Premises & Recreation – 10th October 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th October when, among other items, they welcomed a new councillor, discussed health & safety, terms of hire, asbestos surveys, social club, Bergholt Heath YFC, Orpen Hall toilets and storage.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 10th October 2016 in the John Lampon Hall Continue reading “Premises & Recreation – 10th October 2016”

Premises & Recreation – 4th April 2016

Premises & Recreation – 4th April 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 4th April when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, licences, lighting, Poors Land, bollards, MUGA, Orpen Hall toilets, storage and BHYFC.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 4th April 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Rosemary James, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell.

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Matters from Last Meeting



Orpen Hall Signage

BB enquired to why this matter was put on hold at the previous meeting in his absence.  Reasons being (1) the new storage/garage was proposed to go where the sign was being erected, (2) double sided sign would cost approx. £2,000 – looking at single sided and to be placed by cycle rack, this point will be revisited later on in the year.


Health and Safety Questionnaire

BB has now been provided with a copy of the Asbestos Report.

VBC is looking into a fire extinguisher handling session to be undertaken at the Hall, potentially to be extended to Parish Councillors, and heads of various groups. VBC



Clerks & Administrator’s Report



Bar Licence –

LW to check with Social Club as a priority as to the current position.



Lighting inside and out at Hall – update

This has been in  hand since the last meeting with our electrician Simon from EKB Contracts.  Parts have had to be ordered hence the delay.



More research/investigation into cost/storage/quantity will be sought by VBC for next meeting.




Draft T&C for one-off hirers

in progress will update at next meeting.





in progress, will update at next meeting.




Scouts – Asbestos Survey

in progress, will update at next meeting.



Provision of ‘MUGA Spectator’ benches

Following BB’s introduction, HS spoke on behalf of BYG who had come forward with an idea to place two wooden benches along the side of the ‘MUGA’ to enable spectators to watch either the tennis or the football.  BYG had offered to contribute to the cost with surplus money from their tuck shop on 21st April towards the benches. The PC may also ask the West Bergholt Football Club if they wish to contribute.  It was agreed that they would be wooden, with no backs, bolted into the ground.  It was agreed to get quotes from the handyman in the village.  Approx. size to be 8ft long x 1ft wide.  BYG would advise their suggested location and a plaque to be placed to record BYG’s contribution. VBC/HS


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

T&C were amended and agreed.  David Bowden is compiling a list of Managers and VBC suggested that as there could be as many as 6 managers that they each have a unique code rather than a fob so that we can easily manage any misuse.  VBC waiting for list and will then arrange training of the alarm system.  There was mention that their Committee Members had changed – VBC to check. VBC


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

A meeting was being held with Steve McLean of Esposito McLean on 5th April with BT to discuss details.  It was suggested to enquire if STC, Ponders and Tamarisk Buildings would be interested in tending for the works and LW to deal with this, so that the works can be completed during the Summer Holiday. BT/BB/LW


Storage Units

A discussion ensued about various options of extending the current garages to store equipment from the CBC garage which will no longer be rented by the Parish Council and the PC’s mower.  Prior to the meeting BB/VBC had a meeting with the Orpen Players, and informed them that the Parish Council will no longer be renting the CBC garage but that they will not get any more space, however they, will need to look at what they store at present and see if they can declutter – HS/BB and Roger will meet at the garages to discuss further.    Likewise a meeting with Bluebells – to see what their storage needs are.  This matter will be discussed further at the next meeting once the outcome from discussions with the Orpen Players and Bluebells have taken place. BB/HS



1)    Servery – it was agreed that this room will need to be refurbished sooner rather than later. ALL
2)    Social Club – following the monthly litter pick JC brought to our attention the number of cigarette ends on the ground around the Social Club’s entrance – it was suggested that LW approach the Social Club to bring this to their attention and for them to clean up on a daily basis or put a bucket of sand outside. LW
Meeting closed at 8.34pm


Date of next meeting

2nd May 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


Premises & Recreation – 7th March 2016

Premises & Recreation – 7th March 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 7th March when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, bollards, licences, lighting, Poors Land, Orpen Hall toilets and Football Clubs.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Monday 7 March 2016 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Harry Stone and Bob Tyrrell.
Also in attendance Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk)




Brian Butcher, Jenny Church and Rosemary James


Matters from Last Meeting



Orpen Hall Signage

This item is on hold at the moment and will be removed as an agenda item. Will re-visit later in the year.



Health and Safety Questionnaire – Asbestos Report/Fire Extinguish Training

The Clerk has found documents relating to asbestos in switch room, Health & Safety Fire Risk Assessments, Site Specific Risk Assessments and also a Building Survey from 1999. The Clerk has now provided these documents to BB. Await to hear from BB if sufficient.

The Hall Administrator has spoken to Bluebells and they felt a fire extinguisher handling session would benefit them. Dependant on costs there is the possibility of extending that training to the Parish Council and the heads of the various groups. VB-C to find out about costs.

The need for a clear Assembly Point was noted and a reminder needed to the various users to clarify that & general housekeeping rules prior to each event. BB & VBC to liaise to discuss.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report



Scouts – Asbestos Survey

Clerk has contacted Scouts regarding a warning notice on the area of asbestos in the Scout Hut. The Scouts have a committee meeting the week beginning 7th March. Will await reply and report back to Premises sub-committee.





Clerk still waiting to obtain copies of two left-hand bollard keys from WBFC, will hopefully pick up on Sat 12th March. Handyman has moved bicycle rack to make it more difficult to drive over the ramp onto field. Committee need to discuss MUGA bollards.

Committee agreed that the small space accessed past the MUGA bollards is not an imminent problem.




Draft T&C for one-off hirers

VBC to draft additional Terms and Conditions to one-off hirers to be signed on day of hire – to note their responsibility on the day. Item in progress.




Bar Licence & Music Licence

Clerk spoke to PRS for Music, licences are no longer issued, the only proof is the invoice & statement of payment.

Bar Licence –  Clerk has been approached by the Orpen Players concerned that the Social Club will no longer be keeping the Premises Licence for the entire building. LW to check with Social Club.




Lighting inside and out at Hall

Outside – flood lights fixed, waiting for starter motors on others.

Inside – Hall Administrator to check through internal lighting to ensure all bulbs working and all grills re-applied.




Car Parking

An email had been received from Andy Tomkins of the Pentecostal Church regarding parking on Sundays at the Hall. The Church has had difficulties finding free parking spaces of late, due to the number of Sunday matches played by WBFC. They requested that an area of the car park be cordoned off to allow five spaces to be reserved for them and ensure their children’s safety.

VB-C obtained a fixture list from WBFC, there are 11 matches a year played on Sundays from Sept – May, 3 matches left this season. It was noted that no part of the car park is cordoned off on Saturdays, when the Football Club also play and often coincides with parties occurring at 2 pm.

It was agreed by the committee that the Orpen Hall Car Park is a public car park and that the Hall does not have the staff available to approve this request. VB-C to reply to Andy Tomkins.





The Hall Administrator has found lately that both Halls are frequently booked at the same time and has suggested that each Hall should have their own set of tables. The committee were happy for her to obtain some quotes regarding this matter and then report back to them.



Poor’s Land – Countrywide

This item was already agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 24th Feb and therefore did not need to be discussed.


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

The committee agreed the wording on the draft T&C to BHYFC regarding the use of the Orpen Hall disabled toilet. However, following the response from BHYFC it is clear that the day needs to change to Sunday and the times from 9.30am-4.00pm. VB-C to make changes and go ahead with proposed T&C, which will be presented at the next Parish Council meeting. VB-C

Agenda Item

The committee discussed the viability of a lockable toilet being built on the Poors Land and the possibility of the PTA funding this. HS to liaise with the Headteacher, Mr Hallam when he next meets with him. HS


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

Esposito McLean have been appointed as designers for the Orpen Hall toilet refurbishment. BT & VB-C await to hear from him regarding timescale and access to the building for measuring up.


Storage Units

The Environment sub-committee will be discussing this item on Thursday 10th March, it will then be brought back to this committee next month.



No other items were raised. Meeting closed at 8.15pm


Date of next meeting – 4th April 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall



Premises & Recreation – 9th November 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th November when, among other items, they discussed Health & Safety, cleaning contract, football, refurbishment of toilets and financial matters.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 9th November 2015 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Rosemary James, Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Bob Tyrrell.
Apologies Victoria Beckwith-Cole & Phil Cook

Andrew Savage (RFO), Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), David Short, Phil Spencer and Mark Pollitt also in attendance


Matters from Last Meeting

1.1 Orpen Hall Signage

BT was concerned the sign was a little large, has now reduced it to the size of a door. Committee all agreed to basic principle and size. BT to now obtain some formal quotes. Once committee content with price, will confirm placement and wording.



1.2 Health and Safety Questionnaire

BB has received no negative response. Health & Safety checklist for village and community halls. Will review and bring back to next meeting.



1.3 Mowing of Scout Hut Grass

Completed – item moved to Environment.


Clerks & Administrator’s Report

As attached (Appendix 1)



Cleaning contract has been re-written – Contract agreed, with a couple of small amendments for LW to make, to be approved at Finance, then Parish Council meetings. LW




West Bergholt Football Club – grass cutting Lorkin Daniell Field

Football club have requested a back-payment of grass cutting money – April to November, 8 months @ £40/month = £320. All agreed, however WBFC must sign agreement first. LW & WBFC




Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club – Saturday morning training proposal

After training on the Lorkin Daniell Field at short notice on Sat 7th November, the BHYFC have been asked to refrain from training there, until a decision has been made. The Parish Clerk awaits a response to this email. A meeting is to be arranged by LW with the club and BB, CS + two other members of the Premises committee to discuss the proposal in full. BB to report back at the next meeting. LW & BB


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

It was agreed by all that if undertaken in the next 3 months an article will be placed in the Village Bulletin & on the website looking for “local builders who must have the skills, knowledge and experience and the organisational capability necessary to undertake such or similar work and a working knowledge of CDM 2015” from which a short list of local contractors can be put together, from whom tenders could be sought for any works between £500 and £25,000.

It was also agreed to seek a fee quote from a local designer to act as Designer and Principal Designer for the WCs. The budget needs to take said fee into account and may also be needed to cover an asbestos refurbishment survey, for the WCs.

CIF panel meeting very soon, there is a lot of interest in this funding and the committee await an answer.



Storage Units

Lack of usable storage is becoming a problem; a rationalisation or extension of the garages is needed. The Orpen Players need to review the contents of their garage after the Panto has finished. VB-C to instruct Orpen Players. BB requires a plan of the Hall, LW will provide. HS to measure size of storage units and produce a rough plan. Will discuss again at January meeting. VB-C, LW, HS


Terms of Reference

Changes made with Environment sub-committee – Premises incorporates the Halls & their storage units, the maintenance of such and the hiring out of the Halls & other areas. It no longer includes the maintenance of anything other than the Halls and the storage units.

BB will obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference and will circulate it for member’s approval.



Budget for next year

Attendance by RFO to discuss budget requirements. Attached (Appendix 2) is the proposed budget produced by the RFO. The committee sought guidance from the RFO on paying for some of the following improvement ideas:

  • refurbishing the Orpen Hall toilets, including fees & survey
  • extending the garage storage areas
  • improving the servery
  • upgrading the upstairs meeting room
  • improving the rubbish area (new store)
  • paying for the sign (see item 2.1)

AS advised that the Hall account always tends to underspend by £7000 and that the General account has a donations/projects fund. One way to achieve these improvements would be to reduce costs or increase letting/hire charges. After analysing of the figures provided by AS, it was agreed in principle to increase the hire charges by 5%, raising an extra £2000. VB-C to bring the current hire charges to the next meeting. VB-C to also provide any data she has on Hall usage. Perhaps a bar chart highlighting times when the Halls are often free?




Overflowing Rubbish

At present the rubbish is collected weekly by Colchester Skip Hire on a Thursday, however the skip is frequently full and overflowing. MH proposed a twice weekly collection, seconded by JC. All agreed. Mondays were requested, LW to phone Colchester Skip Hire.





Date of next meeting – No meeting in December. LW to advise date of January meeting, following meeting with VB-C. LW

Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Clerks Report – West Bergholt Parish Council – Premises Committee

Meeting Date Agenda Number Minute Reference Information and decision made Action taken and outcome Date note closed
21/10/2015 Oct-15 2a WBFC – grass cutting Lorkin Daniell Field – The agreement awaits signing by both parties. Awaiting signing – have asked for back payment see item 5 on Nov Agenda
21/10/2015 Oct-15 2b WBFC – to contact developer of 45-47 Lexden Road re: mesh net. Clerk to be copied into email Clerk gave details of developer to WBFC, but has not heard anything yet
21/10/2015 Oct-15 7 Cleaning – BB & the Clerk to update the current contract to include the need to seek quotes on an annual basis. Updated contract – to be agreed
21/10/2015 Oct-15 11 Terms of Reference – BB requested that the Clerk highlight the changes that have been suggested so he can make an informed decision. Terms of Reference for Environment & Premises highlighted and sent to Chair 06/11/2015
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13a Documents – BB requested the following documents from the Clerk/Hall Administrator:
• Hall Insurance
• Health & Safety Plan
• Risk Assessments
• Asbestos Management Plan
Clerk has Hall Insurance & Risk Assessment documents – sent to Chair. Checking with Hall Administrator re: H&S and Asbestos Plans
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13c Indian Ceremony – fire pit outside. Fire extinguisher required on hand and isolated in car park. Administrator has relayed information to users 05/11/15
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13d Trainer – The committee were concerned with CRB implications and requested the Clerk seek advice from the EALC. Trainer should have a DBS check (Declaring & Barring Service – replaced CRB). However, PT has contacted Administrator saying not able to start as planned – hoping for New Year. Awaiting info we requested from him.
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13e New Tap – Administrator to order new tap Plumber has been informed and will complete the work within the next two weeks
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13f Safe – Administrator to task Ivor Ivor to move week commencing 09/11/15
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13g Boiler – Administrator to send BB details of current boiler and to seek advice from local repairer. Admin. has sent BB information. Until receive new error code cannot contact repairer – will keep an eye on it.
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13h Firework Display – VB-C and the Clerk to create the signage. Signage created and cars parked to block left side of Hall 07/11/2015
21/10/2015 Oct-15 13i Orpen Players asked for reduction in bill – agreed to reduce bill by £200 Orpen Players would like to thank the Premises committee for their generosity. 05/11/2015
03/11/2015 Asbestos Survey received from Scouts (David Kay) re: Scout Hut Clerk has aknowledged receipt of survey and requested copy of Asbestos Management Plan.
04/11/15 Bollards on Lorkin Daniell Field – Cannot find keys to 3 bollards and those by MUGA area are not even padlocked. Also tractor able to drive over ramp onto field. Clerk will obtain copies of two left-hand bollard keys from WBFC. Clerk has contacted Steve Cook about right-hand bollard – now received. Committee need to discuss MUGA bollards.
04/11/15 Colchester Skip Hire – Christmas collection times. Clerk unaware should charge Social Club half of waste disposal costs. Collection day Thursday, therefore Hall not affected. Times forwarded to Administrator. Clerk will bill Social Club for waste.

Appendix 2

Appendix 2 9th November 2015

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