Environment & Highways – 9th May 2024

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th May 2024 with topics including:

  • Handyman update including:
    • Ongoing grass-cutting & litter picking,
    • Cherry trees behind the Football Club needing attention,
    • General maintenance of benches, &
    • Painting of Youth Shelter.
  • Staffing update,
  • New shed,
  • D-Day flags & flagpole,
  • Finance to discuss quotes for practice goal, &
  • A request from the Football Club for weed killer to be applied on the Lorkin Daniell field.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 9th May 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 9th May 2024”

Environment & Highways – 12th January 2017

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th January and discussed a range of issues including Village Ponds, Handymen, Storage & benches.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2017 in Orpen Hall

Sub-committee members present John Gili Ross, Philip Spencer, Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Janet Crichton, David Short.
Apologies None



Work of village Handymen

Work in the storage units is completed, signs are up of the children’s 20mph posters, element on car fixed, Mower is being charged, refurbishment of benches needs completing, ride-on mower has been cleaned, hedge trimmer has been serviced, gazebo has been repaired, work in the Orpen Hall completed, roof of duck house on Queen’s Road pond needs repair, litter picking continues. Request Premises Committee if they can store litter picking equipment. JGR
It was suggested that we purchase waders for future use in the ponds. Janet agreed to check on website for cost and suitability. Jan C
We all appreciate the range of work carried out by our Handymen, David and Matt. An item of this appreciation to be written for the next Bulletin. Harry agreed to do this. HS


Village ponds

a) The 3 ponds are currently being cleared by “The Conservation Volunteers”.

Hall Road Pond. Proposed to leave excess vegetation to rot on mound beside pond. Also, agreed to ask for an Extra day of clearance from TCV as the pond is very overgrown.

Jen C
b) Queens Road Pond. Cleared and tidied. Excess vegetation to be removed by Norhurst – Jenny to organise. Jen C
c) Lexden Road Pond. Excess vegetation removed from pond. This will need removing by Norhurst. There are 3/4 tree stumps along the front edge near the grass verge. These could be a hazard and will need cutting down to ground level. Ask Norhurst to do.

A tree has fallen by the back edge of the pond which came down in the strong wind yesterday. The householder/owner will arrange to remove excess leafage and branches.

Jen C
A tree beside the pond has roots that could be undermining a neighbour’s garage. Phil will investigate this. PS
d) Need to investigate situation regarding ownership of ponds. JGR


Storage facilities

Situation re use of a container as storage to be further investigated. Chris to arrange a meeting with the Planning Dept. at CBC  



New benches for LD field and for Poor’s Land.

Propose to purchase 2 benches to be site by MUGA on LD field and one to be purchased for Poor’s Land. Janet and Murray to investigate cost and suitability. Jan C & MH

Date of next meeting – Thursday 9th February 2017 at 5pm in Orpen Hall.

Environment & Highways – 13th October 2016

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 13th October welcomed a new member and discussed a range of issues including overgrown hedges, brambles etc… 20mph signs, football club storage, benches, handymen & ponds.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2016 in JL Hall

Sub-committee members present John Gili Ross, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Philip Spencer, Janet Crichton.
Apologies  David Short

Janet Crichton was welcomed as a new councillor on this sub-committee


Clerks Report

(see attached)
a)   Hedge at Colchester road/Chapel. This is a low priority according to Essex Highways. This hedge will need trimming but should not be flailed. A letter should be sent to the owners in Garthwood Close. JGR & LW
b)   Parking on greensward – this should be passed to Traffic Safety Group. LW
c)    VAS sign in Lexden Road – this needs to be followed up by ECC.
d)   Bollards to Poors Field need checking – Harry will do this. HS
e)   Overhanging vegetation on pathway at 72 Chapel Road. This has been tied back by the owners and is now dying of at the end of the season.
f)     Problem by 30 Chapel Road obscuring light to neighbouring property – clerk has written to householder and there is nothing more the PC can do at the moment.
g)    Overgrown brambles on corner of Albany Road by no.60. This has been noted by CBC. This item now concluded.
h)   Footway along Bures Road from Hall Road to White Hart area. Problem noted by CBC. Our Handy man has trimmed back overgrown vegetation and footway is somewhat clearer now. ECC will need to monitor to assess state of pavement.
i)     Tree enquiry from Erle Havard – roots of tree are causing damage to property. Inspection due by CBC who will report on results.
j)    Broken manhole cover at end of Hall Road where it joins Bures Road. A safety barrier is in place. Need to monitor situation. PS
k)    Request from resident for an extra dog bin in Chapel Lane area. Need to assess if this is necessary.
l)     At junction of New Church Road and Lexden road – the named road sign (NCR) is collapsing – refer to ECC rangers. LW
m)  The 20mph signs in New Church Road and School Road and leaning over and need re-setting. Refer to Essex Rangers. LW


Environment budget for next year

Invite Andrew to our next meeting. JC


Storage Facilities

The planning application for a container behind the football clubhouse has been called in by Cllr Dennis Willetts so this will take more time now.


Benches for Lorkin Daniell Field

Murray agreed to investigate prices and where to purchase MH


 Handymen work

Dave and Matt continue with their good work according to schedule.
The hedging by Lexden Road pond has been trimmed – Matt will cut the remnants up to allow to rot down in the winter.
David will be checking all the seats around the village and repairing where necessary. The WI bench at the old Church has been repaired.
Door in JL Hall and door to Orpen Hall needs attention.
Bluebell’s notice board needs moving to lobby area in half term.
Hole in Storage unit needs filling. HS
Harry will monitor the handyman schedules whilst John is away.


Village Ponds

All 3 ponds have been assessed by Nicola Downs of TCV. Proposed to cut back vegetation in the ponds by a third. She will send us a quote.
Hall road pond is very overgrown with irises and other plants. Suggest to ask Paul Downer his advice. JC
Date of next meeting – Thursday 10th November 2016 at 5pm in JL Hall


Environment & Highways – 8th September 2016

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th September and discussed a range of issues including football club storage, benches & seats, handymen, play equipment, ponds and flood risk on New Church Road.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2016 in JL Hall

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 8th September 2016”

Premises & Recreation – 2nd May 2016

Premises & Recreation – 2nd May 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 2nd May when, among other items, they discussed asbestos, licences, Poors Land, bollards, MUGA, Orpen Hall toilets, storage and BHYFC.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 2nd May 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell.

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Matters from Last Meeting



Health and Safety Questionnaire

VBC sourcing suitable course and will report back at the next meeting.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report


Bar Licence

LW has been in contact with CBC Premises Licence,  £70 is due 1st September 2016.  LW had given a copy of the Licence to BB. BB to check with Orpen Players what involvement Bernard (Social Club) has when it comes to them selling alcohol at their productions.



Hall Administrator Holiday Cover

Prior to the meeting it was discussed and agreed that Zoe, the cleaner, had agreed to cover the Hall Administrator’s holiday.



More research/investigation into cost/storage/quantity will be sought by VBC for next meeting.  BB will inform the Finance Committee of potential forthcoming expenditure once further costings were known.



Draft T&C for one-off hirers

in progress will update at next meeting.




VBC now have copies of keys for both bollards.  The yellow bollard key is yet to be out in the key box.  VBC to contact JG-R to arrange receipt of the key.




Scouts – Asbestos Survey

LW will chase the Scouts again.



Provision of ‘MUGA Spectator’ benches

Following on from last month’s meeting with BYG offer to contribute towards the benches it was agreed this would not be necessary/forthcoming.  VBC is waiting on quotes before work is instructed and benches be put in positon.  PC to agree location. POST MEETING NOTE the matter of benches will be taken forward by the Environment committee.

BB brought up the MUGA and its usage and that we should be maximising the use of it.  BB would like to know what the planning conditions for use are, if any it is thought use is at the discretion of the PC.   HS mentioned that VBC and he are on the West Bergholt Sports Facility – Advisory Group – who happen to have a meeting on 5th April and invited BB to attend, which unfortunately, he could not.  VBC confirmed that as Chairman the Minutes will be copied to BB.  To be discussed further at next month’s meeting.


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

BB and MH met with Mick and Terry of the West Bergholt Football Club before this meeting and BB confirmed there was an understanding on – way forward which BB will progress.  VBC confirmed that BHYFC had not come back with a list of managers to enable them to use the Orpen Hall toilets. BB


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

Final drawings had been approved.  LW had chased three potential companies to see if they wanted to tender.  BB said the time for works to be done was from 16th July to 29th August 2016 – time is running out and may have to look at alternative companies to tender.   VBC to liaise with hirers nearer the time to notify them of the works and alternative toilets to use while works are in progress. The refurbish will not be able to be phased. BB/LW/VBC


Storage Units

a)   Orpen Players – Roger is on holiday when proposed meeting was intended and BB now has his telephone number and will liaise with Roger and HS to arrange meeting up.

b)   Bluebell – In a separate meeting Bluebells showed interest that racking could be a way forward.  MH has a potential supplier and will liaise with Jackie Leach what is required and come back at the next meeting with a design and quotes.  The PC has not yet agreed to fund.

c)    Flower Club – it was agreed that their cabinet in the garage be moved to the meeting room upstairs.  This would then leave a gap between the two garages which will need to be bricked up when the WC’s are refurbished.

d)   Environment Equipment – BB made enquiries to seek which option would be allowed by CBC to construct a new storage unit to the front left-hand corner of the carpark – unfortunately, this was not forthcoming and prior to this meeting BB had spoken with CS and it was agreed architects would be needed to draw up plans and hence obtaining a quote for the work to eventually submit to planning, but not until a pre-app had been made.




1)    Queen Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations – An accident occurred when a member of the pubic tripped over the ramp at the back of the JL Hall. BB gave VBC a suggested template accident form to implement rather than what is currently being used.  Note to Environment Committee as a starting point to paint yellow lines along the edges until a potentially suitable solution can be agreed to be sent by BB. JGR/


2)   Poors Land – VBC made BB aware of a hirer wishing to use the Poors Land for a football birthday party.  “Re-seeding” is to take place in middle May and the football pitches will not be available for use.  VBC to go back to hirer and ascertain how much of the field is required and reiterate that the football pitches are out of use but any area outside this can be used. VBC
3)   In a prior meeting with the Orpen Players it was asked if the PC could look into revising the number of seats at their productions as the size of the chairs have changed.  BB has taken this on board and after this meeting will measure and discuss this whilst the Orpen Players are using the Hall.  BB has asked VBC to look into what the fire rating is on the existing chairs. BB
4)   West Bergholt Football Club – according to the Agreement every three years the rent is reviewed.  2016 is the year and it was agreed to increase the rent from £450 to £475 and VBC to issue invoice to them. VBC
5)   Storage – All other storage hirers to be increased by 5%. VBC
Meeting closed at 8.50pm


Date of next meeting

6th June 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


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