Environment & Highways – 14th January 2021

Plan for the Environment to support diversityEnvironment & Highways Meeting Held on  14th January 2021

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th January 2021 and discussed:

  • Update on ponds,
  • Playground access path,
  • New beech hedging update,
  • Strategic Environmental Plan,
  • Village sign at Blue Bridge, and
  • Handymen report.

Environment & Highways Report

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 14th January2021 via Zoom

Committee members present: John Gili Ross, Phil Spencer, Harry Stone, David Short, Norma Smith, Jenny Church.



Handymen Report

Litter picking along Colchester Road towards the Blue Bridge by Matt and David.  Nigel is on holiday until mid-January.

A water container has been acquired and modified to provide watering facilities for the new hedges etc, as required.  It is able to be transported in the car rather than relying on the trailer.

The car is showing signs of repair work needed before the MOT.  There may be a need to look for a replacement vehicle.

Essex devolved activities continue as required.

A house in New Church Road has installed a new fence and the old shrub hedging has been removed.  The tree at the back of their property on the LD field has been inspected and appears safe. The owner has been asked to apply to have the gate onto the LD field under a standard agreement.

The hedges at some of the properties in Cooks Hall Road need to be cut back.  Laura has sent a letter to the homeowners as appropriate.


Village Ponds

Lexden Road Pond – the level of water has returned to high levels.  The pond water level will be monitored in case the overflow system has become blocked.

Queen’s Road pond is looking good.

Hall Road pond is full. The road opposite the pond is subject to flooding – grips have been put in to help drainage.


Playground Access Path

We await the response to the grant application.  We need to consider which contractors to use. DS


New beech hedging

The new hedging by the village sign on Chapel Road appears to have taken – all watered by the inclement weather.
A short strip of hedging has been planted to the north of Queen’s Road pond and is designed to prevent the wind from blowing leaves and rubbish into the pond. It will be 26 metres long and managed to a height of 1 metre. Some neighbours across the road were concerned and Phil has produced a draft letter explaining why the hedging has been planted.

Some hedging has also been planted on the greensward by the Blue Bridge to enhance the entrance to the village.

On New Church Road the hedge on the school side has been infilled to thicken it up.




Strategic Environmental Plan

One new person has already volunteered for the group and is keen to be involved.


Village sign at Blue Bridge

The current sign is looking a bit tired and the mounting rails need tidying up. It was agreed to investigate the cost of replacement village signs and David will request quotes before agreeing how many signs we might need. DS

Date of Next meeting Thursday 11th February 2021.



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