Planning & Development Committee – 16th September 2020

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 16th September at 7.30pm via Zoom

Planning Committee Members: Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Norma Smith, Andrew Savage,
Ex officio member Chris Stevenson and
Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk)
Next meeting:

Wed 21st Oct 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Apologies:  None
Members of the public present: One
Declarations of Interest: None

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village. The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, when making comments and decisions on Planning Applications

Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

None were received.

Item 2: To discuss and make decisions on the following applications:

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments made by Planning Committee
Land adjacent,
12 Colchester Road, West Bergholt,
Outline application for up to 7 dwellings with access determined and all other matters reserved. 201925 Support Decision agreed at PC mtg on 23/09/20 The Parish Council supports this outline application in principle, for up to 7 dwellings with access off Colchester Road, subject to the proposed site access being moved further east as per the letter sent to Andrew Black in January 2020 (copy of which now also sent to Planning Officer Chris Harden). The letter states:

The main issue the Council has is with the access point:

Access to PA 181458 & sites A/B: As neighbouring residents have made representations to the council, it would reiterate its previous comments that access to the site should be moved further down towards Colchester (eastwards) even if this is only by another house-width. In fact, adding a gentle curve within the site to the junction with Colchester Road would slow cars travelling in the development.

Also, obviously all parties will be entering into section 106 agreements with these proposals in the near future. The Parish Council would make two recommendations at this stage:

1. Parking restrictions (i.e. yellow lines) will be required in front of the Poor’s Land along the B1508, Colchester Road, to stop dangerous parking accumulating there.

2. Staggered junctions would be a good idea to slow traffic passing in front of these new sites. There is an opportunity to do this as the Price’s application has not yet been decided by CBC.

The Council would reiterate, that as with Planning Application 201686, this application requires compliance with the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan Policy PP13 in the funding of speed reduction measures and parking restrictions on Colchester Road by the developers of the site. Further, from the WBNP project list, developer contribution to the construction of a mini roundabout and a pedestrian crossing should be required. If there had been a public consultation it is likely that residents would have raised concerns regarding the establishment of new buildings along what is a very busy road without the additional safe crossing for adults and children that the WBNP requires.

Regarding the “Potential Site Access”, the Parish Council finds this wholly unacceptable, the creation of yet another access on to the busy Colchester is to be avoided at all costs.

Please also note that the Council was disappointed at the lack of reference to the Neighbourhood Plan and in fact no reference to transport in the application’s Planning document.

Item 3:         Planning Decisions:

West Bergholt PC Decision Date WBPC Decision Application No. and link to CBC planning website Location Proposal CBC/Appeal Decision Date CBC/Appeal Decision Appeal Pending
29/04/2020 Support 200769 Primrose Cottage,
Newbridge Hill,
West Bergholt,
Replacement of single storey summerhouse. 26/06/2020 Approved N/A
29/04/2020 Object 200706 179 Colchester Rd,
West Bergholt,
Application to vary condition 2 of decision 182761: substitute   drawings showing changes to proposed layouts & elevations 26/06/2020 Approved N/A
29/04/2020 Support 200672 100 Mumford Road, West Bergholt,
Proposed single storey front extension and first floor rear extension 13/05/2020 Approved N/A
29/04/2020 Support 200716 97 Colchester Road, West Bergholt,
Single storey rear extension. 26/05/2020 Approved N/A
20/05/2020 Support 200704 93 Colchester Road, West Bergholt,
Proposed single storey rear extension, proposed alterations to front elevation including new entrance door and porch, and proposed internal alterations as per drawings 04/06/2020 Approved N/A
20/05/2020 Support 200852 2 Bourne Cottages,
Bourne Road,
West Bergholt,
Single storey rear extension 22/06/2020 Approved N/A
20/05/2020 Support 200919 23 Pirie Road,
West Bergholt,
Improvements and Rear Extension 09/06/2020 Approved N/A
20/05/2020 Object 200962 20 Albany Road,
West Bergholt,
Two storey rear/side extension with part single storey 07/07/2020 Approved N/A
17/06/2020 Object 201038 Cooks Hall Barn, Cooks Hall Road,
West Bergholt,
Demolition of existing barn complex and erection of similar    replacement barn structure to create 2no. dwellings, garaging and boundary walls. Previous permitted development 173369 and PA 181624 23/07/2020 Approved N/A
15/07/2020 Support 201254 38 Albany Road,
West Bergholt,
Demolition of existing side garage to create space for single storey side extension. 06/08/2020 Approved N/A
15/07/2020 Observation 201280 Land adjacent to
1 Whitehouse Cottages,
Bourne Road,
Erection of one attached dwelling. 18/08/2020 Refused N/A
19/08/2020 Observation 201460 The Treble Tile, Colchester Road, West Bergholt,
Change of use from public house to Use Classes A1, A2 and B1 on   ground floor and Use Class C3 (two-bedroom apartment) on first floor. 08/09/2020 Approved N/A
19/08/2020 Support 201555 4 Garthwood Close, West Bergholt,
Proposed single storey rear extension. O/S N/A
19/08/2020 Object 201472 Barton Olivers,
181 Colchester Road,
West Bergholt,
Construction of new detached two-storey house with garage, drive and new access. O/S N/A
19/08/2020 Object 201642 155 Colchester Road,
West Bergholt,
Outline application for erection of two dwellings, complete with access and parking. O/S N/A
02/09/2020 Support 201744 Alcrofts Lodge,
Bures Road,
West Bergholt,
Proposed single storey extension. O/S N/A
02/09/2020 Support 201771 1 Moss Way,
West Bergholt,
Proposed single storey rear extension. O/S N/A
02/09/2020 Support 201686 Land south of WB Cricket Club, Colchester Road,
West Bergholt
Outline application for up to 18 dwellings with access to be determined and all other matters reserved. O/S N/A


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