BBC Essex Radio runs a regular show called Essex Quest and a recent episode saw them visiting West Bergholt. The episode which aired on 16th June (still available to hear online until approx 11th July), was on the topic of Cricket, Foraging & Grow Your Own. It saw the team of Eric Dixon, Liana Bridges and Barry Lewis have 3 hours to find 4 mystery places around Essex based on cryptic clues.
Last Call
On 16th June the West Bergholt Allotments were the 4th port of call and the team waiting to welcome them were biting their nails as time wore on and they had still not arrived. Eventually, they arrived with just 20 minutes to spare! Laura, the Parish Clerk, reports:
Parish Councillors Norma Smith and Harry Stone talk to BBC Essex’s Liana Bridges & Barry Lewis
They wanted to hear about the allotments and the way the charity stall works.
It was just a shame that Mervyn Donnelly, whose brainchild the stall is, was away in Scotland at the time. Annie Neish, who looks after the stall so attentively, was radio shy and dived into her house as they arrived!
Instead, Harry Stone, Norma Smith and I met them and had a rather excitable chat; yes, I was the manic waving enthusiastically at them so that they could find us!