Youth Engagement Working Group Terms of Reference
These terms of reference were adopted by the Council on 28/02/2024, Minute Ref. 24/28b
For review annually
Purpose of the Working Party
The Working Party is established to manage and improve how best to engage with the youth of West Bergholt on behalf of the Parish Council and shall include the following responsibilities:
- To look at the current opportunities to engage with those under 18 available in West Bergholt and the existing youth facilities available.
- To improve Council decision-making and the local community by providing opportunities to listen to the needs of young people, building a more inclusive parish. If they understand the importance of exercising their rights, they will be more inclined to do so.
- To build trust in the local electoral systems, enabling the young to feel confident in expressing their point of view and challenging the decisions.
- To provide local young people with a better understanding of how the local government system works and who the decision-makers are.
- To help develop the next generation of future Council members – early engagement can enable the young to develop skills and experience in public speaking, problem solving, leadership and developing arguments.
- To investigate ways to implement the recommendations of young people, including additional facilities, in West Bergholt.
- To put forward to the Parish Council (in consultation with the Finance Advisory Committee) proposals for any improvements, developments or any capital expenditure for funding for the following financial year.
- To identify the barriers or gaps that might impact youth engagement.
- To recommend the most appropriate tools or methods to engage with young people.
The Working Party will comprise of:
- Parish Councillors
and seek to include:
- Representatives from local youth groups
- Parents
- The attendees at the first meeting of the newly constituted group will choose a chairperson and secretary and one Parish Councillor will be nominated to report to the Parish Council on a regular basis.
- The group will make its recommendations to the Parish Council for discussion and final decision-making.
- Any contracts awarded for Youth Work will be awarded by the Parish Council.
- The Working Party will meet at least twice a year.
These terms of reference shall be reviewed annually until such a time as the Working Party is no longer required.