Traffic Safety Plan Group Meeting – 5th January

Traffic Safety Plan Group Meeting – 5th January

The Traffic Safety Plan Group met on 5th January and discussed a range of actions and initiatives including trygve, yellow lines, parking opportunities, school travel arrangements, VAS on Lexden Rd and an upcoming workshop event on 25th February.

West Bergholt Traffic Safety Plan Group

Notes of meeting held on Thursday 5th January 2017

Members present:- Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Gemma Ross, Jenny Church.

1. Apologies:

Lewis Barber, Brian Jarvis, Brian Butcher, Michelle Fitzgerald.

2. Actions from last meeting

  1. Harry wrote an item that went into the December Village Bulletin.
  2. Use of app try/gve has been useful – 77 parking misdemeanours have been noted. There have been some repeat offenders. Harry has followed this up by phoning van owners to report parking offences by their drivers. The North Essex Parking Partnership has also been informed.
  3. Try/gve and the work of the group has also been promoted via an article in the village web site.
  4. We are gathering lots of information – proposed to identify sites where offences occur by denoting areas on a map of the village. Harry to do this with information from Gemma and Michelle. Chris will produce the map.
  5. Contact CBC to ask for leaves on yellow lines to be swept. Harry to ask Murray or Laura to do.
  6. Contact Mr Patel later to investigate parking behind pharmacy.

3. New items

  1. Ask Laura to arrange a meeting with the school. Harry and Chris to attend.
    1. We need to ascertain percentage of children who come from outside the village.
    2. Ascertain “How did you travel to school” – Rachel Hopkins could help here.
    3. Posts are up on the Heath for the children’s “20s plenty” signs. To arrange for a photo shoot when they go up as publicity. Photos can then be put on the web site.
  2. Harry to ask Laura to contact Highway Rangers re cleaning Zebra crossing poles and also for these to be painted.
  3. Banners as seen at other schools to be purchased for siting near Co-op and in the vicinity of the school. Gemma to find out where to purchase. The PC has agreed to fund up to £300.
  4. The VAS on Lexden Road still not repaired. This has been referred to “Street Lighting Scheme” at ECC.
  5. Parking for parents at Treble Tile. The pub is currently closed but this will be followed up when it re-opens.

4. Event on February 25th.

  1. Decided to hold this as a workshop.
  2. Leaflets to advertise will be given out at the Co-op site a week beforehand. ? 18th February. Gemma will design the leaflet.
  3. Need to invite specific groups to send a representative:- School, Scouts and guides, Church, WI, BYG, Toddlers group, Bluebells, Flower club, Gardeners club, Councillors, Colchester Cycling group. Also expert reps:- Police, North East Essex Partnership, Speed Watch, SERP. Colchester Travel Planning team, local driving school.
    Find out if there is a Driving Instructor in the village.
    Harry to work with Laura on invitations. Chris to draft some text.

5. Date of next meeting last week in January date and venue to be confirmed.


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