Environment & Highways – 9th January 2020

Environment & Highways – 9th January 2020

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th January 2020 and discussed:

  • Ponds,
  • Trees,
  • Handymen,
  • Buses & stops,
  • Playground equipment,
  • Swift boxes,
  • School parking &
  • Village entrances.

Environment & Highways Report

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 9th January 2020 in Social Club meeting room

Committee members present Phil Spencer, David Short, Norma Smith, Jenny Church
In attendance Laura Walkingshaw, Parish Clerk
Apologies John Gili Ross, Harry Stone.



Village Ponds

  Clearing of Lexden Road pond postponed until August. Cost approx. £4000. Next year’s budget for ponds -£700.

An assessment of wildlife in the pond will be carried out prior to work commencing.

Phil & Nigel has cleared some outcrops of shrubs to allow clearer sightline onto the road after a request from the homeowners.

  Railings at Queen’s Road pond to be repainted and replaced as necessary by Adrian Leach – Laura will chase this. Laura


Replacement trees

  The free trees from CBC will probably be too small for our requirements.

8 Oaks were lost this year. Container grown trees will cost £40 – £45. Tree guards and stakes will be needed. Suggestion to purchase at the end of this month. Letter written to Borough Councillors to request funding from Locality budget.




  Phil has made a spreadsheet of jobs schedule for handymen.

Trees at back of Erle Havard to be reported to CBC for investigation as to safety.

Some fencing needing repair at back of allotments will be done by Terry Claydon.

All PC trees have been investigated by Phil and Nigel and any at risk are being dealt with.

Trees on Poors Land have been assessed and lower limbs will need lopping.

Play equipment – swings to be repainted when weather permits.

The report on Devolved Work from ECC has been completed by John.


Bus stop in Lexden Road.

  ECC Highways have agreed to move the Hall Road bus stop in Lexden Road to   a more suitable site along the road.


School buses  parking in Lexden Road

  The hazard associated with buses parking opposite Hall Road has been discussed with Ann Brown. The bus drivers will be requested to move further down Lexden Road. This will occur when yellow bus-stop markings are painted further down the road. Laura to contact LHP. Laura


Buses at Erle Havard.

  Buses are still holding at this site which is a hazard in the mornings. Laura will contact the bus company. Laura


Playground Equipment

  Section 106 money £5000 has been received. CIF grant money is coming. The allotment charity stall has donated £2000.

Harry will finalise the quotes for new equipment from Playquip.



Swift Boxes

  These are beginning to be put in place as already agreed.


School parking

  An item in the Evening Gazette reported a new initiative which proposed to install cameras to check on poor parking at school starting and finishing times.

This would be welcomed.


Mumford Oak

  There are dead limbs that are a danger. Propose to ask TLC to make safe.

The quote is for £400. Phil to organise.



Village entrances

  Phil has suggested planting some purple beech hedging to brighten up the entrance sites of the village. Cost would be £260 approximately.


Grass area behind Pocket Park off Erle Havard

  Phil will investigate possibility of tree planting in this area. PS

Date of next meeting – Thursday 13th February 2020


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