, but if the applicants have a good planning advisor, then it can take a long time to get them to comply with the planning application and there is no legal definition of what time applicants have to adhere to the conditions linked to planning decisions.
Planning Services had the option to threaten the shop with a stop notice, but they continued to maintain negotiations instead as they believed it was the better option. Environmental Health needs completed diary sheets from residents’ complaints, and it can take a very long time to get these problems solved. Cllr Willetts has asked for officers to expediate work on this, but these are issues that the City Council has with every chip shop in the area. It is a perennial problem, and the City Council will persevere but there is nothing more it can do at the moment. He suggested that the PC could invite City Council Officers to come and talk to residents at a future meeting, but to bear in mind those Officers have limited powers.
Cllr Cullis stated that the latest the PC had heard on this matter was that if the applicant had not complied by the 8th September then CCC could serve a Breach of Contract, and asked what the update was on that. Cllr Willetts explained his understanding that CCC had been advised by its legal team not to serve it as the courts were unlikely to support it.
7.55pm Cllr Harry Stone left the meeting.
The resident stated that this case has made a mockery of planning, he disagreed that other chip shops in Colchester were just as bad as he has spoken to other residents throughout the city and the fact that the odour can be smelt as far as the Poor’s Land and Maltings Park playground is not normal.
Cllr Barrow questioned the point of the Planning Department at CCC setting planning conditions. It was a condition of the planning decision that an odour control system was to be installed and remain there for perpetuity, but the shop is blatantly ignoring the conditions of planning application compliance.
ACTION – WBPC to write to the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and the Leader of the Council to notify them that the conditions set out in the planning decision are not being enforced and that they please deal with it as soon as possible, noting that the PC objected at the time that it was going to be situated in an unsuitable place.
Supplementary Planning Guidance
The City Council is currently beefing up its Supplementary Planning Guidance on Climate Change and Sustainable Transport. The consultation will run from 6th Sept to 4th Oct if the Planning Committee would like to pass comment.
5 Year Review of Local Plan
The City Council is going into the renewal cycle of the Local Plan and the supporting Neighbourhood Plan from West Bergholt should go through a similar process.
Cllr Butcher noted that the first WB Neighbourhood Plan Review meeting is planned for the 2nd October and the Parish Council had already been speaking to City Planning Officers concerning this.
Parliamentary Boundary Changes
The Government’s parliamentary boundaries in the area had recently been reviewed. Colchester City Council has decided to take the opportunity to look at its electoral cycle, the number of City Councillors and the shape of the Ward boundaries. There will be lots of opportunities for the PC to consult on this later in the process.
Armoury Road Maintenance
Cllr Willetts returned to the Armoury Road issue which the residents had raised. He stated that there were lots of legal issues around this and that it has still not been established who owns the road and that the Rural District, then Borough Council and then City Council have had limited powers of maintenance. He reminded those present that a Statement of Fact written previously is not the same as a Statement of Agreement and that a reasonable outcome of legal proceedings cannot be guaranteed unless legal ownership can be established. This matter only came to light when the Cllr himself raised it as a mere suggestion at a previous PC meeting, which was triggered by a resident’s concern of the damage the future NEEB development traffic may cause.
23/152 Planning
a) To note the following agreed comments made by the WBPC Planning Committee to Colchester City Council (CCC) at their meeting on the 14th Aug 2023:
231736 Land adj to Hill House, 155 Colchester Road, CO6 3JX – Object – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object as the design does not comply with PP10 of the Neighbourhood Plan. The application is not of a high-quality design and the roof pitch appears that it needs to be increased.
231795 16 Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, CO6 3ER – Support – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support.
and on 18th Sept 2023:
231911 8 New Church Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JF – Object – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object to this application based on the following points:
1. There is no confirmation that this Granny Annex will be used solely by people associated with the users of the main house at 8 New Church Road.
2. There appear to be trees and vegetation within the vicinity of the site which are not shown on the application drawings.
3. No dimensions have been provided to locate the proposed building in respect of the adjacent boundaries and we believe there should be sufficient space to enable construction and ongoing maintenance.
4. There is no planning statement showing details of the proposed materials and finishes to be used externally
230874 Oaklands, Nayland Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3DG – The action of the applicant to go to appeal has been noted and therefore the Parish Council awaits the request for comments in due course.
231910 The Chestnut Cottage, 131 Colchester Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JX – Support – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.
Also noted, was the meeting held on the 8th Sept with CCC Planning Officer Lucy Mondon & Place Strategy Manager Sandra Scott, where the planning applications for Uncle Kams, Scarlett’s Quality Plants, NEEB off Armoury Road, granny annexes and the Call for Sites were discussed.
b) To make approve the following recommended comment from the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee at their meeting of the 18th Sept 2023:
232125 Grange Cottage, Hall Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3DX – Recommended for Support – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment (as it did with the previous planning application 210841)
RESOLVED – Cllr Cullis proposed to approve these recommended comments to CCC. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to add the agreed comment to the Colchester City Council planning portal.
c) To note the first Neighbourhood Plan Review meeting is scheduled for 2nd Oct 2023
The West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was adopted by the Parish Council following a referendum held on 19th September 2019 and the plan was adopted by Colchester City Council on 16th October 2019. Work now needs to be done to review the existing plan to keep it in line with revised Planning guidance and to review the Village Design Statement having had more experience with planning applications and so some of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party will meet to begin the review process. The anticipation is that the NP will not need to go back to referendum. The first meeting will be held on Monday 2nd October and members will report back to Council.
23/153 Environment & Highways
a) To note the minutes of the WBPC Environment Committee from their meeting of 14th September 2023 (See link to Environment Mins P6 Sept 23)
Cllr Gili-Ross report that it was an excellent meeting, and the minutes were noted.
Following an email circulated to the Parish Council regarding access to the rear of 8 New Church Road, Cllr Gili-Ross recently met the owner. He made it clear that he was meeting with them just to discuss the practicalities of using access via the Lorkin Daniell Field rather than anything to do with the owners associated planning application, which the WB Planning Committee discussed earlier in the meeting.
Cllr Gili-Ross recommended that the PC allows permission subject to certain conditions:
- That the dates and times of the work be established.
- That the Football Club be involved and prewarned.
- If there is inclement weather, then no heavy vehicles cross the field.
- That access to the field be via the yellow bollards as Bluebells will be using the other side of the building for their usual outside play area.
- That photos of the field be taken before and after the work takes place.
The owner has promised that a full plan and schedule will be provided from the contractor. The Environment Committee will take the lead in all discussions with the owner, with Cllr Pulford dealing with them during Cllr Gili-Ross’ absence.
RESOLVED – The Council was happy to proceed in this manner, subject to the further details.
b) To approve the Environment Committee’s recommendation to have no involvement in the formation of an Armoury Road Management Company to maintain the road, as proposed by Colchester City Council (CCC).
This matter was discussed at the meeting of the 14th September at the Environment Committee meeting and resulted in a firm no recommendation from the Committee, as the PC could not add any value to such a Management Company.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the Environment Committee’s recommendation to have no involvement in the foundation of a Management Company for the maintenance of Armoury Road. Seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.
Cllr Willetts reiterated that this matter was triggered by a resident petition him on prospective damage from NEEB construction traffic which will use Armoury Road for the new development at the back of the Maltings. The Environment Committee suggested that the PC writes to CCC recommending that the City Council reminds the developer that they are required, under statute, to make good any damages caused by them, to the road and surrounding infrastructure and ask for a bond to be lodged with the Council. It was further suggested that before and after photos be taken of the road and infrastructure, such photos should be timed and dated.
ACTION – Cllr Butcher to draft a letter to the CEO of CCC and Head of Planning Services.
23/154 Ownership of Mumford Close greensward
To note the feedback from CCC on the Parish Council’s request to purchase this greensward and agree to make an Asset of Community Value application.
The Parish Council and neighbouring residents have concerns that the greensward at the bend of Mumford Close may be purchased in the future by a developer in order to build another house behind the new one at 30 New Church Road. The Council therefore wrote to CCC to make a request to purchase it for the parish. Colchester City Council’s response was:
“The area of land is a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) asset and the primary purpose is to benefit tenants and leaseholders of Colchester City Council who contribute to the maintenance of the land by way of a service charge. HRA land is not usually considered for sale or transfer unless there are exceptional circumstances. At this time, we would not consider a sale or transfer of the land, however, the Parish Council may wish to consider whether to nominate the land to the Council as a potential ‘Asset of Community Value’.”
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the Parish Council make an application to have the Mumford Close greensward registered as an Asset of Community Value with Colchester City Council. Seconded by Cllr Cullis. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to complete application for Mumford Close greensward registered as an Asset of Community Value with CCC.
23/155 Finance
a) Statement of accounts for Jul-Aug 23
The final accounts for Jul-Aug 23 (42% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P4-5 Jul-Aug 23)
Receipts at 51%, General Expenditure 32%, Environment Expenditure 33%, Overall Expenditure 32%
Bank Rec at £ 117,651.79.
Three additions to the Projects & Reserves sheet this month, two of which resulted from writing the Business Plan and have been reflected on the updated 2023-24 Reserves Policy. The third is in the Ringfenced Environment Committee Projects line for the work to the Cherry Tree at the back of the football clubhouse.
Cllr Gili-Ross added that two more trees will be needing work in the coming weeks and so the PC will definitely need to look more closely at the Trees budget line next year. He also assured the council that although one handyman unable to work at present, if the grass stops growing soon and as it heads into the winter programme they should be able to cope with the lack of one member of staff.
b) Payments
RESOLVED – to approve the Aug & Sept payments list in accordance with the 2023-24 budget as listed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour.
August 2023
DD | Barclays | Bank charges – loyalty reward (16.68-2.05) | 14.63 |
SO | J & M Payroll Services | Aug – wages, tax & NI | 5,500.00 |
PC23067 | J & M Payroll Services | Aug – wages tax & NI | 1748.65 |
PC23068 | J & M Payroll Services | Payroll services – Aug | 48.00 |
PC23069 | WBFC | Grass cutting Aug – LD Field | 50.00 |
PC23070 | Countrywide | Grass cutting Aug – Poor’s Land | 198.50 |
PC23071 | Petty Cash | Diesel | 30.16 |
PC23072 | Laura Walkingshaw | WHUK 05/08, plate lamp, gloves, laminating shts | 82.03 |
PC23073 | TBS Hygiene | Litter/Dog waste collection Aug | 192.00 |
PC23074 | CALC | Annual membership 2023/24 | 35.00 |
PC23075 | BCMT Autocentre | MOT KJ55 DME | 50.00 |
PC23076 | R Chisnall | Service on Kubota ride-on | 240.00 |
PC23077 | Jacqui Kibby | Editor remuneration for Autumn 23 Village Bulletin | 180.00 |
PC23078 | Tree & Lawn Company | Tree work – Oak tree by Heathlands School | 1208.40 |
PC23079 | Tree & Lawn Company | Tree work – Cherry tree by WBFC | 1328.40 |
PC23080 | Printerland | Complete set of toner for Xerox Versalink printer | 636.10 |
PC23081 | 3rd WB Brownies | Charity Allotment Stall donation | 500.00 |
PC23082 | 1st WB Scout Group | Charity Allotment Stall donation | 132.00 |
September 2023
DD | Barclays | Bank charges – loyalty reward (14.38-1.47) | 12.91 |
SO | J & M Payroll Services | Sept – wages, tax & NI | 5,500.00 |
PC23083 | J & M Payroll Services | Sept – wages tax & NI | 907.70 |
PC23084 | J & M Payroll Services | Payroll services – Sept | 48.00 |
PC23085 | WBFC | Grass cutting Sept – LD Field | 50.00 |
PC23086 | Countrywide | Grass cutting Sept – Poor’s Land | 198.50 |
PC23087 | NALC | LCAS Registration Fee | 60.00 |
PC23088 | Laura Walkingshaw | WHUK 05/09, acrylic name plates | 65.06 |
PC23089 | TBS Hygiene | Litter/Dog waste collection 26/8-29/09 5 wks | 240.00 |
PC23090 | Andrew Savage | CCC Building Control application – WB Com Hub | 277.20 |
PC23091 | 24/Seven Elite Grp Ltd | Decorating of Orpen Hall, corridors & entrance | 4,980.00 |
PC23092 | Greenbarnes Ltd | Honours Board | 1,017.00 |
PC23093 | Printerland.co.uk | Cyan toner – to be reimbursed by Aldham PC | 228.00 |
PC23094 | Wave | Poor’s Land: 05 Jun – 21 Aug 2023 | 102.12 |
PC23095 | Julie Gillott | Travel expenses for car tax PO payment | 3.15 |
PC23096 | HAGS | Parts for LD playground equipment | 445.20 |
PC23097 | Wicksteed | Parts for LD playground equipment | 100.92 |
PC23098 | Colin Waylen | Allotments: petrol for mower | 18.65 |
PC23099 | ENDesign | Technical drawings for the Poor’s Land | 300.00 |
PC23100 | Atlas Signs | September Bulletin & survey inserts | 675.50 |
c) To approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation to provide a £300 grant to the Friends of the Old Church for the commission & purchase of a display panel explaining the Medieval wall paintings in the Church.
The Parish Council has £1000 set aside in each financial year for grants to local organisations. The Council has just received a request for a £300 grant “To commission and purchase a permanent display panel to inform visitors about the Medieval wall paintings that were discovered during redecorating work and to launch an Appeal for donations to conserve them” from the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church.
The last grant from the PC gave to them was in Feb 22 for the headstone work, i.e., not in the last financial year. The Finance Advisory Committee recommended approval of the £300 grant.
RESOLVED – to approve a £300 grant to the Friends of the Old Church for commission & purchase of a display panel. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Gili-Ross. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to inform the Friends of the Old Church and add to the Payments List for October.
d) To approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation to agree to the additions to the WBPC Reserves Policy 2023-24.
The updated policy now includes the addition of the long-term reserves as mentioned earlier in the recently written Business Plan. The Village sign/beacon amounts were already in another bank account but had been missed from the Reserves list. There is also the inclusion of long-term capital item replacement as a new line, as described in the Business Plan. Everything else in the policy remains the same. The Finance Advisory Committee recommended approval of the updated Reserves Policy 2023-24.
RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to agree the updated Reserves Policy 2023-24. Seconded by Cllr Butcher. All in favour
ACTION – Clerk to send amendments to Dave Kingaby for the website.
e) To note the conclusion of the external audit of the 2022-23 accounts.
The Parish Council received Section 3 of the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) back from PKF Littlejohn confirming conclusion of the external audit of the 2022-23 accounts with no issues.
f) To note all staff appraisals were carried out in August.
The Parish Council had carried out appraisals with all six members of staff in August. The meetings were very positive and in advance of the 2024-25 budget discussions, there have been some training and resource needs identified at these meetings.
23/156 Council Documents
a) To review and renew the follow WBPC policies:
- MUGA Working Party Terms of Ref
To be deferred until the October PC meeting for ratification. - Playground Advisory Group Terms of Ref
Minor amendment of CBC to CCC only. - Social Media & Electronic Communications Policy
Several amendments were made by the Clerk and agreed by Publicity Officer. - Tree Removal & Replacement Policy
No amendments made. - High Consequence Infectious Disease Policy
Minor amendments, including a new member of staff and adding the latest information on COVID-19. - Lone Worker Policy
No amendments were made to the policy, but an accompanying Risk Assessment is needed.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to ratify the renewal of all the above policies with the draft amendments, except for the MUGA Terms of Reference. Cllr Short seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to send updated policies to webmaster and write draft Risk Assessment to accompany Lone Worker Policy.
b) To note any changes to the WBPC Action Plan 2023-24
There are currently no changes to be updated on the Action Plan, following its approval last month.
c) To pass a resolution to sign up to the Civility & Respect Pledge
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC), the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), and One Voice Wales (OVW), believe now is the time to put civility and respect at the top of the agenda and start a culture change for the local council sector.
By West Bergholt Parish Council signing up to the Civility and Respect Pledge it is demonstrating that the council is committed to treating Councillors, clerks, employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.
West Bergholt Parish Council will register with NALC online and agree to the following statements:
- Our council has agreed that it will treat all Councillors, Clerk and employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.
- Our council has put in place a training programme for Councillors and staff.
- Our council has signed up to the Code of Conduct for Councillors.
- Our council has good governance arrangements in place including staff contracts, and a dignity at work policy.
- Our council will commit to seeking professional help in the early stages should civility and respect issues arise.
- Our council will commit to calling out bullying and harassment when if and when it happens.
- Our council will continue to learn from best practice in the sector and aspire to being a role model/champion council e.g., via the Local Council Award Scheme.
- Our council supports the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge, including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree all the statements from the Civility & Respect Pledge above. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to register with NALC that the council has agreed to the Civility & Respect Pledge.
23/157 Communications
a) To receive the monthly report from the Publicity Officer, Councillor Cullis
Cllr Cullis has issued reports on both the WBPC dashboard and the list of social media posts. There has been an increased reach of +72%, but engagement has reduced by a little. The website has been reviewed and updated for the Quality Gold LCAS application and the webmaster has conducted an accessibility review of the website.
b) To note receipt of and discuss the actions therein of the Monthly Website Report from the webmaster, Dave Kingaby
The Aug/Sept monthly website report was noted and it appears that an email retention policy may be required by members of the Council.
ACTION – Clerk to arrange a westbergholt-pc email address for new Cllr Chamberlain.
c) To note the Village Bulletin survey being undertaken, available both online and in hard copy
A survey has been created, both online at Bulletin Survey and as hard copy, available inside each copy of the September Village Bulletin magazine which is of course delivered to every household in the parish, asking residents for their thoughts. Cllr Cullis has received 201 surveys back so far and the responses are flushing up some good ideas. As might be expected, 60% of respondents are people over 65 who have lived in the village for some time.
ACTION – Clerk to send link to the survey to Heathlands School for circulation with the next parent mail in order to attract some younger respondents.
23/158 William Sims Sports Field
To note receipt of the land transfer documentation from Hopkins Homes and receipt of quotes for legal advice
The Parish Council is in receipt of the land transfer documentation for the William Sims Sports Field from Hopkins Homes. After reviewing the S106 agreement and the transfer document, Essex Legal Services think that the work required will be more than initially anticipated. A second quote was received from Thompson, Smith & Puxon (TSP), from whom the Council usually obtains its legal advice and although it was approximately 10% higher than the other quote, the PC’s existing relationship with TSP was thought to be an important factor in who to appoint.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to appoint Thompson, Smith & Puxon as the Parish Council’s legal representative in respect to the William Sims Sports Field. Cllr Cullis seconded. All in favour.
Cllr Short questioned how the PC could stop the fee from rising once the Council is in negotiations. Cllr Butcher agreed that any potential increase in the level of fee needs to be agreed with TSP in advance before any additional work is undertaken. Now the Council needs to start thinking about what the agreement will need to contain. Cllr Chamberlain reported to the Council that it had recently been destoned and rolled.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher further proposed that the PC delegates the discussions with Thompson, Smith & Puxon to Cllr Short, with support from Cllrs Gili-Ross and Butcher before reporting back to the Council for final agreement. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to chase the final version of the conveyance map from Hopkins and the missing pages of the section 106 agreement from Yana Saxby of CCC before sending everything to TSP.
23/159 Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)
To note submission of the LCAS application form for the Quality Gold Award.
The Parish Council submitted their application to LCAS on 7th Sept and was advised that its application for the Quality Gold Award has now progressed to the Triage stage. The process deadlines and next stages are as follows:
- Triage team to contact WBPC with any feedback by Friday 29th September.
- The Council can respond to any Triage feedback by Friday 13th October.
- Applications will be sent to the panel for assessment by Friday 27th October.
- Panels will meet in November and assessment feedback will be provided.
- Results will be announced by Friday 8th December.
23/160 Training/Networking Events
To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:
- Helping communities to deliver net-zero – 05/09/2023 – SC
Good day, well organised, slides to be circulated. - WBPC Planning Liaison Meeting with CCC – 08/09/2023 – BT, AS, SC & Assistant
Discussion meeting with Planning Services in regard to several planning applications. Very good meeting. - Town and Parish Clerk Forum – 13/09/2023 – Clerk & Assistant
Useful meeting will circulate links and send information on Energy grants to webmaster. - Visit to Jumbo Water Tower – 18/09/2023 – AS
Excellent visit, interesting that it was completely built out of cast iron, but so much is broken. Not sure what the future holds for it. - EALC AGM 2023 – 21/09/2023 – BTB, JGR, AS, HS
Held at Colchester United Football Stadium, very interesting talks & stands. - CCC Planning Training Workshop – 26/09/2023 – BTB, AS, Assistant
22 Cllrs & Clerks online for 2-hour talk by CCC Planning Officers. It was more detailed than the previous workshops had been, and the slides will be circulated.
23/161 Items to Note
a) CALC Meeting – questions for Pam Donnelly, CEO of CCC
Pam Donnelly, Chief Executive of CCC will be at the next meeting on Sept 28th, 2023, Cllrs are requested to think what questions they would like to put before her.
b) MUGA Working Party – date of next meeting
Date of the next meeting is the 5th Oct. Revised Terms of Reference will be discussed.
c) Crime Statistics
24th Jul – 24th Sept 2023: 2 crimes. 1 bike theft and 1 damage to property.
d) Village Fete – update of meeting held 25th Sept 2023
Cllr Butcher and the Clerk had a meeting with a resident who is keen to chair the Fete Sub-Committee. He has got some ideas which he wants to start working on, but needs to formally notify and get the Orpen Hall Management Committee’s agreement before he starts seeking any funding etc. The Council looks forward to seeing how this will progress.
e) Village Bulletin – photographic competition
Cllr Butcher has been working on a photographic competition with Cllr Cullis for the December edition of the Village Bulletin and online for the under 12’s and the under 18’s, with the categories based on What grows in West Bergholt, What lives in West Bergholt and What is made in West Bergholt. The prizes will be vouchers and will be part funded from the Chair’s Fund, with the Charity Allotment Stall kindly funding the remainder.
23/162 Items for Next Agenda
Wed 25th October 2023:
- MUGA Working Party Terms of Ref
- Preliminary budget discussions
23/163 In Committee
No matters were discussed in committee.
23/164 Date of Next Meeting
The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 25th Oct 2023 at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at 9.45pm.
Signed: Date: