St Mary’s Update – 11th January 2019

Messy ChurchSt Mary’s Update – 11th January 2019

St Mary’s Church update for 11th January provides listings of services, contacts and other events and news.  This update includes results of the Alternative Christmas Card fundraiser, Women’s World Day of Prayer and the family-friendly Messy Church and Praise on 4 Café Church services.

Messy Church

The next two Messy Churches will be on 13th January and 10th February starting at 9:30 am.  They offer family-friendly, informal worship with fun activities for all ages, followed by refreshments. All are most welcome!

Praise on 4 Café Church

The next Praise on 4 Café Church will be on 27th January starting at 9:30 am.  This new venture to introduce a Café Church service on the 4th Sunday has proved very popular with folk who enjoy a more informal style of worship. All are welcome.

Coffee and Croissants are served at the start and there are separate activities for children.

Alternative Christmas Card Donations

Thank you to everyone who donated money in lieu of sending Christmas Cards to folk in the church. We raised a brilliant £110!

The money has been donated to the Christian Aid Christmas Campaign to support the work of those on the front line of peace making who bring healing and hope to people affected by violence and conflict.

Click here for more info.

Tuesday Afternoon Home Group

We have recently started a new home Bible Study group, fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons at 1.15 pm—2.30 pm. The sessions are held in group members’ homes and pre-school children are welcome. We are currently working our way through a study booklet about the Kingdom of God which has been very interesting. The group is relaxed and informal and if you are interested in joining us, please contact Sue Day (241040).

Women’s World Day of Prayer

This year’s World Day of Prayer is taking place on Friday 1st March @ 12 noon at St Mary’s.

Everything is ready and the invitation is for everyone – men, women and children of all ages to join this Day of Prayer.  Women of Slovenia, one of the smallest and youngest countries in Europe, have prepared this year’s service and they encourage us to reflect on the barriers they have faced since the end of the Second World War when their country was a part of Yugoslavia, a Marxist socialist republic. They share the challenges they have met and the hopes they have for the future.

Lent Course—March 2019

We are planning to run a 3 Parishes Lent Course on Wednesday evenings at 8 pm in the church hall on the following dates:

  • 13, 20 & 27 March
  • 3 & 10 April

The theme will be the radical nature of the gospel with a special focus on the church in India.  Topics covered will include taking action to combat human trafficking and inspiring school children to care for the environment.

Services & Other Dates

All events are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise.  Kids’ Church is our new form of Sunday school for children.  Note, no Evening Prayer Service during winter months.

Every Thursday in term-time 9:00 am Open House Coffee Morning in the church hall
Every Thursday afternoon 2:30 pm 5Ts fellowship for over 60s in the church hall
Sunday 6 January 9:30 am Communion
Sunday 13 January 9:30 am Messy Church
Tuesday 15 January 8:00 pm Tuesday Home Group (Michael Foster for details (241022))
Friday 18 January 7:45 pm Wired youth group for secondary school students
Sunday 20 January 11:15 am Communion
Sunday 27 January 9:30 am Café Church
Tuesday 29 January 8:00 pm Tuesday Home Group (Michael Foster for details (241022))
Sunday 3 February 9:30 am Communion
Tuesday 12 February 8:00 pm Tuesday Home Group (Michael Foster for details (241022))
Friday 15 February 7:45 pm Wired youth group for secondary school students
Tuesday 26 February 8:00 pm Tuesday Home Group (Michael Foster for details (241022))
Sunday 1 March 12:00 pm Women’s World Day of Prayer
Friday 8 March 7:45 pm Wired youth group for secondary school students


  • Priest in Charge:
    Rev Dr Mandy Elmes, 1 Church Close, CO6 3JZ
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
    tel: 01206 240906.
  • Church Wardens:
    Sue Day—01206 241040;
    Ronnie Seymour—01206 273579
  • Lay Readers:
    Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
    Michael Foster—01206 241022
  • 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
    Jo Jeffery—07853 586683
  • Church Administrator and Newsletter Editor:
    Church Office Hours—weekdays (not Weds) 9am—1pm
    Liz Dixon—01206 243683,
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
  • Hire our hall:
    Nicole Long—01206 240443
  • Website:


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