Day 7 of Lockdown – The ‘Look After Yourself’ Edition

Asterix vs PandemixDay 7 of Lockdown

So, it’s day 7, coming to the end of the first week and we’re looking at the possibility of there being many more weeks.  Nerves are already fraying at webmaster’s house.  With that in mind, looking after yourself is a key imperative, that’s why we’ll inject humour from time to time, but our first item is from Public Health England (PHE).  Others are:

Guidance on Mental Health & Wellbeing

Over the weekend PHE published a document basically concerned with helping us preserve our sanity in these troubling times.  It addresses a wide range of things you can do to help with your mental health & wellbeing, many with links to external resources such as helplines and the NHS Fitness Studio: Continue reading “Day 7 of Lockdown – The ‘Look After Yourself’ Edition”

Nicenstripy helps Scouts ‘Be Prepared’!

Lawn care and garden maintenance company, nicenstripy stepped in to make sure the local scouting group could live up to their ‘Be prepared’ motto, when the West Bergholt Monday night Badger Pack were on the search for a suitable vehicle to provide transport for a trip to the Thorrington Scout Camp.

Andrew Ross, owner of nicenstripy says “we were delighted to be able to help out the local scout group to make sure they could get all their kit safely to their camp. We have always been keen to support the local community and indeed some of the boys involved in the camp are related to nicenstripy’s clients. As an outdoor based business we think it is important for the younger generation to appreciate the benefits of an active outdoor lifestyle. Perhaps we should talk to the Scouts about creating a Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance Badge next year!!”

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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