Premises & Recreation – 14th April 2015

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th April when they discussed a range of issues affecting Orpen Hall & playing fields such as dogs & puppies, football & Bluebells.

Premises & Recreation Report

Sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 14th April 2015 at the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Phil Walby, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow
Apologies Rachel Howard, Rosemary James

Victoria Beckwith Cole in attendance.


Orpen Hall

a)   Vicky has heard from firm supplying chairs and has been sent a diagram of how to use the locking clips. VBC
b)   Hall cleaning. Deep cleaning of JL Hall carried out during Easter holidays. Some areas need further attention. Vicky will hold the cheque until these have been rectified. VBC
c)    Security lights at 4 corners of hall changed to LED and are very effective and make the car park much safer.
d)   Some posters for the table top sale held this last month still need removing from village.
e)   Meeting held with Bluebells. Price for hiring hall agreed for the coming year.
f)    Light in main hall requires fixing. VBC
g)    A notice board has been purchased for the kitchen. This will display Health and Safety notice and any information for regular users. VBC
h)   Proposed to attach dado rails along walls in JL Hall to prevent tables from scraping the walls and paint. Murray will ask Scott Thorpe to quote for this job. PW


Play equipment

 “Play Equip” has quoted for repairs to play area rubber flooring with guarantee. Planned for 10th June. PW


Football Club

Business case re buying of mower discussed and agreed at Finance meeting. PW


Dog Warden

Phil met with the dog warden from CBC who investigated specific areas. A dog bin has been located in the Brewery site.
Discussed ordering of new  “anti-dog-fouling” notices. PW


Dogs on Orpen Hall site.

Propose to send letter to Football club reminding them that dogs are not allowed on the Lorkin Daniell Field. PW


Puppy training in hall.

Some members expressed concern that this was held in the Hall where children are playing at other times. Phil said that the hall was always left clean.



a)   It was proposed by Phil that there would be no Premises sub-committee meeting in July, August and December unless there was urgent business to discuss.
b)   There was an excellent response to the Annual Parish meeting and this was most successful.
c)    Superfast broadband. Many areas of the village still have very slow broadband. We need to discuss how we can get an improved service. Because we have County Broadband providing some service it appears that we do not qualify for Superfast Essex. This does not help the residents who currently have a poor service or no service at all. As a Parish Council we need to find a method of dealing with the problem. How can we achieve an improved service? Agenda Item

Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th May 2015


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