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West Bergholt – Section 106 List
Neighbourhood Plan list updated for response to CBC 18th May 2020
1. Introduction
From extensive survey work and consultation, residents and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group identified a number of projects which potentially can be funded through new development, s106 or CIL contributions or other funding opportunities.
Please note that the potential costs given below are for guidance purposes only, to give an indication as to each project size.
2. List of Projects
NP Category | Requirement | Funding Source | Potential cost exc. VAT |
Village Society and Community | Community centre building/upgrade or extension to Orpen Memorial Hall | Planned works to include: CCTV, internal decoration, ceiling fans, lighting control panel, card tables, curtains, signboards, tile canopies and external w c.
Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. Please note that the above elements can be undertaken individually, in various combinations or in totality depending on funding available. |
£25,000 |
Also, fitting of solar panels to Hall. Funding: as above | £12,000 | ||
Provision of coffee shop/informal meeting place/parish office | Location of these desirable improvements are most likely to be at the Orpen Memorial Hall.
Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. |
£20,000 | |
Football Club building upgrade (on Trust land) | Due to the age of the building the planned upgrading is becoming urgent.
Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. |
£5,000 | |
Scout Hut upgrade (on Trust land) | Due to the age of the building upgrading elements have to be planned for over the next few years.
Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. |
£5,000 | |
New cemetery and associated infrastructure | Site and access to be provided by developer/s of Site A of adopted Neighbourhood Plan | N/A | |
Provision of community library/reading room facility | The location of these premises will be determined prior to applying for planning permission but is most likely to be at the Orpen Memorial Hall.
Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. |
£20,000 | |
Housing and Planning | Mini roundabout junctions on Colchester Road to serve new development sites | From s106 monies from developer/s of Sites A & B of adopted Neighbourhood Plan. | N/A |
Areas of informal open space | From s106 monies, within Sites A & B of adopted Neighbourhood Plan.
From developer/s, if not required to be provided by planning approval |
N/A | |
Charging points for electric cars | From s106 monies, within Sites A & B of adopted Neighbourhood Plan.
From developer/s , if not required to be provided by planning approval and/or under the Building Regulations current at that time. |
N/A | |
New pedestrian crossings of Colchester Road to link new housing to local facilities | From s106 monies from developer/s of Sites A & B of adopted Neighbourhood Plan. | N/A | |
Business and Commerce | Improved access, entrance and parking facilities | From s106 monies from developer/s of employment sites in adopted Neighbourhood Plan. | N/A |
Welcome and entrance boards for business parks | From s106 monies from developer/s of employment sites in adopted Neighbourhood Plan. | N/A | |
Sport and Recreation | New multi-sport area for organised sports | Site and serviced access provided by developer/s of Site B in adopted Neighbourhood Plan. | N/A |
New clubhouse and changing facilities plus pavilion | Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, Sport England, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. | £100,000 | |
Adventure playground | Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. | £30,000 | |
A third tennis court to allow for tournaments | Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, Sport England, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. | £20,000 | |
New surfacing of MUGA to allow safe play and wider range of sports | Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, Sport England, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies. | £40,000 | |
Footpath alongside MUGA from car park to allow easier disabled access to playground. | Funding: Miscellaneous grant funding, Sport England, CIF, National Lottery, micro-grants and s106 monies | £2,000 |