A brief summary of key elements of the PC Meeting on 26th January 2022. They:
- received an update on the Booster Clinics and appreciation for volunteers supporting them,
- heard from County Councillor Barber about progress on a number of traffic-related issues and other matters,
- approved payments made in December & January,
- agreed a number of financial measures including three-year plan and reserves policy,
- approved 2022-23 precept and budget,
- received reports from committees & approved recommendations,
- approved a proposal to declare a climate emergency, and
- noted progress towards Quality Gold award under the LCAS scheme.
Full details are in the official minutes below.
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
Held on Wed 26th January 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall
Chairman: | Cllr Chris Stevenson |
Parish Councillors Present: | Cllrs Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell, Joel Fayers, Jenny Church, David Short, Harry Stone and Andrew Savage |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough & County Councillors: | County Cllr Lewis Barber |
Present: | 2 members of the public |
Via Zoom: | Cllr John Gili-Ross and 1 member of the public |
22/1 |
Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the public |
RESOLVED – apologies accepted from Councillor Gili-Ross for non-attendance in person. Cllr Gili-Ross joined the meeting via Zoom in order to take part in discussions but took no part in the decision-making process. Apologies also received from Borough Councillors Willetts & Leatherdale. |
22/2 |
West Bergholt Covid-19 Response |
To receive an update on the latest West Bergholt COVID-19 developments: Cllr Stone updated the Council on the Covid Booster Clinic at St Mary’s Church. Nik the pharmacist has recently been cancelling sessions at the Church as numbers attending the clinic have fallen. If he goes ahead with next week, he will be running them at West Bergholt Pharmacy rather than at the Church. However, he would like it noted that he couldn’t have completed as many vaccinations as he had without the support of the volunteers, and it would be good to do something to recognise the great organisation involved in delivering this to West Bergholt. Cllr Butcher informed members that the Hall is still running under the Covid Special Conditions and will be until the end of March in line with the government possibly ending all restrictions. |
22/3 |
Questions from registered electors |
There were no questions from registered electors, however a member of the public attending the meeting wished to inform the Council that due to the Covid Special Conditions on the Hall it was becoming increasing difficult for clubs who have guest speakers to keep attendance numbers below the current maximum 60 capacity. It was noted by the Council that these restrictions will be revisited shortly by the Trust at their next meeting and expected to come to an end on the 31st March 2022 as previously agreed. |
22/4 |
Declarations of Interest |
Cllr Savage declared an interest in item 22/8b, and Cllr Fayers declared an interest in item 22/8c. |
22/5 |
Previous Minutes |
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Wednesday 24th November 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P8 Nov 2021 ) |
22/6 |
Report from Colchester Borough and Essex County Councillors |
County Councillor Barber reported:
22/7 |
Finance |
a) |
Statement of accounts for Nov-Dec 21 (see link to P8-9 Nov-Dec 21 PC Accounts ) The final accounts for Nov-Dec 2021 (75% through financial year) were presented as follows: Receipts at 99%, General Expenditure 49%, Environment Expenditure 36%, Overall Expenditure 46% Bank Rec at £ 116,968.43 on 31st December 2021. |
b) |
Payments RESOLVED – To approve the December & January payments list in accordance with 2021-22 budget. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour. PC Payments List – Dec 2021
PC Payments List – Jan 2022
c) |
To agree the proposed virements and reserves for 2022-23, as shown in draft Reserves Policy 2022 and Virements documents. In order to look at the budget requirements for next year it was necessary to first see what was already available in the Council’s reserves and unfinished projects money from this year. Several virements (movement of money) will be required to consolidate and tidy up the current Reserves and Projects list:
Resulting in the draft Reserves Policy for 2022-23, specifically the table below, which clarifies the money already available for outstanding projects:
RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to undertake the virements listed above and agree the draft Reserves Policy 2022-23, seconded by Cllr Stevenson. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to amend monthly Reserves sheet and 2022-23 Reserves Policy. |
d) |
To agree the new Three-Year Plan (2022-25) Looking ahead to 2022-23, the new draft WBPC Three Year Plan, based on previous years Three Year Plans (2018-2021) was put before members, with Year 1 proposed as: Year 1: 2022-23
The only difference between Proposals A-C being the total in the Neigh Plan projects line, which as Cllr Savage reiterated will also have £8,411.31 from previous years in the Reserves. |
Year 2: 2023-24
Year 3: 2024-25
Note: Certain projects are covered by the Section106 list for partial funding and grants will be sought to match-fund wherever available. As stated, all of these projects are net of grants, but it is written to provide a plan for the next 3 years, even if years 2 and 3 evolve over the coming months. RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to agree the new Three-Year Plan (2022-25), seconded by Cllr Stevenson. All in favour. |
e) |
To approve the 2022-23 Precept and Budgets as based on the approved Three-Year Plan, maximum Proposal B, as recommended by the Finance Advisory Committee. When the three totals are inserted into the Projects line of the WBPC Proposed 2022-23 PC Budget (see section of table below) the resulting three options in a Precept increase are: Cllr Savage reported that there had been an increase in the number of Band D properties in the parish which had enabled him to keep the figures low. The Finance Committee had advised that with households under pressure from energy & living costs it would only be appropriate to go for the lower two figures, and so with the Council’s own costs increasing (especially materials): RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed a 2.8% increase in the Precept requirement from CBC, resulting in a figure of £108,757.00 for the 2022-23 budget, Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to notify Colchester Borough Council tomorrow |
f) |
To remind Councillors to submit their end of year expenses forms (signed) Councillors were reminded to submit their expenses forms for 2021-22. |
g) |
To approve the engagement of Ingleton Wood as project management company for the Orpen Hall Solar panels PV & WC refurbishment project at 9% of the final construction cost subject to the necessary grant funding. Three quotes were sought for this work, but only one was returned, however the Council has engaged Ingleton Wood on a previous project and been very happy with their work. This is part of a staged application, where tenders and background work need to be undertaken by Ingleton Wood before the Council applies for the grant to pay for it, no building contractor is being employed at this point. Members are to note though, if the grant application is unsuccessful, payment will still be due to Ingleton Wood for work they complete up to that point. RESOLVED – Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Butcher. All in favour. |
22/8 |
Planning |
a) |
To note the following decisions made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee at their meeting of 15th Dec 2021 (see link to Planning P9 Dec 2021):
b) |
To note the following decisions made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee at their meeting of 19th January 2022 (see link to Planning P10 Jan 2022):: It was noted that Cllr Savage declared an interest in PA213344 at the Planning Committee meeting and took no further part in discussions.
c) |
To approve the following recommendations made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee at their meeting of 19th January 2022:
Cllr Fayers redeclared an interest in PA 220103 and took no further part in discussions. RESOLVED – Cllr Tyrrell proposed to approve these recommended comments, Cllr Stevenson seconded. All in favour. |
22/9 |
Environment & Highways |
To note the minutes of the Environment Committee from their meeting of the 13th January 2022 (see link to Environment Minutes P10 Jan 2022)
22/10 |
Climate Emergency Working Party |
To note the statement from the Chair of the Working Party and approve the proposal for the endorsement of a motion (see link to Climate Emergency WP full statement): “that this council believes that a Climate Emergency should be declared and that the Parish Council will take action either through its own work or in conjunction with others in the parish to cut carbon emissions, mitigate the effects of global warming and improve natural environments all in the wider interests of future generations” The full statement was put before the Council, from which Cllr Tyrrell briefly read parts of it, each Councillor then read either a prepared statement or made comment as recorded here in the Climate Emergency motion Councillors’ Comments document Councillors Short proposed an amendment to the motion prior to the Council’s vote, Cllr Church seconded, suggesting the removal of the first thirteen words, resulting in: “that this council believes that a Climate Emergency should be declared and that the Parish Council will take action either through its own work or in conjunction with others in the parish to cut carbon emissions, mitigate the effects of global warming and improve natural environments all in the wider interests of future generations” Voting took place on the amendment but was defeated by 6 votes to 2. The amendment having failed, the meeting then reverted to voting on the original wording in the motion. RESOLVED – Proposed by Cllr Tyrrell, seconded by Cllr Fayers. The motion was then carried by 6 votes to 2. ACTION – Clerk to book a Climate Emergency Working Party meeting after the next Planning meeting. |
22/11 |
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS) |
To note an update on the Council’s work towards its Quality Gold LCAS award. The Council is very close to presenting the information about heading to the next level, however there are number of new documents which need to be created and some website changes will also be required and so this has been deferred to the February meeting. The addition work will include a business plan, the Council’s work on sustainability and staff development. It was noted that the work of the LCAS award may be passing from the EALC up to the NALC. |
22/12 |
Council Documents |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s:
Cllr Butcher had a few queries on the policies, but his questions were answered during the meeting itself and so no amendments were required. RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed to ratify the policies, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to circulate the Lone Working Policy well in advance of next month’s meeting when it is due for renewal, as there will be Covid-related amendments required. |
22/13 |
Training/Networking Events |
To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk.
22/14 |
Items to Note |
22/15 |
Items for the next agenda – 23rd February 2022 |
22/16 |
In CommitteeMatters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). |
Nothing for discussion in committee this month |
22/17 |
Date of Next Meeting |
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall. |
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm |
Signed: |
Date: Position on Council: |