Heathlands Primary – Site Manager Vacancy

Site Manager vacancy advert online

Full Time Site Manager Required

Heathlands Primary School would like to appoint a full-time School Site Manager to start in
August 2021.

They are seeking a friendly, enthusiastic, pro-active individual who possesses
the skills, experience and confidence to manage the upkeep, maintenance and development of the school site to meet the School’s high standards.

Their staff are friendly and approachable and take a pride in their environment.

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Environment & Highways – 11th June 2015

The Environment & Highways  Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th June 2015 when they elected officers & discussed a range of issues including handyman, traffic, beacon, field cutting, footways & scouts.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 11th June 2015 in John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross, Rachel Howard, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James


1 Welcome
Harry welcomed all to the new environment sub-committee.

Matters arising from last meeting:-

a)   Ditch at allotments has been cleared by Norhurst and should not cause further problems.
b)   Snow gritter has been replaced by the retailers as the old one did not work. HS
c)   Beacon needs to be placed on pole at village sign site. Steve and Ivor to be asked to do. HS
d)   Plan in future for this meeting to make recommendations on issues to send to the PC meeting.
e)   Terms of reference to be reviewed – to be sent to all members to be discussed at next meeting. JC
2 Election of officers
Chairperson:- John was nominated by Jenny and seconded by Phil and was elected as Chairman.
Footpath Officer:- John volunteered as Footpath Officer, all agreed. JGR
Transport Representative – Harry agreed to continue in this role. There is a meeting on Thursday 2nd July 1pm-4pm in the Quaker meeting house – Harry would not be able to attend so Rachel volunteered to go. HS, RH
TPO officer – it was noted that TPOs were available on CBC Planning website and all members could have access to this information. Phil volunteered to be TPO officer. PW
3 Traffic Safety Plan
All proposed yellow lines have been put in place.  20mph limits have been signed off and possibly signage will be put in place in July. We wait for further confirmation. TSP group will be John, Rachel, Murray and Harry JGR, RH, MH, HS
4 Handy man work schedule
Harry has this in hand. John proposed that we need someone to work extra hours particularly in the spring and summer to supplement Steve’s work in strimming and litter picking. John to investigate this. JGR
5 Field cutting and mowing surrounds
The Football club is now mowing the Lorkin Daniell field (see Premises meeting notes for more info). Poors land is cut by Countrywide. There is a problem with the timing of this – Phil will deal with this problem and investigate the Athletics white line painting. PW
6 Scouts
Asbestos survey of Scout Hut has been carried out by Scouts.

A letter from the Scouts has been received requesting that the PC should cut the grass surrounding the hut. Steve or Ivor could do this but we need more time to consider the request. Need to check with the Finance Committee

7 Letter from St Mary’s Church
The Church Warden has requested help from PC with tidying the churchyard. The Church Warden will be asked for a specific proposal on this. HS
8 Letter from CBC Zone Manager
The letter raised concerns about too many posters on poles around the village. We need to monitor the situation and use sensibly by village organisations only. Removing posters when the date is passed. All
9 Letter from resident in Queens Road.
This is regarding road repairs. The Parish Clerk will need to deal with this. HS
10 Purchase of a garden blower
This would be for the use of the village handyman. Harry to investigate cost and take to Finance Committee. HS
11 AOB
a)   Dog bin at Old Church is full – Phil to contact Zone Manager. PW
b)   Surface of footway access across Heath could be a problem. John to investigate. JGR
c)    “No dogs” signs at entrances to LD Field need cleaning and highlighting. John to investigate. JGR
12 Date of next meeting – Thursday 9th July 2015 at 5pm in JL Hall,

Environment & Highways – 9th April 2015

The Environment & Highways  Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 9th April 2015 when they discussed a range of issues including village handyman, traffic safety, beacon, footways & grit spreader.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 9th April 2015 in John Lampon Hall

Councillors present  Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Murray Harlow
Apologies  Rachel Howard, Rosemary James.



Village Handyman

Arranged for Steve to collect and store the salt bags from around the village.
Ivor arranged to cut the hedge at the Methodist church. Jobs for Steve and Ivor to be arranged by email by Harry. Job specifications agreed between Steve and Harry.


Traffic Safety Plan
All proposed yellow lines and road signs and 20mph limits have been signed off. The yellow lines apparently will be done in April and the speed limit signage in July. We wait for further confirmation. New Church Road will need potholes repaired and? resurfacing. Agenda item



The post for the beacon has been put in place by the village sign at the end of Chapel Road. The metal beacon has been stored in the interim. Agenda item



A village resident has proposed the need for a footway along Nayland Road to make it safer for children to walk to school. The suggestion should be sent to the Neighbourhood Plan group as part of the questionnaire proposals. Agenda item


Grit spreader

Harry has been trying to contact Tuckwells about the function problems with the grit spreader. He is currently waiting for a response from the firm. HS


Areas of work in village

Agreed to produce a map showing sites of our responsibility in the village. HS

Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th May 2015


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