Has anybody seen the Dog Poo Fairy?
In these winter months, the dog fouling in West Bergholt becomes a large issue so obviously some villagers do believe in the dog poo fairy! Children and other villagers are having to dodge large amounts of dog waste on our pavements; it is both unsightly and incredibly unhygienic. Not only does it pose a significant health risk it causes a lot of distress for children if they step in it on the way to school.
A Legal Obligation
As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to pick up its’ poo, whatever the weather or time of day. If it’s dark with little street lighting, take a torch with you. Always carry bags with you when taking the dog for a walk; it is your legal responsibility and you can be fined £100 for not having at least a couple when walking your dog! If your dog has issues making picking up their mess awkward, take a bottle of water to flush it away.
Thank You To Those Who Do
Our thanks go to the many responsible dog owners in this village. Please be one of them and pick up after your dog. There is NO excuse for leaving it on the pavement.