The vice-president Pat Moran welcomed 3 visitors to the meeting. The tea party held in the Methodist church hall was a success with over £100 being raised for funds. Congratulations were given to Jeanne Dean who won the Yorkshire Tea competition. A selecton of small garments and teddies were on display. These had been knitted by Jeanne and Heidi and would be sent to the orphanages in Romania.
The president Joyce Woolhead presented flowers together with a card signed from all the members to Marjorie Thomas a long standing member who is leaving the village and will join her local Balkerne Gardens group.
The speaker, Linda Scoles, who arrived in England from America in 1971 with her husband who served on the Lakenheath airbase, gave an amusing talk entitled ‘Divided by a Common Language’. Members were amazed at how many expressions had totally different interpretations.