Environment & Highways – 8th November 2018

Environment & Highways – 8th November 2018

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th November and discussed budget, play equipment, ponds, street furniture, bus shelter, buses parking, handymen & WW1 memorial.

Environment Committee Report

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018 in JL Hall

Committee members present John Gili Ross, Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, David Short
Apologies Janet Crichton



Budget for 2019-2020

Proposed figures from Andrew and from Laura were discussed. These will need further explanation.

Projects for next year were proposed including:

  • Play equipment
  • Replace bollards on the Heath
  • Cut the tree roots undermining the MUGA asphalt
  • Inside of hedge on village green needs straightening
  • Review management of trees on Parish Land – Phil







Play equipment

A CIF fund will be required for play equipment which needs replacing. There will be 3 year phases plus fund-raising.

Suggested gym equipment would require a further CIF funding for next year.


Village Ponds

  • Queens Road Pond – has dried out considerably and will need more rain. The railing alongside needs painting.
  • Lexden Road Pond – waiting to see if the silver birch on the central island will regrow.
  • Hall Road Pond – full and overflowing creating flooding across the road. The grass verge needs trimming and grips put in to aid drainage into pond.


Street Furniture

Laura is chasing up the contractor on this. Laura


Bollards on Heath

Phil will investigate a quote for this. PS


Bus Shelter

Awaiting the replacement. Bus insurers have accepted responsibility.


School Buses on Lexden Road.

Three buses are still parking in the mornings opposite Hall Road. This creates a traffic hazard and a danger to the children catching these buses. Local Highways Panel should be dealing with this.


Handymen Report

The Beacon is ready for 11th November.

The ramp by the lock-ups has been dug out. A gully is needed to prevent pooling of water.

Hard coring and cement work on ramp.

Post needs re-greasing. Lock needs changing.

There is a loose post by the MUGA

Guttering needs clearing on Bluebells garage.

Small gate on Poor’s Land could be made to be self-closing.

The brick surround by bin store at the Orpen Hall has been dismantled.

Need to explore a replacement for a chemical store.


WW1 Memorial

Laura is organising most of this event and all is in place. David is planning the beacon lighting.

Date of next meeting – There is no meeting in December.
January meeting to be notified.


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