The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th April 2015 when they discussed a range of issues including village handyman, traffic safety, beacon, footways & grit spreader.
Environment & Highways Report
Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 9th April 2015 in John Lampon Hall
Councillors present | Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Murray Harlow |
Apologies | Rachel Howard, Rosemary James. |
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Village Handyman |
Arranged for Steve to collect and store the salt bags from around the village. Ivor arranged to cut the hedge at the Methodist church. Jobs for Steve and Ivor to be arranged by email by Harry. Job specifications agreed between Steve and Harry. |
HS | |
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Traffic Safety Plan | |
All proposed yellow lines and road signs and 20mph limits have been signed off. The yellow lines apparently will be done in April and the speed limit signage in July. We wait for further confirmation. New Church Road will need potholes repaired and? resurfacing. | Agenda item | |
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Beacon |
The post for the beacon has been put in place by the village sign at the end of Chapel Road. The metal beacon has been stored in the interim. | Agenda item | |
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Footways |
A village resident has proposed the need for a footway along Nayland Road to make it safer for children to walk to school. The suggestion should be sent to the Neighbourhood Plan group as part of the questionnaire proposals. | Agenda item | |
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Grit spreader |
Harry has been trying to contact Tuckwells about the function problems with the grit spreader. He is currently waiting for a response from the firm. | HS | |
6. |
Areas of work in village |
Agreed to produce a map showing sites of our responsibility in the village. | HS | |
Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th May 2015 |