Premises & Recreation – 2nd October 2017
The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 2nd October when, among other items, they discussed H&S matters, general maintenance and upkeep, hall user group, CCTV, Village Bulletin, licensing, football clubs, hiring and annual fireworks.
Premises & Recreation Minutes
Sub-committee Meeting held on 2nd October 2017 in JL Hall
Sub-committee members present: |
Murray Harlow (Acting Chair), Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Harry Stone` |
Also in attendance: |
Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator) |
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ApologiesBrian Butcher and Bob Tyrrell |
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Minutes of the last meeting on 3rd July 2017 were agreed. |
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Matters from Last Meeting |
3.1 | Health and Safety – Fire extinguisher training – ongoing VBC to report back at the next meeting. | VBC |
3.2 | Health & Safety Policy (as relates to Hall Administrator) – LW is in contact with the EALC trainer and looking to do the training in October half-term. LW, VBC and handyman to attend. | LW |
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Clerks & Administrator’s Report |
4.1 | Lighting – VBC reported that faulty light unit has now been returned and fitted. At the same time the outside floodlights were not working which the electrician was able to fix. | VBC |
4.2 | Hall Flooring – VBC has spoken with Zoe re buffing the floor. Ideally the floor needs to be buffed every day and that hot well rung out water and mop is a last resort. It takes Zoe 1 ½ hrs to buff the floor so it was agreed to look at the buffing to be done once a week plus an extra one on a Saturday/month. BB to follow up on the damage to the floor with one of the regular hirers. | BB/VBC/Zoe |
4.3 | Hall border tidying – Ongoing – BB/LW will liaise with WB Garden Association and the Handymen. | BB/LW |
4.4 | Projector – VBC has contacted Scotech Cabling and waiting to hear when it can be fitted. John Worland would like to have the old projector. | |
4.5 | Internal Painting – There was concern with paint peeling off the skirting board and walls marked. The painter came to check that it was not the paint or workmanship. It looks like knocks have happened and hirers are not taking due care. VBC to reiterate this to hirers. VBC suggested that the handymen once a month come in and touch up the paintwork so that we can keep on top of it. BT ongoing with changing the frames for the notices and paintings. | BT/VBC |
4.6 | Roofing – BB awaiting to hear from Daniel Connal Partnership. | BB |
4.7 | Hall User Group – Ongoing – once all information returned, BB will arrange a meeting. | VBC/BB |
4.8 | Handyman Schedule – VBC showed the committee the up to date schedule and VBC will continue to monitor. | VBC |
4.9 | Website – VBC currently in the process of putting the “bits” together for the online hall information & booking. VBC also looking at other village hall webpages to ensure everything is covered – on going. | VBC |
4.10 | Bluebell’s Blackboards – The three blackboards are now up – suggested getting a power washer to get the chalk off behind the boards. | VBC |
4.11 | Servery – Ideas were circulated around the table and it was agreed for VBC to get a quote from Howdens on a new sink/taps, cupboard and work surface where the hatch is. Together with new flooring, paint and a new flap down table. | VBC |
4.12 | Update on annual servicing – VBC met with the CCTV consultant and reported back that as the system is so old, it will be throwing money away if any time was spent on it. They advised that we could get rid of all of the cameras apart from one and have two PTZ cameras which will give us more coverage. Depending on how much the servery costs then new cameras can be installed in this financial year, if not it will be budgeted for 2018/2019. After the meeting and discussion with BB – it was agreed to go down this line and to meet with the CCTV consultant to see a live PTZ and justify having this system. | VBC |
4.13 | Rubbish Bin Area – a construction of three brick walls, concrete base and roof to house the blue bin and salt. BT to design. | BT |
4.14 | Trees at front of Orpen Hall – Cherry Trees at the front of the Hall – this agenda item to be transferred to the Environment Committee | Environment Committee |
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Premises Licence |
Ongoing. | LW | |
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Conditions of Licence and Hiring |
Ongoing –VBC and LW have arranged to meet up to sign them off. | VBC/LW | |
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Communication Officers Report |
MH reported that a colour copy of the Village Bulletin was made up and discussed with the Village Bulletin Team. The cost for 2018 would be the same price as the current black and white copy. Another quote was sought which came back double the current price. Comment was made on the weight of the paper which the Editor is going back to the printers to ask if a lighter paper can be used. MH gave 1st November to decide. | MH/JK | |
MH is currently working on a A5 size “Welcome to West Bergholt” pack. 1,500 will be printed. Promoting, local businesses, history of the village etc. Packs will be left at Doctors surgery and post office for newcomers to the village. | MH | |
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Usage of fields |
8.1 | WBFC Lease: LW has a meeting on Thursday 5th October with Sue Sheppard from RCCE to go through all Trust leases. | LW |
8.2 | BHYFC – There have been problems with Countrywide gaining access onto the Poor’s Field with vehicles parking in front of the gates – notices have been erected. The PC have no public liability for people to take it upon themselves to mow the Poor’s Field themselves – this has happened and the grass cuttings have just been left around the edge.
The PC have no issue with the cutting of the grass although BHYFC obtained a quote which was double the cost of what we are currently paying. The issue is the painting of the lines and making sure the grass is not cut after the lines have been painted. If different contractors are doing different jobs then there needs to be improved communication. A meeting between the school/BHYFC and PC to be arranged to finalise individual requirements and what the PC will pay. At present a parent is currently doing the white lining for BHYFC. |
BHYFC/Heathlands and PC member |
8.3 | Fireworks – LW will let J G-R know who put the chain on the gate. Week commencing 2nd October the new post will be fitted. | LW |
8.4 | Agreements to use fields – Draft Agreement – on going. | BB/PS |
Under 5’s & 6’s football team continuing to use the football pitch on a Saturday morning- charges. – ongoing | BB/VBC | |
Meeting closed at 8.35 pm |
Date of next meeting – 6th November 2017 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall |