First Aid Course – save a life!

First Aid - giving CPRFirst Aid Course – Save a Life!


Heathlands PTA are running a First Aid Course on Monday 30th March 2020 between 7 pm – 10 pm.  This course is ideal for parents, teachers, grandparents, friends and anyone else who wants to be able to look after someone in a life-threatening emergency, the course will also raise funds for the PTA.

The instructor will lead the course in a fun and practical manner and there will be refreshments available throughout. Subjects covered include:

  • CPR for adults, infants and children,
  • Choking,
  • Serious bleeding & minor Injuries,
  • Spinal injuries, dislocations and fractures,
  • Burns and scalds,
  • Head injuries, poisoning & asthma,
  • Febrile convulsions & meningitis.


At the end of the evening, you will have gained a range of skills and have the knowledge and confidence to deal with the most common family first aid incidents. You will also receive a CPD-certified certificate for attending along with a card to keep with you. You will also get email updates if the regulations change and access to a hub of first aid information.

Costs & Booking

The course will cost just £35 with a percentage going towards PTA funds.  Contact Jo Hunt on [email protected] or 07912 608982 for more information and to book a place.

The course is run by Essex-based training company, Complete First Aid.


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