Premises & Recreation – 8th January 2018
The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th January when, among other items, they discussed budget, user charges, general maintenance issues, hall user group, burger van, CCTV, football clubs, storage & premises licence.
Premises & Recreation Minutes
Sub-committee Meeting held on 8th January 2018 in JL Hall
Sub-committee members present: | Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell |
Also in attendance: | Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator) |
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ApologiesJanet Crichton |
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Minutes of the last meetingMinutes of the last meeting on 6th November 2017 were agreed. |
As BB was not at the last meeting he requested to the following (a) JL flooring was a figure given to the AS – no figure was mentioned (b) confirmation that the supply of new garage doors was for the Environment Committee to deal with. | ||
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2018/2019 Budget |
3.1 | It was agreed that the Village Users and Non-Village Users rate increase by 3% – VBC to prepare pricing schedule to be approved by Finance Committee/PC Meeting. | VBC/Finance Committee/Parish Council Meeting |
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Clerks and Administration’s Report |
4.1 | Flooring JL Hall Area – It was agreed VBC to get quotes for the area and report back at the next meeting. | VBC |
4.2 | Hall border tidying – The Committee requested that the following comments be considered (1) ensure at least 150mm below damp proof re slabbing (2) plants should be as low maintenance as possible (3) Environment Committee to budget for the upkeep. | LW/Environment Committee |
4.3 | Internal Hall – VBC has purchased silver frames for A4 posters to be put up. White hooks will be purchased and painted over in the JL Hall. BT has the rest of the framing in hand and is awaiting quotes. | BT/VBC |
4.4 | Roofing – Survey has been carried out – yet to see report. | BB |
4.5 | Hall User Group – Contact has been made with the relevant users and meeting arranged for 25th January 2018 at 5.30 pm in the Orpen Hall. BB/HS and VBC will be attending. | VBC/BB/HS |
4.6 | Handyman Schedule – VBC presented the committee the up to date schedule and VBC will continue to monitor. BB will deal with the internal painting. | BB/VBC |
4.7 | Website – VBC working towards April 2018 to have the Village Hall webpage up to date. VBC to ask LW for photos of the hall which were taken for the NHP. | VBC |
4.8 | Food Pitch (burger van enquiry) – Premises Committee agreed subject that within the written agreement that they dispose of litter, rent is charged to the length of time on site, a three-month trial, all relevant hygiene paperwork is produced. It was also agreed at the current time two food pitches were adequate a week. | Finance Committee/Trustee meeting approval to be sought |
4.9 | Servery – VBC is collating the quote will produce information for the February meeting. | VBC |
4.10 | CCTV – This was agreed as in the 2018/19 budget, and the Committee would like PC approval so that CCTV can be put on order and upgraded in the new financial year. | Parish Council Meeting |
4.11 | Rubbish Bin Area – MH to contact STC to quote for a wooden storage area to keep the bins in. BT will provide job specification/drawings to pass to MH to obtain quote but looking at a 2.8m square x 1.5m high using metal shoes for the posts on a concrete base. Environment Committee to discuss and deal with the surrounding area to the bin area. | BT/MH/Environment Committee |
4.12 | Storage Audit – this audit was prompted as to where the BYG equipment would go with the swapping around of the garages. VBC produced a storage audit, discussion ensued but it was agreed to review this later in the year. | |
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Premises Licence |
CBC have come back with a few minor amendments which LW will amend and then send to CBC to forward to the Police. | LW | |
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Communication Officers Report |
MH said that the Village Bulletin will be going colour from March 2018, if approved at the next Parish Council Meeting. | Parish Council Meeting | |
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Usage of fields |
7.1 | WBFC Lease: Ongoing, to be reviewed in six months. | |
7.2 | BHYFC – The white lining issues have been resolved and no further issues raised. | |
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Items to be discussed at next meeting |
8.1 | BB presented draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniel Field – HS to review and discuss at the next meeting. | BB/HS |
Meeting closed at 9.05 pm | ||
Date of next meeting – 5th February 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall – advanced apologises from Harry Stone and Bob Tyrrell |