St Mary’s News – The Walking Edition

St Mary’s News – Walking Rogation & Prayer

Rogation May Day Walk map

This Walking edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Anne’s message considering her recent hospital experience and relating it to how Jesus looked after his disciples on the first Easter.  It then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Anne Mason

Peace be with you

A few weeks ago, Easter was joyfully celebrated in Christian churches around the world with a message of hope, and life in abundance in this world and in the next.  And Jesus’ appearing to his disciples, and to many hundreds of others, after his death and resurrection, gave me extra cause for reflection this year.

A couple of weeks before Easter I spent several days in hospital due to a collapsed lung and was having difficulty in breathing. The main thing that concerned the doctor and nurses was how much oxygen was getting into my blood-stream, as that would affect my heart and my brain.  They gave me oxygen through little pipes in my nostrils, inserted a chest drain, and seemed satisfied that my oxygen levels were improving.

On that first Easter evening when Jesus met with his disciples, he spoke words of peace to them – it wasn’t oxygen that they needed, but something quite different.

Jesus always knows what we need – he’s always watching, listening, and responding to us. And he knew what this frightened group of men needed and he responded to them – ‘Peace be with you’, he said. And just as the heart monitor that I was attached to in hospital showed that my heart wasn’t racing so fast once I knew I was in safe hands, I am sure that their fearful hearts settled down a bit.

Bishop Guli writes,

‘Peace is something we all long for and we know that finding true peace – that deep and inner peace that passes all understanding – isn’t easy….  What helps, in my experience, is acceptance of what has been and surrender to God of those things beyond our control which are yet to come.’

Bishop Guli

Spending time with God in prayer, enjoying his creation outdoors, showing kindness to one another, might just give us a greater sense of peace, and enable us to draw closer to God.  We have nothing to lose and much to gain.

May you know God’s peace in your life and for those you love, Revd Anne.

6 Parishes May Day Rogation Walk—Monday 6 May

Join us as we walk part of the Essex Way through several of the parishes, praying for God’s blessing on the land and the coming harvests. The walk will start with breakfast at St Mary’s church hall, West Bergholt @ 9.15am; stop at St John’s Gt Horkesley @ 11am for refreshments & worship; arrive at St Peter’s Boxted for lunch @ 1.30pm then finish at St Mary’s Langham @ 4.15pm for afternoon tea and a special Evening Service.

You can join us for the whole walk, walk some of the way, or join us at any of our stops, at the churches, along the way.

At every stop there will be Food and Worship:

  • 9.15am: Breakfast at St. Mary’s, West Bergholt
  • 11.00am: Coffee & Cake at St. John’s, Gt Horkesley
  • 1.30pm: Lunch at St. Peter’s, Boxted
  • 4.15pm: Afternoon Tea at St. Mary’s, Langham
    At our final stop there will be a special Evening Prayer Service aiming to finish by 5.30pm
Walking on May Day for Rogation - the map

Please plan ahead and think about how you might get back home depending on which leg/s of the walk you plan to do and car share where possible.  

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Walk—Monday 13 May @ 1pm

Throughout the 10 days of prayer for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Heather will be going on a prayer walk in each of her parishes, to pray for God’s blessing on those communities. It would be lovely for people to join her. The prayer walk for West Bergholt is on 13 May @ 1pm starting at the church.

Tea & Toast—Mondays from 13 May– After School Drop in Sessions

An after school drop in for children and their parents/carers is being launched for Mondays in term time, starting on 13 May, between 3.15pm & 4.15pm. There will be tea and toast with toppings, and plenty of board games, crafts and Lego. An hour to chill and unwind after a busy day at school! (Gluten free and dairy free options will be available)

This is a free event although donations are most welcome.

If you are interested in getting involved, please speak to Heather or Liz (see below for contact details).

Big Breakfast at the Queens Head—Saturday 11 May @ 9am

Join us for a full English breakfast at the Queens Head, West Bergholt where Anthony Wilson will be speaking about his role as Army Chaplain. The cost is £12. Please contact the parish office by 4 May to book your place. All welcome.

Christian Aid Coffee Morning & Plant Sale—14 May 10am-noon

Christian Aid

You are warmly invited to the Rectory at 1 Church Close on Tuesday 14 May to enjoy coffee and cake and a chance to buy books, plants, bric-a-brac and puzzles to raise money for Christian Aid. There will also be a raffle.

Donations of cakes, plants and books etc are very welcome. Please leave these in the parish office or at the Rectory. Thank you!

Regular Events

You are warmly invited to join us at any of our regular events in the church hall:

  • Saturday Café @ St Mary’s— 4 May & 1 June
    10am-12pm—Bacon butties, cakes, board games, a craft for children & weekend newspapers.
  • Storytime—18 May @ 6pm—A story, songs and hot chocolate for families with young children. Children can come in their pyjamas!
  • Food in School Holidays Club (FiSH)—Thurs 30 May—11.30am-2pm—please book via the parish office—see contact details below.


5 May9.30amHoly Communion
9 May7.30amAscension Day Service at St John’s, Gt Horkesley
12 May9.30amMessy Church
5.00pmEvening Worship Service
19 May9.30amPentecost –  Baptism Service with Holy Communion
26 May9.30amCafé church

Our Team at St Mary’s

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