Premises & Recreation – 11th June 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th June when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as The Heath, locking chairs, play equipment, puppy training and football.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 11th June 2015 at the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Harry Stone, Rosemary James, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Phil Walby, Brian Butcher, Bob Tyrrell
Apologies No Apologies

Victoria Beckwith Cole in attendance.

1. Harry welcomed sub committee and proposed that Terms of Reference be sent to all committee members.
2 Election of Chair:
Jenny proposed Phil who was seconded by Rosemary, agreed by all.
3 Election of Minute Taker:
Brian proposed Rosemary who was seconded by Murray, agreed by all.
4 Responsibilities of Committee
Brian asked for clarification of committee’s role.  This will be covered by the issue of the Terms of Reference.
5 The Heath
Bob raised concerns re mowing of the Heath as could be considered an area of SSSI.  Brian to investigate and report back to committee at next meeting. BB
6 John Lampon Hall
Vicky reported back re installation of dado rail to be fitted in hall.  Existing quotes were considered unsuitable.  Recommendation new quotes be obtained from Scot and Ivor. PW
7 Locking Chairs
Bob raised concerns again re the need for locks on chairs in Orpen Hall.  Bob to clarify Fire Regulations. BT
8 Hire of Orpen Hall
Elections of PCC and CBC next May, charge for hire of hall recommended as £250.  Phil to take to Finance Committee. PW
9 Play Equipment
Health and Safety assessment still to be completed.  Phil to report back when completed. PW
10 Football Club
Club have purchased mower for £2500.and have requested reimbursement from the PC.  Committee discussed merits and benefits and recommended go to Finance Committee with proviso that a written agreement will be needed. PW
11 Puppy Training in Hall
Phil reported that hire tenure contract has been cancelled with effect from July.
12 Communication
Murray volunteered to act as Co-op notice board officer. MH
13 Orpen Hall signage
Bob again brought the attention of the committee the messy signage on the Orpen Hall.  Recommend Bob design integrated sign and submit to PC meeting. BT
14 Health and Safety Issues
HSE leaflets were distributed to all members for the use in the future engagement of on site contractors.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 9th July at 6.00p.m. in JL Hall
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