Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 12th January 2023
The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th January 2023 with topics including:
- Village & Wild-area signs,
- Equipment servicing,
- Footpath maintenance,
- Christmas Tree,
- Dog Policy, and
- Ponds & vegetation.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2023 at 5.00pm on Zoom
Members present: | John Gili-Ross (JGR) – Chair, Harry Stone (HS), James Owers (JO), |
Others: | None |
Apologies: | Katie Pulford (KP), Manya Barrow (MB) and David Short (DS) |
1. Handyman Report
There has been less work in the last few weeks and so some scheduled time has been banked. Matt has been unwell and so not working. David H is repairing the Heath sign and this will be remounted when ready. The seats moved for the zip wire will be returned near the Youth Shelter in the next few weeks.
2. Village sign and Wild Area signs
The village sign from near the Blue Bridge has been recovered and is largely undamaged. JGR will investigate other means of remounting the sign and this will be done when he returns in March. Wild area signs are now stored in the garage, and these will be put up again at the start of the growing season.
3. Servicing of equipment
This will be carried out in the next few weeks, mainly the ride on mower. There is just sufficient remaining in the budget to pay for this but funds will need to be added to replace the Devolution payments in future.
4. Review of the Christmas Tree and decorations
JO was thanked for his work in facilitating this. The tree was taken by the Young Farmers and a donation made to Breast Cancer. The decorations are stored in the roof of the garage.
5. Maintenance of Footpaths
This was acknowledged to be the responsibility of Essex CC, but low on the priority list. It was noted that the bridge at the Southern entrance to Hill House Wood is becoming a safety hazard and the committee wondered if the Woodland Trust could deal with this with help via a one-off donation from the PC if necessary.
6. Ponds
It was noted that these are all now filling with the vegetation under control. A request to provide a memorial seat could be met around the Queens Head Pond area and any tree planted in the play equipment area in line with those already there.
7. Dog Policy
This is under development. The committee felt that the arrangements for the Lorkin Daniell field should not be changed but supported the reinstatement of banning by-laws, especially as these could be needed for the new playing field.
8. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting is Thurs 9th February, time is to be advised.