Day 80 of (quasi) Lockdown – the Rainbow edition

Day 80 of (quasi) Lockdown – the Rainbow edition

The news is quite thin on day 80 but here it is.  A rainbow in Castle Park, appeal for keeping up Social Distancing and, honouring the rainbow a Virtual Choir singing True Colours.

Rainbow Display Colchester Castle ParkCastle Park Rainbow

A spectacular floral display, symbolising a message of hope and unity, has been unveiled in Colchester’s Castle Park.

More than 1,500 specialist plants grown for their radiant foliage colour have been used to create the stunning rainbow feature.  It expresses solidarity with frontline carers and support workers and recognition for all those affected by the coronavirus.

Popular Displays

Following other popular displays, such as the VE badge border and Game of Thrones dragons, the rainbow is certain to catch the eye of passers-by, with its message that storms don’t last forever and brighter times lie ahead.  Each year, more than 48,000 bedding plants and 23,000 bulbs are planted in Castle Park. It takes a team of six gardeners around three weeks to plant the summer displays, starting in early June.

This year’s special display is sponsored and created by idverde, who will maintain the rainbow during its time in the park from 10 June until late summer.

The rainbow display is located inside the Cowdray Gates of Upper Castle Park and will be on view until late summer. Visit for further information about Castle Park. Please note that whilst the park is open to visitors, the play areas remain closed following the latest government advice.

Social Distancing is Still Here

Essex County Council today issued a notice asking residents to continue to respect the 2m social distancing.  They perceive a risk that many more shops opening next week will lead to complacency.  The virus is still with us lurking where you don’t suspect!  As Dr Mike Gogarty, Essex County Council’s Director of Public Health said (without the cartoon):

Social distancing cartoonIt is absolutely crucial that everyone continues to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines and that we maintain the progress we have made so far in terms of ensuring local NHS services can cope with the number of COVID-19 cases.

As shops and other attractions start to re-open, it might feel like the threat of COVID-19 is lessening and that we don’t need to follow Government advice as strictly. However, this is not the case.

Social distancing is in place for a reason and that is to protect you. I would like to thank those that have and continue to follow the guidelines – we all have a responsibility to stay alert.

Virtual Choirs

True Colours

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