Premises & Recreation – 9th January 2017
The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th January when, among other items, they discussed Health & Safety, general facility amenities and repairs, Hire Charges, Football Clubs and Orpen Hall Toilets.
Premises & Recreation Minutes
Sub-committee Meeting held on 9th January 2017 in JL Hall
Sub-committee members present: | Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell |
Apologies | None |
Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)
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Matters from Last Meeting |
2.1 | Health and Safety – Finance was agreed for the fire extinguisher course – VBC/LW are compiling a list and will invite the relevant people to attend this course in the next couple of months. | VBC/LW |
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Clerks & Administrator’s Report |
3.1 | John Lampon Hall Toilets – VBC reported that she had met with the Hall Electrician before Christmas and that he was going to come back with quotes to carry out works. At the moment he is recovering from an operation. VBC to contact him. | VBC |
3.2 | Kitchen – MH will get STC in to raise the draining board so that excess water will no longer stay on the draining board. | MH |
3.3 | John Lampon Tables/upstairs tables – Due to the Christmas period VBC delayed purchase of the tables and trolley until the beginning of the new year. VBC to action this now. | VBC |
3.4 | Cleaning Arrangements – Prestige Hygiene have now supplied the hall with six sanitary units. | |
3.5 | Hall Flooring – VBC awaiting one quote and will look into getting two other quotes. | VBC |
3.6 | Dog Signage – VBC asked for confirmation of where the dog signs need to be placed. It was agreed for them to be placed on the four corners of the MUGA fencing. VBC will contact JGR for the handyman to carry this out. | VBC/JGR |
3.7 | Hall Border Tidying – LW still looking into Tesco Grant but in the meantime LW will be picking some Lavender plants free from the CBC scheme. | LW |
3.8 | Projector – VBC is investigating and will report back on the purchases of two projectors. | VBC/CS |
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2017/2018 – Hire Charges |
4.1 | This matter was discussed at the end of the meeting. VBC distributed a schedule showing past and suggested pricing. A discussion ensued and amendments will be updated and schedule will be forwarded to the Finance Committee for approval. VBC will investigate price comparisons with other village hall hiring. | VBC |
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West Bergholt Football Club and Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club |
5.1 | BB/MH are having a meeting with WBFC and BHYFC at the end of January. | BB/MH |
5.2 | Draft License – has been seen by CS/JGR and BB –just a few amendments and BB/MH will discuss at the meeting. | BB |
5.3 | All is said to be working out with the Saturday morning club followed by the WBFC matches. | |
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Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets |
6.1 | No outstanding issues – this item to come off the Agenda | VBC |
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Any Other Business |
7.1 | Hall Ladder – VBC to put notice on ladder “Do not use – property of WBCP” | VBC |
7.2 | BB handed over to VBC the Asbestos Manual re the Orpen Hall to be placed in the office. This Manual to be consulted first if any works are to be carried out on the building. Each year to check the asbestos area to make sure it has not been disturbed etc. | VBC |
Meeting closed at 8.55pm |
Date of next meeting – 6th February 2017 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall |