Council Training Policy
This policy was superseded on 23rd January 2019 by new Training & Development Policy.
The Council takes all aspects of training very seriously believing that through good quality and where practical regular training, Councillors and Council staff remain effective and efficient when discharging their duties for the community.
When training notices and course details are received by the Clerk these are distributed to all members of the Council as appropriate for information. At each Council meeting the latest training briefing papers are discussed under the “Items to Note” section of the agenda if they have not already been raised under a previous agenda item e.g. Planning or Environment & Highways.
At any time a Councillor or member of staff can ask the Clerk to investigate training of either a standard or specific nature and to provide details of dates, venues, costs and subject matter content. Once assembled the Councillor or staff member can choose the date they would like to attend and ask the Clerk to make any booking arrangements. Training will be given on a first come first served basis providing it is relevant and the costs can be met from within the available training budget. The Parish Council Chair will have the ultimate say on whether training is relevant and also, should there be insufficient training budget remaining for that year, can be undertaken. Priority will be given to new Councillors or members of staff if there are budget constraints.
The training budget is set annually and the year to date figures are reported through the monthly financial reports and made available to all through the web site.
The Parish Council will reimburse travel expenses associated with attending training courses. Expenses incurred other than normal travel expenses must be approved in advance of the course where appropriate.
Councillors that attend training sessions are expected to brief the Clerk on the effectiveness of the training given and specifically bring to the Clerks attention any new legislation changes covered by the training course. This will help ensure the Clerk remains current on changes and can instruct Councillors accordingly. Members of staff are expected to brief their operational manager in a similar manner, which will normally be the Chair of the respective sub-committee.
Whilst it is expected that Councillors attend training sessions it cannot be compulsory. It is expected that all Councillors should attend training sessions relevant to Councillor duties and responsibilities. When a course is booked the Councillor is expected to find a substitute to attend in their place should there be unexpected developments that prevent their attendance. It should be noted that costs are incurred when training is booked but not taken up.