Environment & Highways 14th October 2021

Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 14th October 2021

Plan for the Environment to support diversity

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th October 2021 with topics including:

  • Handymen have been busy including cutting grass, dealing with a trip hazard in New Church Road,
  • Concern about overgrown Hall Road pond,
  • Hopkins Home building site,
  • Lorkin Daniell hedging & safety concerns, and
  • Orpen Hall tree replacement.
Continue reading “Environment & Highways 14th October 2021”

Environment & Highways – 8th September 2016

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th September and discussed a range of issues including football club storage, benches & seats, handymen, play equipment, ponds and flood risk on New Church Road.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2016 in JL Hall

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 8th September 2016”

Premises & Recreation – 21st October 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 21st October when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as Football Clubs, Play Equipment,  Cleaning, H&S, Scouts, Personal Trainer, Orpen Players & Green’s Fish Bar.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Wednesday 21st October 2015 at the Orpen Hall

Councillors present Rosemary James, Jenny Church, Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow,  Chris Stevenson
Apologies No Apologies

Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator), Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Phil Spencer in attendance, also Michael Bell and Terry Farrow from West Bergholt Football Club.


Election of New Chair & Vice Chair

Brian Butcher was proposed by Murray Harlow, Rosemary James seconded. All in favour.

Brian Butcher elected new Chair of Premises Sub-Committee.

Murray Harlow proposed as Vice chair by Brian Butcher, Rosemary James seconded. All in favour.

Murray Harlow elected new Vice chair of Premises Sub-Committee.


West Bergholt Football Club – grass cutting Lorkin Daniell Field

Minute Reference: Item 3 Sept 15. It was agreed, in principle, with the Football Club to pay £40 per month to them for cutting the Lorkin Daniel Field. The areas have also been agreed with WBFC. The agreement awaits signing by both parties, with attached plan. BB, LW (& WBFC)


West Bergholt Football Club – development at 45-47 Lexden Road

The Football Club raised concerns about footballs entering the new development currently under construction in Lexden Road. They have added a comment on the CBC Planning website, but feel a mesh net may be needed in the future to stop wayward balls. BB needs more advice, but advised WBFC to deal directly with Glenmore Developments in the first instance and to copy the Parish Clerk into the response, before he sought such. BB

(& WBFC)


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club – Saturday morning training proposal

BHYFC have submitted a proposal for Saturday morning training on the Lorkin Daniell Field. WBFC felt there is little time/room on the field prior to a match, although there is the oblong along the side of the pitch. BB, having just seen the proposal, felt it was too early to make a decision and needed some time to consider it, before then feeding back. BB


Dado Rail in John Lampon Hall

Minute Reference: Item 1 Sept 15. Ivor Beckwith-Cole has rounded off the corners of the dado rail as part of the original specification. Item is therefore now closed.


Play Equipment

Minute Reference: Item 2 Sept 15. Third toddler swing now installed by Ivor B-C. H/S inspector commented on problems with the black safety sufacing previously installed by Playequip under the climbing frame & roundabout. An email regarding the subsequent meeting with Playequip & Phil Walby has been forwarded by Phil, stating that they will take responsibility & rectify some parts of the splitting surface in December, but others will need Ivor B-C to complete the work. This now comes under the Environment Sub-committee’s Terms of Reference and the email has been forwarded to the Chair, John Gili-Ross. CS asked that JG-R see the matter through to its conclusion, although help is available from the Premises committee if required. JG-R


Orpen Hall Signage

Minute Reference: Item 4 Sept 15. BT to submit quote. BT



Minute Reference: Item 5 Sept 15. Mike’s Cleaning was given 3 months’ notice on 24/09/15, he instead chose to stop cleaning the halls at the end of September. The Premises committee thanked both the Hall Administrator and the Parish Clerk for stepping into clean at such short notice and will reimburse them with overtime payments to cover the cost. The committee also thanked the Hall Administrator for finding a replacement cleaner so promptly. Zoe’s Cleaning Services began on Mon 5th October. The PC has received two references, insurance details and have had positive comments from regular users so far. Clerk to send Cleaning Schedule and previous Cleaning Agreement to BB to review. Committee agreed to give Zoe a three month contract at present. VB-C to put into writing the difficulty of seeking quotes & the abrupt loss of Mike’s Cleaning. BB & the Clerk to update the current contract to include the need to seek quotes on an annual basis. LW




Health and Safety

Minute Reference: Item 6 Sept 15. BB has emailed around his questionnaire to BT, AS & CS and awaits a response. BT, AS & CS


Vicky Beckwith-Cole

It was agreed that the Hall Administrator should be invited to all Premises Committee meetings from now on. It was also agreed that VB-C will produce an agenda and take the minutes at future meetings.


Mowing of Scout Hut Grass

An email has been received from David Kay of the Scouts requesting grass & hedge trimming around the Scout Hut. The committee agreed to request that the Handyman/Ivor B-C be instructed by RJ, in JG-R’s absence, to cut the grass and hedges. RJ


Terms of Reference

JG-R and PW had agreed to re-balance some of the Terms of Reference covered by the Premises and Environment sub-committees. BB requested that the Clerk highlight the changes that have been suggested so he can make an informed decision. LW


Budget for next year

The committee agreed to invite the Responsible Finance Officer AS to next month’s meeting to discuss the budget.



BB requested the following documents from the Clerk/Hall Administrator:

  • Hall Insurance inc. Public Liability
  • Health & Safety Plan
  • Risk Assessments
  • Asbestos Management Plan


Fire Extinguisher Check
VB-C reported that the Fire Extinguisher Check had been carried out, all fine, just a couple of small purchases needed.
Indian Ceremony
VB-C had a request for an external fire pit to be used during an Indian Ceremony. The committee agreed it couldn’t see a problem, although stipulated a fire extinguisher be on hand during the ceremony and that such should be isolated from the car park so as to prevent damage. VB-C will relay this to the users. VB-C
A personal trainer has applied to use the Lorkin Daniell Field for boot camp training of parents & toddlers several mornings a week during term time. The committee agreed to charge £10 an hour, although have requested insurance documents and certificates of qualifications first. The committee were concerned with CRB implications and requested the Clerk seek advice from the EALC. LW
New tap
The Hall Administrator requested a new tap in the John Lampon Hall toilet. The committee agreed to go ahead with the purchase. VB-C
The Hall Administrator asked to move the safe which holds the remote controls & microphone, as it sits over a radiator. The committee agreed VB-C can reposition it wherever she thinks is fitting. VB-C
The hall has two domestic boilers used for heating and hot water, one of which was replaced last year. The second boiler is now playing up and frequently emitting an error code. VB-C to send to BB the details of the current boiler and to look further into replacement. VB-C to seek advice from manufacturer as to local repairer. VB-C
Firework Display – Sat Nov 7th
VB-C informed the committee that there is both a football match in the afternoon and a party booked into the hall that evening, therefore rendering the car park useless as overflow parking for Heathlands Firework Display. The Clerk has informed the firework committee already, however the Premises committee agreed the car park needed to be coned off, with signs noting “parking for football & party goers only”. VB-C and the Clerk to create the signage. VB-C


Orpen Players
VB-C informed the committee that the Orpen Players have asked for a reduction in their bill, due to the cancellation of their latest production. The committee agreed to reduce the Players Panto bill by £200. VB-C
Smell in Orpen Hall Ladies Toilet
VB-C reported a smell in the ladies toilet in the Orpen Hall. The handyman was called and carried out an emergency repair, sealing between the pan and the floor. The smell has now gone and will hopefully no longer be an issue once new toilets are installed with possible CIF funding.
Green’s Fish Bar
The Clerk informed the committee that Green’s Fish Bar have now paid their first month’s rent for use of a parking space at the Orpen Hall. It was agreed not to chase him for the electricity charges as that would result in him using his own generator and thereby disturbing nearby properties.
Hall Administrator’s Holiday
The committee were informed that the Hall Administrator will be on holiday between the 15/11/15 – 29/11/15. The Clerk will be covering her duties and will therefore take the minutes of the next Premises meeting. LW

Date of next meeting – 18th November 2015 at 6.15p.m.in JLH


Premises & Recreation – 10th September 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th September when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as The Heath, play equipment, signs, football club, health & safety and cleaning.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 10th September 2015 at the Orpen Hall

Councillors present Rosemary James, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Phil Walby, Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell
Apologies No Apologies

Victoria Beckwith Cole and Laura Walkingshaw in attendance.

1. John Lampon Hall
Dado rail installed, but a potential Health and Safety issue raised. Young children could possibly be injured by the sharp corners of the rail sited near the emergency door exit. Ivor Beckwith-Cole to be asked to round off these corners as part of the original specification. PW
2 Play Equipment
Equipment ready for H/S inspection next week. Possibility of a third swing to be installed was raised at the E and H sub-committee meeting, but was seen by this committee to be a possible H/S issue. Decided we would be guided by the inspector to see if a third swing would be compliant, before being considered. PW
3 Football Club
£480.00 has been agreed to be paid to the football club in respect of them mowing LD field, however it was felt that it was not prudent to pay all monies up front and a better way would be to set up a standing order from the PC to the football club. Suggested that this fee may also be covered by postponing their rent to us in lieu of the use of the field. Decision to be made by the Finance Committee at their next meeting.

Concern raised regarding their insurance when mower in use by FC club. Clerk to PC to send a letter to confirm details.

Some confusion around who mows what areas, clarification required. Clerk again to produce documentation with delineated areas of responsibility.



4 Orpen Hall Signage
BT submitted quote for signage to OH, after on-site inspection was decided should be double-sided and located to left of disabled parking area. BT to submit Finance Committee a new quote. BT
5 Cleaning
Cleaning has not improved, complaints from hirers continue to be received. Payment of bill to be withheld and Mike given 3 month’s notice.

Meanwhile, need to advertise for new cleaner even going out to the commercial cleaning sector and consider overnight cleaning etc.

6 Health and Safety
BB has drafted a contractors questionnaire, needs to be reviewed by suitable our experienced councillors who have this necessary expertise. BB
7 Crack in link corridor parapet wall.
BT met with contractor on site and was advised that the wall was structurally safe, therefore no cause for concern. Cosmetics to be dealt at next maintenance.
Date of next meeting – 21st October 2015 at 6.15p.m.in JLH


Premises & Recreation – 9th July 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th July when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as The Heath, play equipment, signs, football club, health & safety and the fish & chip van.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 9th July 2015 at the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Rosemary James, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow ,Phil Walby, Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell
Apologies No Apologies

Victoria Beckwith Cole in attendance.

1. Terms Of Reference for Premises and Recreation Working Party
Itwas proposed at the Environment and Highways sub committee that the following items be abstracted from the T of R for the Premises and Recreation Working party and be included in the T of R for the Environment and Highways Working Party:Maintenance of field markings on Lorkin Daniel Field and Poors Land.

Maintenance of Children’s play areas and equipment.

This was agreed by this sub committee.

2 The Heath
Following guidance by Essex Ecology, BB confirmed that The Heath is not an area of SSSI when regarding maintenance.
3 John Lampon Hall
Only one quote submitted by Ivor Beckwith Cole for £500.00 regarding installation of dado rail in hall. A specific spec.to be written by PW to emphasise need for child friendly usage and to be constructed of MDF. PW will liaise with Ivor re Parish Council requirements. Quote to then be submitted to Finance Committee for their approval. PW
4 Locking Chairs
BT has clarified with Jason Lockerby that the chairs when in use need to be locked together to comply with fire regulations.VBC to advise various organisations who hire hall of their obligations and responsibilities. VBC
5 Hire of Orpen Hall
PW to take the decision to recommend a hire fee of £250.00 for the forth coming elections of PCC and CBC to the next Finance Committee. PW
6 Play Equipment
PW confirmed still awaiting replacement parts and paint for swings. PW
7 Football Club
Mower has been purchased by the club out of their own funds, PW to submit detailed written agreement at next Finance Committee. PW
8 Orpen Hall Signage
BT submitted draft proposal and detailed drawing, various proposals regarding siting and format discussed. Suggested the notice board be sited beside cycle rack at entrance to hall. BT to obtain budget costs. BT
9 Health and Safety Issues
BB has drafted letter and questionnaire to be used where relevant for any on-site contractors to the hall. This has been passed to The Parish Clerk. BB
10 Cleaning
Issues around cleaning contractor. PW has discussed the problems with Mike, especially regarding the supervision of employees. PW to meet with Mike again and emphasise a need for improvement. PW
11 Fish and Chip Van
Need to start charging for use of car park and electricity. Letter to be sent from Clerk stating hire charge of £15.00 p.w. with effect from August. PW
12 AOB
a)   BT brought to the attention of the committee a long horizontal crack in the link corridor parapet wall, this will need to be investigated BT has arranged meeting with John Inkpen of Inkpen Downie Architects on 22 July @9.30am. BB is of the view that the plaster should be removed the crack covered with eml and the wall replastered. This should resolve the problem. PC will need to make insurance claim. BT
b)   Potential hazard at entrance to JL hall, Chris Stevenson to be informed. PW
Date of next meeting – Thurs 10th Sept 2015 at 4pm (no meeting in August)


Premises & Recreation – 11th June 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th June when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as The Heath, locking chairs, play equipment, puppy training and football.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 11th June 2015 at the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Harry Stone, Rosemary James, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Phil Walby, Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell
Apologies No Apologies

Victoria Beckwith Cole in attendance.

1. Harry welcomed sub committee and proposed that Terms of Reference be sent to all committee members.
2 Election of Chair:
Jenny proposed Phil who was seconded by Rosemary, agreed by all.
3 Election of Minute Taker:
Brian proposed Rosemary who was seconded by Murray, agreed by all.
4 Responsibilities of Committee
Brian asked for clarification of committee’s role.  This will be covered by the issue of the Terms of Reference.
5 The Heath
Bob raised concerns re mowing of the Heath as could be considered an area of SSSI.  Brian to investigate and report back to committee at next meeting. BB
6 John Lampon Hall
Vicky reported back re installation of dado rail to be fitted in hall.  Existing quotes were considered unsuitable.  Recommendation new quotes be obtained from Scot and Ivor. PW
7 Locking Chairs
Bob raised concerns again re the need for locks on chairs in Orpen Hall.  Bob to clarify Fire Regulations. BT
8 Hire of Orpen Hall
Elections of PCC and CBC next May, charge for hire of hall recommended as £250.  Phil to take to Finance Committee. PW
9 Play Equipment
Health and Safety assessment still to be completed.  Phil to report back when completed. PW
10 Football Club
Club have purchased mower for £2500.and have requested reimbursement from the PC.  Committee discussed merits and benefits and recommended go to Finance Committee with proviso that a written agreement will be needed. PW
11 Puppy Training in Hall
Phil reported that hire tenure contract has been cancelled with effect from July.
12 Communication
Murray volunteered to act as Co-op notice board officer. MH
13 Orpen Hall signage
Bob again brought the attention of the committee the messy signage on the Orpen Hall.  Recommend Bob design integrated sign and submit to PC meeting. BT
14 Health and Safety Issues
HSE leaflets were distributed to all members for the use in the future engagement of on site contractors.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 9th July at 6.00p.m. in JL Hall

Premises & Recreation – 14th April 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th April when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as dogs & puppies, football & Bluebells.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 14th April 2015 at the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Phil Walby, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow
Apologies Rachel Howard, Rosemary James

Victoria Beckwith Cole in attendance.


Orpen Hall

a)   Vicky has heard from firm supplying chairs and has been sent a diagram of how to use the locking clips. VBC
b)   Hall cleaning. Deep cleaning of JL Hall carried out during Easter holidays. Some areas need further attention. Vicky will hold the cheque until these have been rectified. VBC
c)    Security lights at 4 corners of hall changed to LED and are very effective and make the car park much safer.
d)   Some posters for the table top sale held this last month still need removing from village.
e)   Meeting held with Bluebells. Price for hiring hall agreed for the coming year.
f)    Light in main hall requires fixing. VBC
g)    A notice board has been purchased for the kitchen. This will display Health and Safety notice and any information for regular users. VBC
h)   Proposed to attach dado rails along walls in JL Hall to prevent tables from scraping the walls and paint. Murray will ask Scott Thorpe to quote for this job. PW


Play equipment

 “Play Equip” has quoted for repairs to play area rubber flooring with guarantee. Planned for 10th June. PW


Football Club

Business case re buying of mower discussed and agreed at Finance meeting. PW


Dog Warden

Phil met with the dog warden from CBC who investigated specific areas. A dog bin has been located in the Brewery site.
Discussed ordering of new  “anti-dog-fouling” notices. PW


Dogs on Orpen Hall site.

Propose to send letter to Football club reminding them that dogs are not allowed on the Lorkin Daniell Field. PW


Puppy training in hall.

Some members expressed concern that this was held in the Hall where children are playing at other times. Phil said that the hall was always left clean.



a)   It was proposed by Phil that there would be no Premises sub-committee meeting in July, August and December unless there was urgent business to discuss.
b)   There was an excellent response to the Annual Parish meeting and this was most successful.
c)    Superfast broadband. Many areas of the village still have very slow broadband. We need to discuss how we can get an improved service. Because we have County Broadband providing some service it appears that we do not qualify for Superfast Essex. This does not help the residents who currently have a poor service or no service at all. As a Parish Council we need to find a method of dealing with the problem. How can we achieve an improved service? Agenda Item

Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th May 2015


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