Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Meeting held on Monday 14thAugust 2023 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.
Planning Committee Members:
Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher.
Also in attendance:
Julie Gillott (Asst Clerk). One member of the public
Agenda items:
1. Welcome & Apologies for absence:
2. Declarations of interest:
3. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
Previous minutes were agreed with no amendments.
Resolved: Asst Clerk Julie Gillott contacted Colchester Council Planning Department and was told that all banners must have at the very least a temporary consent. Temporary consent can be sought at a cost of £132.
4. Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.
5. Planning applications:
231736 Land adj to, Hill House, 155 Colchester Road, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3JX
Application for approval of reserved matters following outline appeal approval APP/A1530/W/21/3267347 for erection of two dwellings, complete with access and parking.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object as the design does not comply with PP10 of the Neighbourhood Plan. The application is not of a high-quality design and the roof pitch appears that it needs to be increased.
Decision: Object.
231795 16 Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3ER
Proposed extension to existing rear garden room/conservatory.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support.
Decision: Support
6. Planning Decisions:
WBPC | CCC | |||||
231172 | 19 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JW | 19/06/21 | Support | Erection of a two storey, 2 bedroom detached family home | 19/7/23 | Approved |
231404 | West Bergholt Reservoir, Hall Road, West Bergholt | 17/07/23 | Support | Proposed ARQIVA smart metering 1no. GPS antenna a | 9/8/23 | Approved |
7. Date of next meeting:
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18th September in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at: 7.52pm