Click logo to complete survey.
The Neighbourhood Plan survey has drawn in an encouraging 300 responses to date, many of these online using the electronic survey. The Steering Group have a target of 500 responses in mind as this would represent about a third of all households. With this in mind the survey period has been extended to 19th July.
So if you haven’t responded yet, or if there are others in your household you could encourage to respond, please take the 10 minutes needed to complete the questionnaire ideally on line! If you prefer to respond on paper then remember the questionnaire was included as an insert in June’s Village Bulletin. If you need extra copies of the survey, the paper copy is also available to download here – WB HH Questionnaire ver 15.
Extra prize draw for under-18 survey respondents
Remember you can enter our prize draw with a chance to win a Co-op hamper! As an added incentive for younger members of the community to respond, we are creating a second prize of a £20 Amazon gift voucher available for respondents aged under 18.