Environment & Highways – 13th June 2019

Environment & Highways – 13th June 2019

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 13th June and discussed ponds, heath, potholes, allotments, handymen highways devolution and the playground projects.

Environment & Highways Report

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 13th June 2019 in Social Club Meeting Room

Committee members present: Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, David Short
Apologies: John Gili Ross, Norma Smith, Laura Walkingshaw, Chris Stevenson.

Also, in attendance – 1 village resident.


Village Ponds

a) Lexden Road Pond – quote to be obtained from Tom Todd for dredging the pond. Todd happy to complete job before the winter, when it would be best, but await payment until the next financial year so that it can be budgeted for.  Ask Finance Committee if they are happy with that proposal. Finance Cmt.
b) Hall Road Pond –it is filling up with Water Plantain – this will die down in winter.
c) Queen’s Road Pond – Railings need replacing. Adrian Leach was asked for a quote. JGR, HS and PS reviewed quote with Adrian after request from Finance Committee.

Propose to use bale of Barley straw to deal with the algae in Queen’s Rd pond



  Bollards need replacing – Ivor will start this next Saturday.

Potholes on path need filling by handymen.





  Pothole in Lexden Road and another at bottom of Newbridge Hill – reported to Essex Highways. Phil to discuss with John whether this work is within the remit of the handymen as part of the devolution process. PS & JGR


Traffic Hazard junction of Lexden Road and Hall Road.

  Second letter has been sent to High Trees regarding overgrown hedge. Propose to send a third letter.

Traffic signs in Hall Road need straightening.



Swift Boxes

  This was discussed at Premises Committee and they have agreed for boxes to be used round the Orpen Hall.


ECC/EALC event

  The ECC/EALC Highways Devolution Pilot launch event takes place tomorrow meeting at St Mary’s Church Hall.


Allotment Report

a) Grass driveways on the Allotments are being cut by the handymen. Other small areas of grass could do with mowing – ask if handymen could do these as well.
b) Gravel boards along footway need replacing – this is in progress currently.
c) The entrance gatepost (NCR) needs attention – Harry to ask handymen. HS, PS
d) BBC Essex Treasure Quest – the final stop on this event organised by BBC Essex is at the Allotments on Sunday 16th June.
e) Last Tuesday – 60 children from Heathlands School were shown around the allotments and were very interested.


Handymen Report

  • Grass cutting regime continues.
  • David has repaired the trailer and the lock on the gate to Poor’s Land.
  • Planned spraying has been carried out at Orpen Hall and JL Hall.
  • David has concerns about the bolts replaced on a Multiplay Unit in the play area by Playquip, as the bolts are longer than previously. Harry to check this.
  • On Village Fete day (Sat 13th July) there will be 2 fun runs organised by Jogging Made Easy Running Club (West Bergholt) – 5 miles and 1 mile.





Ditch along New Church Road.

  This has been dug out and cleared. ECC will jet wash the road area to ascertain the outflow of water. It appears that the camber of the road is responsible for the rainwater draining into front gardens.  



Footpath along Colchester Road from Hop House to Armoury Road

  Need to find who is responsible for footpath surfaces. Phil to ask John. PS & JGR


Bus Shelter in Lexden Road

  This will be replaced when ECC has finished road closures. Laura has re-applied to have the shelter replaced on Friday 21st June.  



Playground Equipment

  There is a meeting of the Playground Advisory Group next Monday to discuss outcomes of questionnaire and items of equipment to be purchased.

Harry and John to talk to advisory group regarding something for young cyclists.




Essex Village of the Year

  Following a visit from the judges it was discovered West Bergholt made it to the last 4. A disappointing outcome but there will be other opportunities in the future. Thanks especially to Harry and Norma for their work towards this and coming 4th is not bad at all.


a) Areas of grass around Albany Road are overgrown. This should be done by CBC. DS


b) The children’s play area in Earl Havard is also overgrown. Ask John who usually looks after this. JGR
c) Heath – dangerous trees have been dealt with by TLC, but some minor work is still required which Nigel has identified. Handy men

Date of next meeting:

Thursday 11th July 2019 at 5.30pm in the Social Club Meeting Room.


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