Coming Soon – the 2018 Village Fete

Village Fete 2018Coming Soon – the 2018 Village Fete

Since its launch in March, the Village Fete Working Party has been working hard to deliver the 2018 Village Fete.  It is now set to take over the Orpen Hall & fields on Saturday 1st September between 12 noon and 4 pm during which time there will be something for everybody going on.

Produce Show

The Produce Show will take place in the Hall.  Entries are only 25p each and trophies will be awarded to those with the most winning points.  Entry forms are due in this week, 25th August, either to:

  • the Parish Clerk’s house at 80 Chapel Road, or
  • at the Orpen Hall between 10-12 on Saturday morning (25th).


MoJo bandFun & Music

Outside there will be stalls, games, entertainment, food, inflatables and rides. There are still pitches available (£10 a stall), please contact Vicky on [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]  or phone 07726 424419 if you would like one.

Music will be provided by

  • the West Bergholt Concert Band, celebrating their 40th anniversary and by
  • MoJo, a lively energetic band whose repertoire covers 65 years of amazing music.

The event area will contain the usual fun games; wellie throwing, wheelbarrow races and the tug of war; prizes are on offer for the winners.

Lucky programmes will be on sale for 50p detailing the events, each will contain a lucky number which will enter the prize draw that day.

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