Cycling ‘Join a Ride’ Leader & Route Announced


Following a recent meeting with Zoe Swainston, British Cycling Community Coach based at Northern Gateway, we are delighted that she has volunteered her services to lead our proposed ride around the West Bergholt area.

A suggested route is shown below.  This would potentially consist of two rides, including a shorter route for families, depending on demand. More information will be available in a few weeks, so please sign up below if you are interested in joining us.

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Cycling – Join a ride

Cycling Working Group: Join us on a ride!

Cycling in woods

The Parish Council has set up a Cycling Working Group, with its own terms of reference, under the Neighbourhood Plan Action Plan, in April 2024, to determine the need for cycle facilities/ additional facilities in West Bergholt.

Its remit also includes promoting cycling routes, including off-road, and investigating the reinstatement of village-to-village cycle rides/rides to places of attraction.

The group, under the Chair of Andrew Ross, includes a wide variety of cyclists from a triathlete, a former world-level cyclist, a member who has cycled from Lands’ End to John O’Groats, and a member who loves no more than to take her children on a ride to local hostelries for Sunday lunch.

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Do you have a vision for the future of the MUGA?


Vision for Sports at the MUGADo you have a vision for the future of the MUGA?

The MUGA/Tennis Court surface by the Orpen Hall is reaching the end of its life and we need to develop a vision for its future.  The Parish Council would like to set up a Working Group of potential users to investigate the use of the MUGA and the provision of an appropriate surface which needs to be renewed.

We need to answer some questions

Continue reading “Do you have a vision for the future of the MUGA?”

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