Minutes of Parish Council 28th June 2017

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 28th June 2017 at 7.30 pm

Chair: Andrew Savage
Parish Councillors Present: Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell, Murray Harlow, John Gili-Ross, Phil Spencer, Harry Stone
Parish Clerk: Laura Walkingshaw
Borough Councillors: Brian Jarvis, Lewis Barber
Present: 5 members of the public



Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the Public

  RESOLVED – Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Stevenson, Borough Councillor Willetts and Michael Bowmer


Questions from registered electors

Nathan Sanders of the Heathlands Fireworks Committee had a question for the council regarding the charge intended for the use of the Poor’s Field for the next firework night event. Cllr Butcher explained that as Trustees the Council charge for all the areas which they hire out. It will be a nominal fee of approximately £10 per hour. The charge and the rest of the questions regarding this event will be addressed at the meeting set for the   13th July to take place between the Firework Committee and Cllr Butcher & Cllr Spencer, representing the Parish Council.


Declarations of Interest

  DECLARED – Cllr Tyrrell declared an interest in item 17/89a, Planning Application 171271.



RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P2 May 2017)


Report from Colchester Borough Councillors

  Borough Cllr Jarvis reported:

  • The 122 homes planned for Braiswick has been refused by Colchester Borough Planners, however the developers are going to appeal. It will therefore go to the Inspectorate and the strength of the CBC Local Plan will then be tested when challenged in this way.
  Borough Cllr Barber reported:

  • Changes to waste collection system – Cllr Barber has put out a request on Facebook asking residents to inform him of any issues they have had with the changes in collection. The main issues which surrounded the confusion over which calendar to use are now understood. The key problems appear to be around the help needed by residents regarding exemptions, especially concerning sanitary products. The Borough Councillors are working hard to try to limit the effects of these changes and would appeal for people to get in touch if they need help.

ACTION – Cllr Spencer to email Cllr Barber regarding the confusion over the  collection days in Hall Road.

  • Colchester Borough Homes – Cllr Harlow (Communications Officer) has had trouble getting in contact with Colchester Borough Homes regarding Virgin cable laying.

ACTION – Cllr Barber will put Cllr Harlow in contact with Amanda at CB Homes.

  • Travellers at Eight Ash Green – The Borough Councillors have now contacted all the local MPs as they are constrained by national legislation in this issue. On a local level Colchester Borough tried to meet with the Essex Travellers Unit, however they failed to turn up.
  • CBC Local Plan –  Cllr Barber voted against the proposed Local Plan and will be tabling an amendment regarding his concerns about the transport infrastructure in the North of Colchester. It did pass however, but with an amendment which will delay it a little so the Garden Settlement is on hold for now. The Councillor felt the Plan so vague that it should not be supported as the current one is valid until 2021 anyway. He thought it financially shocking as it is based on a business model of 1-2% margins, however the Council has been told that they have to discuss the plan itself, not the finances behind it. Cllr Barber will continue to look into it.
  • Spring Lane Planning Application – Cllr Barber was happy to take the residents’ concerns further and “call in” the Planning Application 171089 proposed for Spring Lane.
  • Traffic Safety Group – The Councillor has spoken to Highways regarding the speeding on Colchester Road. Apparently when entering a village in Essex the speed limits should be phased from 60mph to 40mph to 30mph, however neither he nor Cllr Jarvis could think of anywhere in the ward where this actually happens. The sudden drop from 60 to 30 probably explains why drivers often exceed the limit. This will be interesting to explore.


Parish Councillor Vacancy

a) The personal statements from the two co-option candidates were read out to the Parish Council. Cllr Savage, as Chair, read candidate Michael Bowmer’s in his absence.
b) The election of a new Councillor for co-option to West Bergholt Parish Council, then took place. David Short received six votes and Michael Bowmer received two, with one abstention.

RESOLVED – to co-opt David Short onto West Bergholt Parish Council. He then joined the Council for the remainder of the meeting.

ACTION – Clerk will provide David Short with a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and a Register of Members’ Interests Form.




Statement of accounts for May 2017 (Link to P2 May 17 Summary)

The final accounts for May 2017 were presented as follows:

17% of the way through the financial year.

The General Account showed 48% income, 11% general expenditure, 11% environment expenditure and 11% expenditure overall, when the categories of general expenditure & environment are totaled together.

The Hall Account showed 11% income and 22% expenditure.

Cllr Gili-Ross required clarification on the Handymen’s work hours as they seemed a little low, the Clerk assured him that the backlog of the new handyman’s hours would appear next month in the June accounts.



  RESOLVED – To approve the following cheques for payment and signature in accordance with 2017-18 budget. Proposed by Cllr Stone, seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour.

June 2017

General Account
DD CBC Garage Rent 50.58
GA170072 Cox Landscapes 6 x Bollards – Heath 339.62
GA170073 J & M Payroll Services Wages, Tax & NI 3389.19
GA170074 WBFC Grass Cutting 40.00
GA170075 J & M Payroll Services Payroll Services – Apr 27.00
GA170076 Countrywide Grass Cutting 155.50
GA170077 Kent Blaxill Heath Information Sign 30.42
GA170078 Laura Walkingshaw Petty Cash Replenishment 83.54
GA170079 Debbie Osbourne Smashed Car Window 100.25
GA170080 Mail Boxes Etc Village Bulletin Printing 775.00
GA170081 Ford Barns Country Store Trailer & Assembly 1069.00
GA170082 Printerland Toner 201.17
GA170083 Kent Blaxill Heath Protection Barrier & Pins 86.87
GA170084 Anglian Water Water Bill – Poor’s Land 12.10
GA170085 Ponder Construction Retention Money – Toilet Refurb 1106.81
GA170086 G P Allen Accountants Internal Audit 300.00
GA170087 Printerland Toner – CS 166.84
GA170088 Ernest Doe Chain Oil 3.33
GA170089 EALC Budget Training – BTB 55.00
GA170090 Laura Walkingshaw Stationery & Office 365 Renewal 106.87
GA170091 RCCE Parish Council Membership 105.60
GA170092 Brian Butcher Travel Expenses 50.30
GA170093 Braiswick Tyres Tube for Ride on Mower 15.18
Orpen Hall Account
DD Col Skip Hire Refuse Collection – May 130.49
DD CNG Gas – May 177.92
DD Utility Warehouse Mobile, Broadband, MUGA Electricity 67.52
DD Eon Electricity 470.33
Tfr Hall to Gen Account Wages 405.81
 Chq 101561 CBC Premises Licence – DPS Disapplication 23.00
HA170028 Zoe O’Connor Cleaning 792.00
HA170029 EKB Contracts Lighting Electrician 202.70
HA170030 Pro-Lock 3 Locks for Orpen Hall 295.50


RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to agree Section 1 of the 2016/17 Annual Return, the Annual Governance Statement. Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour.


RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to agree Section 2 of the 2016/17 Annual Return, the Accounting Statements for 2016/17. Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour.




The minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on the 21st June 2017 were received and the decisions made on following applications were noted (Link to Planning P3 Jun 17)

DECLARED Cllr Tyrrell redeclared an interest in Planning Application 171271 and took no part in the discussion of it.

  • 171369 – Homecroft, Chapel Lane, CO6 3EF – Observation – The Parish Council state that this may be acceptable as long as the landscaping element is not compromised and provided that the problems regarding the boundary are resolved first, as we have already formally requested from ECC.
  • 171271 – 8 Colchester Road, CO6 3BY – Support – The Parish Council support this application, but on the proviso that the building will never be sold as a separate dwelling in the future as indicated in the Planning Statement itself.
  • 171450 The Glen, Spring Lane. CO6 3HJ – Support – The Parish Council has no comment.
  • 171089 – Land adj. to 3 Spring Lane, CO6 – Object – Spring Lane is part of the unique character of West Bergholt consisting of narrow unmade lanes in the heart of the village. These lanes are inappropriate for access to dense redevelopment.   Spring Lane, by it very name, consists of watercourses and has a varying water table with occasional flooding in places. The Parish Council does not object to a small residential redevelopment of the site, in fact be an improvement as currently the site is part commercial which causes disturbance at weekends. The Council strongly objects to the application on the grounds of access and overdevelopment. The proposed layout is out of keeping with the existing village urban grain. Spring Lane is a narrow-unmade lane, further increase in traffic would be inappropriate and will/could be dangerous. The owners of the site have never contributed to the maintenance or used it for access. The proposed redevelopment will double the traffic currently using the lane. Spring Lane is a popular footpath and short cut through the village, especially at school time. The developer has not approached the Council to discuss the application prior to making the application, so we can’t understand why the developer wants access off Spring Lane when there is perfectly good access off Chapel Road, suitable for commercial vehicles. Conclusion: The Council and residents would welcome a revised proposal for the redevelopment, consisting of 3 bungalows but, most importantly, with access off Chapel Road.

    The Council note that Borough Councillor Barber intends to “call in” the Spring Lane development.


RESOLVED – to agree the following decision on a new planning application, which was received after the Planning Committee had already met this month.

  • 171635 – 49 Mumford Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BL – Support – The Parish Council support the application and would only query whether there is an infringement of the highways protection area. However, this will no doubt be addressed by Highways themselves as consultees.


Environment and Highways


The minutes from the Environment Committee meeting held on 8th June 2017 were received. (Link to Environment P3 Jun 2017)


An update for Councillors was received from Cllr Spencer on the recent discovery of heather on the Village Green/Heath.

The heather does not like competition from other plants or being trampled on, hence the orange barrier and the signs. It is a rare habitat and cannot be mowed during the usual flailing in the Autumn.

ACTION – Clerk to ensure something is put on Facebook and check with the Heathlands School. (Cllr Stone had mentioned it to Rachel Hopkins who co-ordinates the School Council)

ACTION – Cllr Spencer will investigate grants which can be applied for, to protect it.

Cllr Gili-Ross informed the Council of the excessive growth on some of West Bergholt greenswards which do not belong to the Parish Council. Whether the issue has been a shortage of CBC staff or equipment, either way it has not been maintained. It is necessary for the Borough Council to step up to the mark, provided they haven’t relinquished the work to Essex County Council.

ACTION – Borough Cllr Barber will send an email to check.

ACTION – Cllr Gili-Ross will send photos of the worst affected areas to the Clerk who will forward them on to Cllr Barber.

ACTION – With regards to the Local Highways Panel discussion of the Colchester Road bus stop, Clerk to ensure that Borough Cllr Willetts has a copy as he is on the Panel.


Premises and Recreation

  The minutes from the Premises Committee meeting held on 5th June 2017 were received. (Link to Premises P3 Jun 17)



  It was noted that the following training was undertaken during the last month by the Clerk or Councillors:
  • The Local Council Police Conference – Cllr Butcher
    A great event on local accessible policing. Agenda items included:

    • Travellers – flow chart of how to respond to unauthorised encampments. Forwarded to the Clerk for safe-keeping.
    • Practical Demo of Drone Use – very impressive search of a field.
    • Community Specials (Link to Comm. Special Summary) – something for discussion firstly at the Finance Committee then hopefully at a full Council meeting. These Specials could be anyone local, man or woman, any age and of a variety of skills. They would have the same powers as a police constable and would be at our disposal for a minimum of 16 hours per month (with the exception of when large local events occur like the recent Olly Murs concert to which they would have been seconded to help).
      Cllr Stone hoped that the Council would support this idea as much as possible as it would aid many of the issues found by the Traffic Safety Group.
  • Saturday Morning Councillor Training – Cllr Crichton


Items to Note (available on table at meeting)


Correspondence Log – June 2017


Crime Statistics – Apr 2017


Thank you from West Bergholt Carpet Bowls Club – Noted with thanks


Permission requested for access to school through Poor’s Field for Inflatables Day on 20th July – permission granted with usual stipulation that any damage to the field would be reimbursed by the PTA.

ACTION – Clerk to inform PTA


In Committee

  Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).
  No items were discussed.


Date of Next Meeting

  Parish Council Meeting, Wed 26th July 2017 at 7.30pm in John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd, West Bergholt
  Meeting closed at 9.05pm
Signed: Date: Position on Council:


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