Blown away…

Garden sacks marked with address

… garden waste sacks are a real nuisance.  CBC has provided advice on reducing the problems experienced by local residents after their sacks are emptied on windy days and sometimes blow away.
Prevention is always better than cure so advice to prevent permanent loss of these sacks are:

  • have a large stone, brick or similar weighty object nearby so the crew can weigh the sacks down once emptied, and 
  • always write your address on the side of them, this way if they do blow away anybody finding them can return them to you.

If the worst happens and you need replacement garden sacks residents can purchase their sacks online for home delivery by clicking on the link below. This link can also be used by residents to order clear recycling sacks and green boxes which are not chargeable:

Garden sacks can also be purchased from a number of outlying collection points across the borough. The link below will take residents directly to a full list of locations:

Residents may also use sacks similar in size and construction to those available from the Council, however they must have emptying handles on the side and the bottom.  Alternatively you could consider composting garden waste, details of this option can be found by residents by clicking the link below.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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